30 facts that will change the way you use social media
This just in: facebook can see you when you sleep.

According to a social media survey today, it isvalued May the average person spend about 2 hours a day browsing social media platforms only. Bûd low, it means we are each spending about 40 minutes on YouTube, 35 minutes on Facebook, 25 minutes on Snapchat, 15 minutes on Instagram and a minute on Twitter every day. (Okay, Twitter is certainly not a lot of the time.) Put another way: During a lifetime, do you expect to spend a total ofFive years and four months Browse social media.
So here is. You are very using social media. But more surprising that these numbers are that you could - and if you could use these two hours two hours differently: more efficiently, efficiently and in other words. For example, if you want to maximize tastes, there is an hour of specific logging to connect. Or, if you want to minimize the violations of privacy, there is a secret button that you probably have not struck. In this case, we gathered the 30 most amazing shocking facts that will completely change the way you use social media - forever. And for more means of technology put you under one spell, check these20 ways that social media contract us.
1 Facebook sees you when you sleep ...

... and knows when you're awake. Web Developer Soren Louv-Jansencreated A system that has literally mapped the sleep habits of his friends by checking the first and last time, they used the Facebook Messenger application. Although it may not be particularly useful if you are not a big user of Facebook, it is always a little scary for those of us who are. And for faster facts on facebook, check these15 things you do not know on Facebook.
2 Facebook pays pirates pirates.
Although Facebook may not be important to keep your private data because we are all well aware of here, they wish at least that the site is secure and free of threatening hackers. To better block these threats, Facebookkeep on going Invite anyone to hack on their site. And if the computer hacker succeeds in highlighting a major problem, they will be rewarded for their efforts - via a cool of $ 500 in cash. And for more advice to improve your social media strategies, see these20 social media errors you do.
3 Social media enhance romantic relationships.
As it turns out, your social media habits do not disturb your relationship - they actually have an impact on your romance in a positive way,according to A British Neoperic survey. An incredible 74% of couples say that internet media and social media have affected their relationship in a positive way. We guess the #WCW invention helped move this trend.
4 Children accept whateted Whatsapp requests.
According to Meaning of cyber-security not-for-profit, 65% of children accepted WhatsApp requests or other people's messages that they do not know personally - or at all. If you have a child on the app, be rely.
5 And some even encounter IRL.
Online meaning also notes (narrowly) that 23% of children agree to meet a face-to-face that they met online.
6 Social media makes teenagers sad.

According to Psychologist Katie Hurley, this last decade witnessed a spike of major depressive episodes among adolescents and young adults - jumping from 8.7% in 2005 to 11.3% in 2014 - and much blame this phenomenon on the 'Emergence of social media. On areport Published by the Royal Public Health Society in the United Kingdom, it was found that even if YouTube had the most positive impact, all other social media platform had a resolutely negative problem.
7 If you want retweets, log in during dinner.
If you are looking to increase your commitment, several studies have suggested that your evening trip can be the best time of pushing on Twitter.According to These studies, the best time for Retweet on Twitter falls somewhere 5:00 m. and 6:00 on most evenings. (In addition, the best day to receive the most commitment Twitter is Wednesday.)
8 For Facebook likes, wait for the weekend.
If you are one of the millions of users who are trying to push your content daily, maybe it's a good idea to wait for the weekend to promote the big one of it,according to A review of social media engagement studies. More specifically, aim to publish content between 13:00. and 3:00 barely, like these tend to be peak hours for commitment on Saturday and Sunday.
9 Momslove Brands.

Similar to Moms Irl, moms on facebook are incredibly favorable - especially when it comes to show love for their favorite brands and companies. On ainvestigationPosted by Burst Media, about 56% of social mothers using social media get out of tracking their favorite brands on Facebook.
10 A large amount of Facebook accounts is not really active.
In 2015, Facebook had 1.59 billion users of only 1.23 billion active at least one monthly basis,according to Overcome.
11 Democrats are more active on Twitter.

Although it is often incredibly easy to tell a person's political affiliations by giving once to their Twitter page, this surprising statisticpublished in the newspaperPlos a Stresses that Democrats are probably likely to follow more accounts than Republicans. More specifically, a democrat will follow an average of 78 accounts, while their republican counterparts will only follow, on average, 52 accounts.
12 Snapchat users are mainly women.
Women's Targeting Marks, Heads Up:according to The Director General of Snapchat, an incredible 70% of its users, that is, a significance of women you may want to jump on the Snapchat bandwidth before it's too late. And for more information on this popular application, learn the15 things you do not know about Snapchat.
13 Pinterest users spend like crazy.
When the electronic commerce platform shopsto analyse Data from 25,000 online stores, they found that Pinterest users spend twice as much money by purchase (or $ 8) than those who have shopped on Facebook or Twitter.
14 And honestly could be shopaholic.

According to Pinterest, 93% of their users have shopped online over the last six months. So, if you are looking for a way to make extra money, it may be a good idea to start posting your own creations on Pinterest.
15 Baby boomers grow in Twitter.
According to The social media Guru Beth Beth Cooper, the users of Twitter between 55 and 64 years old have grown 79% since 2012. So, if you want to promote content on Twitter, it can be important to keep these baby boomers in mind.
16 YouTube becomes more and more popular than the cable.

