10 essential power foods for men

The best fuel to sharpen your brain and cut your size.

Let's look into the face: a man can only eat if salmon and spinach on his quest to build the body of his dreams. Ready to raise your plan at a brand new level? Spike your spike your plate with these seeds, bairy, via and beverages and get ready to stimulate your taste buds, stimulate your immune system, reinforce your heart, sharpen your brain and cut your size. And for more ways to eat healthy, do not missThe top 50 foods for your brain.


Kale, powerfoods

Yes, it is a superfood booming body that is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, iron and folate. "It is also dense with carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lutein, that studies have shown macular degeneration and several types of cancer, including that of lungs and mouth," explainsDave Grotto, author of101 foods that could save your life. (Board of service: When adding Kale to salad, preserve its vitamin C content by cutting or riding it until you are ready to serve.) For more healthy food advice, here is27 smart ways to control your desires.

Goji berries


No need to pay $ 35 for a liter of goji juice. Entire bays can be purchased in many Asian markets for a fraction of the price. Although they are not particularly rich in vitamin or minerals, sweet-sweet berries are packed with phytochimical beta-carotene and zéaxanthine, which studies have shown reduce the risk of lung and bladder cancers. . "Goji's berries are also unique among the fruits for their ability to reduce Cholesterol LDL (bad) and lift the HDL (good) cholesterol," says the cave. (Board of service: Use dried Goji berries such as cranberries. Add them to your preferred trail mix or sprinkle them on cereals, stews or bakery products.)



Created by growing fresh milk with kefir grains (yeast-based and bacteria), this fermented drink is a yogurt upgrade. "It has a different range of bacteria than yoghurt, but similar benefits, such as the ability to lower cholesterol and boost immune function," saysSusan Kleiner, PhD, author ofThe right atmosphere regime. One study also found that it was more effective than fruit juice and other dairy drinks to reduce hunger. (Tip of portions: use in place of milk or yogurt in a morning or postwordout smoothie.) For more ways to stay healthy and fit, here isHow to stay skinny for life.



In Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia, the word TEFF means "lost", which is exactly what will happen if you drop a seed. "It's the smallest grain in the world," says the cave. "Nevertheless, it packs a healthier cardiac fiber than almost any other food on the planet." And unlike other grains, it is gluten free, making it an excellent alternative to wheat for people with celiac disease. (Board of service: Mix taff cooked with herbs, seeds, beans, garlic and onions to make super healthy vegetable burgers.)

Rooibos tea


Think of Rooibos as new green tea, although it is red, made from a root and packed with phytochemicals of phytochemistry even more digestion and antioxidants against the fight against disease. A Japanese study found that it could even help prevent allergies and fight cancer. (Board of Portions: Search for Celestial seasonings Rooibos these; we recommend to Madagascar Vanilla Red.) Oh, and here are several other reasonsWhy you should drink tea.



Most often served distilled with one side of the lime, the nectar of the agave cactus is also a sweetener. "The honey-shaped syrup has twice the sweetness and half of the calories of sugar," says the cave, "but it is digested slowly, so that it will not cause energy swings." Agave is also one of the only nundling foods to contain digestion-enhancing bifidobacteria. (Tip of service: drizzle on pancakes instead of maple syrup or use cocktails instead of simple syrup.)


breast cancer prevention, powerfoods

Unlike flax linen seed, "Linen meal is easily digested and rich in lignets, prebiotic compounds that feed bacterial cultures in the Gut," says Kleiner. The result is healthier intestinal flora and, in turn, improved immune function. Linen oil does not offer the same advantages. In fact, studies have suggested that consume oil can increase its risk of prostate cancer. (Tip service: Buy ground seed lines in your local health store (or grind it in a grinder) and sprinkle it on cereals, yogurt or fruit.)



The Aztecs mixed this grain flavored with hazelnut with human blood to strengthen endurance and strength. You can harvest similar advantages by eating the cereal version mixed with Kefir. "Amaranth is one of the few grains that is a" complete protein ", which means that it has eight essential amino acids," says the cave. "It is also rich in the antioxidant squalene, what studies have shown the inhibits of prostate cancer." Korean researchers also found that it is quite effective to reduce LDL cholesterol (bad). (Tip service: Boil and serve instead of rice, or toast and sprinkle on salads.)



High protein and packed with omega-3s, the other "other white meat" is a tasty and healthy cardiac alternative to steak, declaresDwain Johnson, PhD, Professor of Meat Sciences at Florida University. The soft aromatization meat, which lies between the chicken and the rabbit on the spectrum of the Gusts, is always a rarity in most supermarkets, but it can be ordered online on fossilfarms.com. (Portion trick: the tail meat is the softest. Rub with the outdoors of blackening, then grilling or basket.)



Best known as the dark outdoor package on sushi rolls, this seaweed is particularly high in fiber, calcium, iron and zinc. "It is also rich in lignanas, whose recent studies have shown contributed to preventing tumor growth," Kleiner said. Look for it in the international section of your local or online supermarket on Edenfoods.com. (Portion trick: grind a sheet of Nori in a coffee grinder and use the powder as a salt substitute to clean up the food.)

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