Here's how Dwayne Johnson overcame his invalidizing depression

"The fight and the pain are real."

Dwayne The Rock Johnson, 45, lifts strong on life right now. The Film Star action received immense praise for its main role in last yearJumanji Restart, itRecently welcomed a second daughter in the world with her girlfriend,And he is in maximum physical fit.

But the actor, who has grown in poverty in Hayward, California, has gone through difficult times.

In a new interview withThe Express, Johnson revealed that his mother was trying to commit suicide right in front of him when he was only 15 years old, shortly after being expelled from their apartment.

"She came out of the car on the Interstate 65 in Nashville and entered the traffic in the opposite direction," he said. "I caught it and I pulled him on the gravel shoulder of the road."

According to Johnson, his mother completely blocked the incident, but he left a mark on his mental and emotional health.

In 1995, he was cut off from the Canadian Football League, because of several injuries that erupted his dream of being a professional football player. Shortly after, his girlfriend left him. Johnson said it was his "bad absolute moment".

"The fight and the pain are real. I was devastated and depressed," he said. "I reached a point where I did not want to do something or go anywhere. I cried constantly."

Fortunately, he overcame his depression and became the world's fight champion that earned him the name "The Rock" and the catapult in his first film role featured as Scorpion KingThe mummy returns.

In a follow-up tweet to the interview,Johnson wrote "We all go through the sludge / [substance] and depression does not discriminate never discriminates. I took a lot of time to realize it, but the key is not to be afraid to open. Especially the American guys tend to keep it. You are not alone. "

His confession and advice received huge praises on social media to help fight the toxic stereotype that "real men do not cry" and that "real men" should plug their feelings.

InAnother inspiring interview In which he described how he moved to be a young offender at a celebrity who affirms life, "he said," Improve every day is a state of mind. You apply it and you pass you. In increments. "

We could not be more agree. And for more mental health, here is10 free ways of drugs to beat depression.

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