The days of the game and the satellites are at least long, at least by 18 to 34 years,said Social media expert Jeff Bullas. Instead of setting up their satellite dish, this incredibly important age group opts for simple YouTube videos to quench the thirst for popular culture.
17 LinkedIn could be a sleeper.
Although LinkedIn may not be the most popular social media platform, it is the most powerful networking tool for professionals. The power of LinkedIn can beabstract In a simple statistic, as discovered by social media Guru Beth Beth Cooper: every second of each day, two new members join LinkedIn and bring new worlds of possibilities with them.
18 Or not…

Nevertheless, even if new members joined LinkedIn at an impressive rate, users spend more time participating in Facebook and Twitter, according to Bullas. The final result: LinkedIn is ideal for making important business connections, but not for any form of constant communication. To discuss freely and quickly with your mentors or peers, stick to Facebook or Twitter.
19 Some Facebook users do not care about privacy.

According to A Velocity Digital survey, about 25% of Facebook users do not even take the trouble to check their confidentiality settings on the site. This number is incredibly surprising, given the abbreviated amount of recent CEO FacebookMark Zuckerburg was under for societyvarious Offenses to the data.
20 Sometimes the less prolific users are the most active.
It's time to show some kindness to Twitter users who may not reproduce their number of followers, in general, are the followers whoapparently Make most of Twitter's mentions. In fact, users with 91% on Twitter on Twitter are manufactured 91% of Twitter's mentions.
21 Twitter has six distinct communities.
All Twitter accounts do not communicate in the same way - in fact, there are six distinct and totally separate communities from the platform,said Scott Ayres, co-author ofFacebook all-in-one for mannequins. These distinct categories of communication are as follows: polarized crowds or people who talk about controversial topics such as politics; Narrow crowds or users who focus on certain hobbies subjects such as subjects; Branded clusters, or the group that usually discusses everything under the sun; Community clusters, or those of us who tend to publish only on current events; Broadcast networks or users who frequently pose celebrities; and support networks, businesses and services with customer support.
22 For commitment, stick to the words.

Although it may be a surprising pulled, most social media users are more likely to engage with completely original content - and written, according to ainvestigation by social media examiner. This is true: most followers are likely to circumvent the original visual content.
23 Twitter was almost called "Amitalker".

FromA lot of names Founder TwitterNoah glass Considered before settling on its current, the most alarming competitor, but deeply accurate was ... Friendstalker.
24 Companies do not really listen to social media.

One of the most amazing advantages of Facebook is that you can almost always rely on your favorite companies and brands to actively keep their page: inform their clients upcoming events, new products, etc. And, although this communication is nice, it seems that be a one-way street for most businesses.According to SocialBakers, only 30% of companies answered questions and inquiries from customers on Facebook, which is a shocking statistic when you realize that the sole purpose of maintaining a Facebook page is to interact openly with their customers. So, the next time you want to contact a brand or business, it may be better to do it through a phone-sigh hotline.
25 Pinterest pins are worth the money.
Although this can take a patience practiced, each original PIN code that you post on Pinterest is worth an average of 78 cents,according to Social Media Marketing and PIQORA Analysis Company. The patience part comes into play with the fact that about half of the sales of Pinterest do not occur before two and a half months after the pin pin, and this is only if your article has been pushed back to Less 10 times. If your item has not been lucky, you expect at least one more month for a sale. However, according to PIQORA, once you started posting original pins, you will see increased circulation on your site and, therefore, more Pinterest users buy your products.
26 Most users are not patients.

According to Social Sprout, while the average social media user expects a brand response within 4 hours, most companies usually only respond at 10 hours after the question or comment. Our advice: Stop watching their clock for a Twitter answer - it will eventually come ... in ten hours or more.
27 Facebook is the most addictive platform.

On each social media platform, Facebook is easily become the most addictive, or 23% of its users by checking their application.five or more times a day,according to Tom Webster and his team. On aVice articleThis is not an accident: the "like" button has negatively affected users by "diverting the social reward systems of a user's brain". Since its creation, Facebook has always been guilty of playing with our emotions - in a few clicks of the mouse.
28 Terrorists use social media as recruitment tactics.
According to Author David Patrikarakos, the terrorist organization ISIS got a series as diverse through a series of skilled propagands to push via social media. In fact, after the Uzbek immigrantSayfullo Saipov Tâped eight people with his truck in Manhattan last year, a 90 of these propaganda videos were found on his phone. Since this turn of social media for the recruitment of ISIS, the United States has not been able to carry out a war against social media platforms that sometimes have an unconscious number this content. And for more digital wisdom, check these20 amazing facts that you have never known about your smartphone.
29 Your privacy settings have a non-ideal failure.

Although there are now many ways to protect your personal information, social networks such as Facebook and Twitter are guilty of letting their default setting as unsubscribe option - which means that if you have never checked your settings of confidentiality, it is likely that you have never checked. and your data have no intimacy at all,according to Author Dale Smith.
30 There is a better day for each category on Pinterest.
Whether you are looking for new new items to pin or you are ready to post some of the original, it is forbidden to know which categories fly every day of the week. For a list of the main topics of the day on Pinterest, head toBuffer. And for more ways to spend your free time without smartphone, check these20 ways of Genius kill time without smartphone.
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