40 things you should never feel after 40 years

Ditch these little jealous and worried superfluous - for good.

50,000 people. Believe it or not, it's how many thoughts the average person is estimatedto discover every day of his life. Yes, it returns to 35 thoughts per minute. At the moment, you add to this figure, thinking that just thoughtsthink of allof these thoughts, emotions and reactions. All launched the famous line of Darth Vader, "Look for your feelings, Luke ...", in a completely new light. In Retrospect, given the involved calculations, Luke would need a robust search engine with a targeted algorithm.

But when it comes to your feelings during your age, more specifically, there are at least 40 that you have to immediately remove your daily thoughts immediately. These are the 40 feelings that are simply under a person of your wisdom and experience and once you have expelled them in the void of the universe, you will live a much happier and healthier life. So read on and for more things than you should leave after 40, do not miss the40 things you should not believe after 40 years.

Self-awareness on your body

Looking in mirror

"This type of insecurity and careful examination of our physical attributes are expected and common during adolescence and even young adulthood," saysToni Coleman, LCSW, CMC, Psychotherapist, Divorce Relationship Trainer and Mediator. "However, by the end of the twenties, they should have become exceeded that because they exceeded the stage of development where it happens. Otherwise, it is likely that they are also developed in a developmental way in other aspects." Your views could change too. As proof, see these40 ways of more than 40 people consider the world differently.

Discomfort to be different

demisexual concept art

"Once again, this is a development issue that younger teenagers and adults have trouble dealing with 30 years," says Coleman. "By then, we are looking for ways to be different and celebrate these, not wanting to comply as we do less young. By our 40th birthday we have developed our own sense of style, did Lifestyle choices that are a good fit for us - and what others should have no real impact on what we do. "

Need friends approval on decisions

Men hugging

Whether you are your choices of style, interest, hobby or career decisions, when you are 40 years old, you should look inside to decide if they are the right calls - And do not count on friends to help you decide. For more incredible advice on aging, here is40 ways to do your 40 years the highest the highest decade.

Hang about your family

Christmas Eve traditions

Chances are, when you were young, you have hosted some insecurity about your family, either to make wealth, education or culture. But you have officially grown up.

"It's very common in young people, but by our 40 years, we have created our own life, we have created and formed an identity separate from that of our family of origin," says Coleman. "Otherwise, we are circumvented in a developmental way and it is certainly a problem that will affect our duties and relationships."

Transpire the little things

Stressed out man

Once again: 50,000 thoughts. If you all strive, you will lose your mind. Whether you are worried about asking for an extension at work or if you run late for a meeting, remember trying to choose your worries in life. And if you are really worried all the time, check these10 incredible ways to disaffecide.

That bad moments are permanent

divorce secrets

When you were younger and something was wrong, you may have thought it's a trend. But once you have lived the ups and downs of several decades, you know that sometimes, well, things happen. And it's not because you are cursed.

That good times are permanent

40 things people under 40 don't know yet

But we also learned that nothing big forever forever forever, and that's okay. After all, life is a struggle with lots of ups and downs.


Everyday Energy Killers

"I'm not good enough." Stop saying that.

"Who gave you permission to have bought this feeling?" demandMarcie Anderson, Ph.D., author and expert on meditation and relationships. "In our early years, there are too many opportunities for us to feel that we are not enough, but once we take a few shots, we can choose to gain wisdom and a more refined perspective. Once We learn that we control what we choose at any time, we have the choice and a voice when it comes to ourselves. Then, feelings of indignity can be released and let go. "

Lack of responsibility for errors

Apologize, responsibility

"It's a big for most people," says Anderson. "What, do you mean that I can not blame my parents or my employer, neither the president of my own current situation? No, where Blaman does? Do you need to be right? Do you know shoulders taking the responsibility of your choice, words and actions? The feelings of swimming upstream of the fight against raw waters relate to the feeling or the need to blame others. "And if it looks like you, make sure you read to read those20 signs that you are certainly a narcissistic.

Need to compare yourself to others

weight loss motivation

"Where does this feeling come from?" Request Anderson. "Did it have served you in a positive way in the past? Have you become tired of the need for your ego to be right and classifying or placing in life?"


Job candidate, recruiting, interview

Of course, we feel fodder or impatient, usually at grocery store or in traffic. But at the age of 40, we learned to redirect feelings of impatience to more constructive actions. We can actively decide to listen to an audiobook to make our driving time more constructive or make a conversation with the person behind us online to wait to pay less aggravating grocery stores. And if you are an impatient person, check these20 ways of Genius kill time without smartphone.


