Here's why eating raw foods is better for you that you never knew

Uncooked vegetables are related to emotional and mental health.

We have all heard that cooking some vegetables relieves some of their essential vitamins and nutrients, but what effect does this have on our emotional well-being and our mental health?

This is a new study,Published in the newspaperBorders in psychology, ready to know, and the results are enough opening of the eyes.

For the study, the researchers interviewed the flood consumption compared to the processed fruits and vegetables of 400 new Zealand. The participants had between ages 18 to 25, as that is, the consumption of fruits and vegetables tends to be the lowest and at a very risk of developing mental health disorders. Researchers compared the way in which the fruits and vegetables of raw or transformed fruit have affected the mental health of the participants, by taking their sex, their ethnicity, their socio-economic status, of chronic health conditions, a scheme food, life choices and sleep routines taking into account their results.

What they have noted is that while eating vegetables in any form whatsoever, eating raws has resulted in a much greater increase in psychological well-being, as well as a significant decrease in depression, compared to the cooked or canned.

"Our research pointed out that the consumption of fruits and vegetables in its" unmodified "state is more strongly associated with better mental health compared to cooked / canned fruits and vegetables," Dr. Tamlin Conner, Professor psychology at the University of Ontago in New Zealand and the main author of the study, said.

If you are wondering, the best raw food foods are: carrots, bananas, apples, dark green green such as spinach, grapefruit, lettuce, citrus fruits, fresh berries, cucumber and A kiwifruit. Fortunately, these are alsosome of the best foods to eat if you want to extend your life,look young at any age, andIncrease your cardiac health.

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