The top 10 foods for your heart

Some simple diet additions will keep you happy and your cholesterol.

Engaging in a healthy diet can be difficult when you are a busy man with a lot on your list of tasks to do, but the risks of not consuming law are larger than the brief satisfaction of this sweet guilt pleasure. You know the basics of what you should eat now, but you still pay lip service to the need for a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish, which are all healthy healthy foods. It is time to renew your commitment to your own body to keep your heart healthy, because your lack of loyalty could be fatal. Healthy diet for the heart can reduce your LDL ("bad") 30% cholesterol-A drop similar to what you can get from statin drugs. These healthy foods are dietary magic bullets: they lower the LDL cholesterol, raise a "good" cholesterol HDL and, the best of all, do not require prescription. If you think you are already good to go, consult these means ofknow if your heart is as healthy as can be.


heart healthy foods

People who eat an ounce and half a nut-Pistachios, almonds and nuts are the best-More than four times a week have a lower 37% risk for coronary heart disease than those who rarely ate nuts, according to a recent study in the BritishNutrition log. These nuts are large, fast cardiac healthy foods that will delete your appetite and you feel more than longer. They also have anti-aging properties, as well asThese 19 other lean foods.


heart healthy foods

Two portions a week of fish rich in omega-3 is necessary to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. Docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) and eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA) are omega-3 fatty acids in fish that make dark coronary work. Wild salmon and Atlantic mackerel are its best sources. IF Looking for an inspiration for dinner tonight, check out this recipefor aDelicious 10-minute salmon dish.


heart healthy foods

Eating on average two two and a half portions of whole grains a day (for example, oats, brown rice, barley) reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease by 21%, according to a new newspaper studyNutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases.


heart healthy foods

Chactte full of monounsaturated fat and beta-sitosterol, lawyers deliver a double-LDL cholesterol groove blast. They are also rich in folate, a vitamin B soluble in the water that helps reduce homocysteine ​​levels, an amino acid that can hinder the flow of blood through blood vessels.

Black beans

heart healthy foods

People who eat a portion of three ounces of black beans per day reduce their risk of cardiac crisis by 38%, according to a recent study of theNutrition log. Black beans are packed with superstar nutrients, including protein, healthy greases, folate, magnesium, b vitamins, potassium and fiber. If you feel yourself like a superstar with the corresponding portfolio after all these nutrients, readHow to buy a private island Enjoy your new heart in good health.

The flax seed

heart healthy foods

A recent study of people with high cholesterol (more than 240 mg / dl) compared a stain treatment to eat 20 grams of flax linen per day. After 60 days, those who eat seed seed seeds have done as well as Statins. Sprinkle the flax seed seed on oatmeal, yogurt and salads.

Green tea

heart healthy foods

EGCG, an antioxidant that helps fight cardiac disease, is abundant in green tea. Drink it as water: five cups of green tea daily can increase your cardiovascular health, according to several recent studies. But do not add milk, it eliminates the advantages.


heart healthy foods

High in the potassium to lower blood pressure, a good source of inflammatory vitamin C and rich in lycopene, a watermelon slice or a glass of water melon juice must be part of your daily diet of healthy healthy foods. .


heart healthy foods

The cardiac equivalent of the health of a bulletin bulletin bulletin bulletin bulletin bulletin bulletin ball is filled with potassium and essential magnesium, and it is one of the main sources of lutein, a Antioxidant that can help prevent fouling arteries. Eat a cup a day of fees, or 1/2 cup cooked. Spinach have also been proven to help increase sexual reader and improve blood flow-here6 other magic libido boosters.

Red wine

heart healthy foods

Swimming in resveratrol-A natural compound that reduces LDL, raises an HDL and prevents blood clots-Red wine can really be a life of rescue. The American Heart Association recommends two glasses a day. Red wine is also a rich source of flavonoids, antioxidants that help protect the mucosa of blood vessels in your heart. Not a drinker? Nibbled black chocolate. It contains the same flavonoids as red wine. And if you find yourself in wanting something harder to mitigate work constraints, first check theseStress relief tips To help you take care of your days.

All-Star Panel: Suzanne Farrell, Dietician and Approved Spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association; Phyllis McCarron, dietitian registered at Johns Hopkins University; Mark Moyad, MD, The Phil F. Jenkins Director of Preventive and Alternative Medicine at the Medical Center of the University of Michigan; Michael Kingzen, MD, Director of the Wellbeing of Cleveland Clinic; and Walter Willet, MD, Epidemiology and Nutrition Professor at Harvard School of Public Health.

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