Here's why success makes you feel young

And, unfortunately, why failure makes you feel old

There is an old adage that goes "you are only as old as you feel." Now, a new study of the North Carolina State University confirms that not only is the proverb is true, but so how old you feel is closely linked to your feelings of accomplishment.

The study,which has been published recently in theEuropean newspaper for aging, attracted their findings from an online survey of 296 adults over 60 from all over the United States. Participants were invited to assess their socio-economic status, compare their own status to those of their peers and describe their attitude towards aging.

We have long known that rich people tend to live longer and tend to be healthier in their twilight years, but here is here that the study becomes interesting.

What had an impact on the attitude of a participant in respect of their old age was not the success of what they are objectively, but how successful they wereto feel.

"We are not talking about the real socio-economic status, but on how people feel their socio-economic status compares to other members of their community, Shevaun Neupert, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of L State of North Carolina and co-author of the document,says in a press release. "So, someone could succeed and rich, but if they feel less successful and rich than their peers, they are more likely to feel older and have more negative attitudes about aging."

The socio-economic status, a person's education and income did not have a lot of impact on how he feels old. But how this person perceives his own status, especially in relation to others, make a big difference.

"We found that the effect was linear," says Neuper. "The socio-economic status of the youngest perceived, the youngest feel and better their attitudes on aging; the perceived status of the bottom, the elderly felt and the worst they felt of aging. We found this effect Regardless of age, physical health, sex or race .... In short, the desire to "follow with the Jones" seems to have real consequences as we get older, "said Neupert. "This is important because the negative attitudes on aging, and how old we feel, determine how we react to stress and that we can affect the quality of life - and health - significantly."

The results corroborate with research conducted in nine isolated villages in southern Italy, where locals live regularly to be over 90 years revealed that one of the personality traits That they all had in common, it is that, despite difficult difficulties, they all had a positive attitude about their own life. None of these people are rich by traditional standards, lending credibility to the idea that the good idea of ​​your life inside is much more important than what we look like outside.

It's a mantra that the center ofWhat a wonderlessJane Fonda manages to look so incredible At the age of 80 years. To maintain this happy attitude, Fonda suggested re-calibrating how we tend to approach aging, saying, "The old paradigm was: you were born, you are pic at noon, then you decline in decrease ... Looking at aging as a staircase, you earn well-being, mind, soul, wisdom, the ability to be really intimate and a life with intent. "

For more tips on how to watch and feel your best over 65, check out our100 best anti-aging secrets.

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