Speeding, speeding ticket, weird laws

"For us, we are so important," says Anderson. "We are on a tight schedule and we have a" to do "list longer than the santa Claus nasty and pleasant Santa Claus is based on dolling out gifts. But if we stop, take some deep breaths and take personal stocks of all this - bringing our attention to the fact that we are stressed and even angry because of a lack of patience, we realize that we have allowed, once again, our own selfishness and our personal importance to lose a light and negative energy on our lives. "

Pent-up anger

angry man

"Although we can certainly allow us to feel angry, a mature person reacts without anger and without seeking retribution," said Laurie Buchanan, Ph.D., Holistic health practitioner, coach of transformational life and author ofThe case to be: purpose of soul in and out of the workplace "We do not sweep the events under the carpet and argue that they have never happened. Rather, we discuss the situation and communicate our thoughts about it clearly. Instead of letting us a bitter, we learn something useful of the incident and we learn what we "do differently in the future."

Shame or continued embarrassment

Embarrassed Woman Slang Terms

"As we have 40 years, we should have stopped giving our power to others," says Buchanan. "People can only make us feel small, exposed and unworthy if we leave them. And the truth of the question is that when someone tries to honor us, it's usually because there is something that Go with them - and not ourselves displaying inner pain. "

Professional jealousy

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Jealousy occurs, of course. But this festival, hung and finally angry jealousy should, in your forties, give way to more mature and constructive emotions. These include an appreciation (for any success) and the pleasure of helping others achieve their professional goals.

Jealousy in other aspects of life

stop comparing yourself to others if you want to be instantly happy

"Jealousy stems from insecurity and occurs when we compare to someone else," says Buchanan. "Maybe they are what they look like, their property, their relationship or social status. At the time we are 40, we should have enough experience of life to be insured. At that time, we should have come into our trust and not to rely on people or property to validate them. "


old man filled with regret

"I'm sure you've heard the saying," That's what it's, "says Buchanan." By the time we are 40 years old, we should understand that the choices we made in the past are finished And we can not change them. We know that the only thing we have control is the present moment. A place where we can focus on what we are doing right now. "And especially to let go, consult the40 most frequent regrets of more than 40 people share.


phrases men over 40 should stop saying

"Each of us at some point will have to expand forgiveness to someone something he has done or did not do," says Buchanan. "And each of us at some point, it will be necessary to receive the forgiveness of something we have done or that we have failed."


never say this at work

"Déni is an adaptation mechanism designed to protect us from something negative that is happening in our lives," says Buchanan. "Sometimes denial in the short term can give us the time to adapt to something painful. But a relationship with denial is not healthy. At the moment we need 40, we should understand that it is In our interest in recognizing all aspects of our life-disease, our dependence, food disorder, financial problems, trauma, relationship conflicts - not just a few things. "

Need to beat the other guy

man and woman couple running at the beach

The nerve sum note is closely linked to jealousy that our success must come to the detriment of someone else - or that the success of someone else makes us somewhat bad. "Our emotions should not let us feel" just "and the other" bad ", says Buchanan. Once we reached 40, the road to beat other people or take advantage of their expense To dissipate.


child looks upset as her parents check phones

"You should no longer feel doubtful from you, because at this stage of life, a person should know his strength / weakness and virtues / defects," saysDamon nailer, a consultant, an educator, a speaker and an author. "In addition, it should have accepted and learning to live with them now, so it is not necessary to feel unsightly or vulnerable, but one should be confident in its identity and courageous in its activities."


man sleeping couch

As Wayne Gretzky says, says 100% of the shots you do not take. "


mother and daughter on couch

"At age 40, we should feel very encouraged with our current status and position in life, and if we are not, so it's not too late to make adjustments and create new goals, dreams and Aspirations to continue, "said Clainer.


old woman smiling

While contentment is good and 40, we should have a general sense of satisfaction about our life and our decisions, you do not want to betoo muchContent - To the point that you do not challenge yourself. It is safe to always look for new ways to improve.

Uncomfortable with forgiveness

couple and coffee Life Easier

"Usually, when we are in a good mood, we can at leastto consider The forgiveness of the words or actions of another, and forgive ourselves ", explains Anderson." But quite interesting, when we are in a bad mood, forget that. "

She adds that being unable to forgive "blocks us in a powerful way" and simply ends up to insist us on ourselvesFollowing long-term.

Mistrust of foreigners

habits after 40

We are rightly taught a young age to be wary of people we do not know. But as we get older, the opposite becomes much more precious a line. We find that approaches new people as if it were just friends that we did not meet is much more likely to give a constructive and enjoyable interaction - and get them to become real friends.

