How a mother lost 80 pounds in 8 months with a minor change

"I learned to eat to live, not live to eat."

Losing weight Never is easy and not two bodies are identical when it comes to banishing the excess belly fat. For some, simplyhit the strong gymnasium And cut calories is enough to lose weight and add muscles. But for others - like the English teacher and the mother of sixStacey Welton-The key forfinally pay these extra books lies in a complete redesign of the diet.

In September 2014, Aurora, Illinois, aged 50, realized that she needed to re-evaluate some of her life choices.

"I saw a picture of myself and was not happy," said Welton. "I did not understand that I had won the weight I had and I also started feeling joint pain and lack of energy. My work health reports had started showing high cholesterol And a bad score, so I decided to change it. I knew that as I wasto get old That the weight would continue to increase if I did not do anything, so I decided to change my life once and for all. "

Stacey Welton mom lost 80 pounds in 8 months
Stacey Welton

When it comes to losing weight, you must be realistic about your goals and methods. Welton knew she "never been a fan of perspiration", and with six children and a full-time job, aliveat the gym was just not an option.

"The only one and only exercise I'm doing iswalking, "she says." I like taking walks with my husband, especially after dinner. I started feeling the energy and even a slight desire to work, but has always been prone to change depending on the work of work and lively life with three teenagers at home and their schedules. I worked in a local gym and I even sang with a group at work for a few months, but then it was winter and I was finished. "

Stacey Welton mom lost 80 pounds in 8 months
Stacey Welton

What Welton knew each other about itself is that she liked experimenting with cooking. While doing online research, she fell on someAtkins testimonials And has been inspired by all the successes of people who have lost weight by sticky to the famous diet low in carbohydrates. For Welton, this challenge of cooking tasty meals at low carbohydrates while trying to feel in looks like a "win-win scenario".

"My goal was not to be bored," she explains. "I like food and I did not want to eat the same day and day, so I downloaded theATKINS APP On my phone or visit Pinterest for low carbohydrate recipes. The variety was the key. I had to prove that it was a lifestyle that I could live with. "

For the first year, she was strict only to eat 20 net carbohydrates a day and a typical day looked like this:


For breakfast, Welton would have a Shake Atkins and a peanut butter granola bar. "After that, any desire I had just left," she says.


Welton lunch consisted of a large salad with chicken, tuna or bacon. "The bacon became my friend! I would prepare enough for meals and snacks," she says. "The same thing with hard eggs. I kept those who are ready for snack."

Having dinner

For family dinners, Welton would try new recipes that have incorporated healthy swaps, such as Mac and cheese that used cauliflower instead of carbohydrates.

"The cauliflower has become my new best friend! As an incredible rice substitute, I would use it for the basis of many dishes," she notes. "I also did my well-known potato salad in CalimistakeXtaato salad and it has become another favorite family. The soup in Taco was and is always one of the favorites of my weddings! "

Stacey Welton
Stacey Welton

After 8 months, you collaborate on the Atkin's diet, Welton lost 80 pounds and passed from 245 pounds to only 165 pounds. Her husband ended up losing 40 pounds thanks to a phenomenon called "training effect, "And his adult children call him even now for nutritional recipes.

"My children learned that if they could make better decisions about food when they are younger, they will not have to go through what I did, but it's not late for make new decisions and choices for their lives with great success. "

Although Welton notes that, following the plan, these were some challenges - as can not be able to eat a lot at the beginning or not to have enough options to choose when catering at home d A friend - there is no doubt that the purposes justified the means.

"I learned to eat to live, not live to eat," she says about his experience. "The mentality is everything. There are usually many more" cans "than" no things ". I focused on all the delicious food I could eat and centered on the quality of the health I felt. I would say thatweightloss is one of the few places where he will be selfish. It's about you. Whatever the costs, it is worth the personal investment in you. It is the sacrifice that a mother must do - not only for herself, but his family. They deserve the happiness that has just been healthy and the whole family harvests rewards! "

And for larger weight loss tips, check 50 ways to stay in shape after 50 .

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