This is the best way to lose weight in winter

Ditch the gym and take your workout in large spaces.

Despite popular belief, your bodyDo not go in the hunger mode in the winter. Apart from smorgasborfs filled with candies, the other main reason why people tend to gain weight during the winter months are that people often spend much less time doing jogging in the park and many more than Time to eat cookies on the couch.

But we have good news. If you manage to motivate yourself to make a small outdoor exercise, you will have much more recovery for your problems.

In a recentto study Out of 53 men and women participating in a Wyoming National National Leadership Program, exert in cold burns more calories than to exercise warmer temperatures, which facilitates weight loss. In fact, the study revealed that the program participants burned 34% of additional calories when hiking 14 to 23 degrees than more comfortable temperatures in the mid-1950s. On average, the men of the school of the school Outdoors burned 4,787 calories per day hiking in winter, compared to 3,822 years in the spring; For women, as usual, the results were less disparate, 3,880 calories burned in winter compared to 3,081 in the spring.

As a result, participants in the outdoor school have lost greater weight in the winter program, burning 2,000 calories more than they consumed a day in winter, compared with only 1,000 in the spring.

The reasoning behind the extra calorie burns is the same reason that a quick walk after working in cold weather can leave you tired and hungry so that the same trip is not on a good hot day.

"The cold is much more dear metabolically," said Cara Ocobock, from the University of Albany, who did the Wyoming study. "You have to burn more calories through what is called the thermogenesis just to keep the body warm."

Of course, the disadvantage is that you have to be a little cold while doing exercise so that the thermogenesis works. By gathering in a nice swollen jacket that made you as comfortable as you would by a roaring chimney will not work.

Another disadvantage is that exercise in the cold can often make you happier than in heat and obvious weight loss requirement is that burning more than you consume. So, eat an entire pizza followed by three donuts after a long morning hike will probably not help you reach your fitness goals.

And if shivering outside is not your idea of ​​a good time, there is a good easy way to burn some additional calories:Sleep in a cold room, which raises your metabolic rate. The good news is a recent study showed that sleeping with an open window leads to a better night's sleep, andOther studies have indicated that spending a good night From Shuteye is actually essential to weight loss, so it's a win-win win.

And if you want a fast workout, you canTry the 15-minute workout of Bella Hadid instead.

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