Not enough-ness

man lying in bed sad

The feeling of "non-enough" is something invented by the coach of lifeKate Romero,Who says people can often feel that they do not do or do not earn enough, "No matter the difficulty of working or how much money they have."

At the moment we are 40, we should have a very good understanding of what we need to be happy in life - how much we must win to pay the things we love and how long we must put aside for a holiday, the Leisure and non-work activities To help keep these feelings of "not enough Ness" at the bay.

Afraid of success

pretending to text Embarrassing Things

This is usually manifested in poor work in which you do not push yourself to exceed expectations. By the time you have 40 years, you should have grown beyond these anxieties.

Need to please people

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A desire to make others happy is a precious feature, but not when it becomes your full goal in life, overlooking all other personal concerns or priorities and priority of what you really want for yourself.

Need to be loved

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"If everyone loves you, it means you are a chameleon changing all the time to get approval and validation," saysGary van Nguyen, a life coach and "the men's warrior mentor". "It's exhausting and you do not make sense of who you are. If you are a real person, someone will not love you and it's okay. If you are focused on expressing your true self, the people who love you because you will stay, and people who do not leave. Is not it great? "

Feel unlikely

Ghost, sad woman

"If you have more than 40 years, you should decide if you are quite or kind. No one else," says Van Nguyen.

Worried about things out of your control

40 things only women over 40 know

"As an age, the art of worrying should extremely decrease. Why?" nailer demand. "There are elements and events that can be controlled and other people who can not. With age comes from the wisdom of distinction between the two, allowing us not to be too concerned about these things that are out of our control and try to repair the things that are finally placed at the bay. "

Perpetual dissatisfaction

man alone and sad

"Of course, none of us had all positive and wonderful experiences, but we need to focus on the meetings and good and inspiring events that took place in our lives and that we are always aware that it Never too late to create new, exciting, and great experiences, "says Clainer.

Bummented about friends spending time with others others

"As we reach our 40s, we have agreed that our relationship priorities have changed since our solo youth, says Coleman. "We should not take it personally than an old friend spends more time with a partner or has separate plans with their partner and family or coupled friends who do not always include us."

The need to feel perfect

Side gigs tennis hobby

"At that time, we have more experience of life and have known many people less than perfect but really great en route," says Coleman. "We should have learned to accept our faults and to emphasize and use our donations and talents - accepting that no one is great or perfect at everything. Person."

Obsessed with aging

Older Woman Worst Habits

In some ways, your 40s are the moment of your life when you really start feeling the effects of aging - you can not party as difficult as you did, gray hair appear and you can not I do not endurance as you once. But it is also a moment when you are sufficiently wise to realize that emphasizing that aging is not a good look.

"The fact is, at any time, we could leave the planet," says Kisma Orbovich, founder of meditation and spirituality servicesLighting academy. "So, respecting every moment, month and year, in time to do what we want and we are guided to do, it is exhilarating. The alternate of it creates sadness and a loss of life of life . "

Worried others are outside to get you

man relaxing Facts About Millennials

Call that light paranoia, but that it is the person at work with whom you compete or a coarse barman who has ruined your order, it is not uncommon to see something sinister to blame when you do not get what you do not get what you do not get what you do not get what you want. The truth is that it's not about you.

Upset that life is not just

what women only over 40 know

"Every moment you expect that life is just a moment when you spend an emotional energy that does not drive anywhere," says Van Nguyen. "Life is life. Good things happen. Bad things happen. When you have matured, you realize what you are and is not in your sense of control. Use your energy on things you can control and influence. It's a really hard to master because life is not personal. "

Fearful change

man looking at clothes, shirts, still single, shopping

We may want to be exactly as they are, but to instinctively see change as something to fear or avoid is not healthy or realistic in the long run. And at the moment we are in our forties, we see changes for what it really is: what makes a rewarding and interesting life.

Frustrated not to be on a particular feeling

weight loss motivation

Although we have a lot of feelings, we should have passed beyond the time 40, it does not mean that you should fight for a particular emotion. AsCaitlin Magidson, LCPC, a counselor, a career coach and a therapist underline: "Although it can be enjoyable if we could pass insecurities or past fears, it is sometimes not the case because of past trauma, grief Unresolved or pain that are not yet cured. "

She suggests that those who try to find more peace and joy in life should work with a therapist or another professional "to move through" blocked "places of life could be the next stage of transformation and leave go experiments that do not serve us anymore. "

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / Over 40
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