Wear this article to prevent Covid a huge mistake, doctors warn

Do not let this piece of EPI deceive you thinking that you protect yourself against the coronavirus.

The idea of ​​leaving the house withoutGive your EPP These days have all except becoming a distant memory. This is particularly true of face coatings, that disease control and prevention centers (CDC) are essential to stop the propagation of coronavirus. But there is another protective element that medical experts really spoke against wear:Latex or vinyl gloves. In reality,Doctors even warn that wearing gloves to prevent Covid a huge mistake.

Unlike masks, which prevent you from inhaling or exhaling airborne particles that can carry the virus, experts say that gloves do not provide security for people who wear them or others around them. "I think thatDisposable surgical gloves do not really have a place in coronavirus (protection), "Allison Bartlett, MD, Associate Medical Director of the Pediatric Infection Control Program at the University of Chicago, saidThe Chicago Tribune. "People get the false sense of security that their hands are clean and protected when it is not the case at all."

Medical bandages and gloves on a blue background.

What is even worse is that the experts also claim thatGloving up creates a false sense of security This can sometimes increase your chances of contracting or accidentally transmitting COVID. "If you wear gloves in situations that do not have an obvious starting and stopping point, you forget thatYour gloves are contaminated, "Leann Poston, MD,medical expert For Ikon Health, previously saidBetter life. "People put gloves, make shopping, use their mobile phones, touch their faces, enter their cars and houses, then remove their gloves. Their hands were covered, but theycontaminated all they touched. It is easier to forget the cross contamination during the port of gloves. You are much more aware of what you touch when your hands are bare. "

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Bartlett also highlights that each pair of gloves used ineffectively by a person in public is a pair that is not part of ahealth worker who desperately needs gloves do their job.

And of course, there is also the environment to consider. "The only thing that loves me more than to see people and that in the grocery with glove gloves is at home at the hospital when I see the new Covid trash can on the ground," Bartlett said.

The CDCIs recommendUsing gloves in two cases only. The first is while deep cleaning from your home - although this is more to protect your hands fromIrritating disinfectants What keep the virus particles from your skin. The second is at any time with which you take care of someone who is sick. "Use disposable gloves when touching or having contact with blood, stool or body fluids, such as saliva, mucus, vomit and urine," the CDC states. "After using disposable gloves, launch them in a lined trash. Do not disinfect or reuse gloves." And always wash or disinfect your hands after removing them. And for more ways to stay safe from Covid, checkOne way Dr. Fauci says you do not protect yourself from COVID.

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