Fly these 16 secrets of mental health of famous geniuses

The clutter was Albert Einstein's best friend.

We often forget that geniuses are first of all humans and secondary geniuses. Of course, these unlimited minds can go down in history to compose a "Fur Elise" or discover gravity, but it is not the mere sum of their successes. Just like often, they are frustrated, tired, overwhelmed - and, like you, they have methods they use to keep herself strong. OfThomas EdisonTrend of nap atIsaac NewtonThe habits of crazy note, the geniuses of history have deployed key mental health strategies to stay at the top of their game. And of course, these tips have led to the creation of our greatest compositions and inventions But be warned: everything could be considered healthy - even legal - by today's standards, then imitate your own risks. And for more brain sharpening habits to adopt, consult the8 advanced video games proven to make you a smarter person.

Albert Einstein held a disordered office

messy desk einstein geniuses

Yes,Albert Einstein-The guy who falls first in your head when you think "genius" is not deigned to store his workspace. This may seem surprising, but it makes sense; After all, the guy is famous credited with this quote: "If a cluttered desk is a clogged sign of mind, what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" In other words, you do not need to feel bad about "misplaced" than on the list of tasks under a stack of papers.

Alexander Graham Bell inverted 9-to-5

Working, more time, productivity

Alexander Graham Bell, the guy who-if youreally Trace things back - you must finally thank (or blame) for the supercomputer of your pocket, would have only worked at night. Like the estimated inventorRecount Success Magazine Founding EditorORISON SWETT MARDENHe started working about 9 or 10 at night and continued to leave until 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning.

Alan Turing sprint commitments

Running, productivity, more time, smart word

Alan Turing, The one who cracked the German code "Enigma" of the Second World War and was originally conceptualized the "logical computer machine" -a.k.a., "the computer" -was a fiery runner. In fact, the guy loved so much to run that he was legendarly used to meet from the meeting.

Nikola Tesla Fed Birds

man feeding pigeons geniuses tesla

Everyday,Nikola Tesla, eternal rival ofThomas Edison, would walk in the park near his house and feed the pigeons. As the legend said, if Tesla, for some reason, could not do it at the park, he would pay a child in the neighborhood to feed the pigeons of his place. Why the penchant for the most peskies creatures of urban life? Simple: He fell in love with. "Yes, I loved this pigeon," said Tesla at the biographerJohn O'Neill inProdigal Genius: the life of Nikola Tesla. "I loved him like a man likes a woman."

Thomas Edison jumped by nap

thomas edison lightbulb geniuses

It is appropriate for the man who inaugurated in the electric age - who she herself inaugurated in a breeze the cycles of sleep circles the humans lived until it is not adhered to the typical sleep bar of the time. In fact, he was notoriously dragged against sleep,writingIn 1921, "I have never found more than four or five hours of sleep". But here is the catch: the guy loved to sleep. After his death, the evaluators found cutting edge beds in his library, study and laboratory.

Leonardo da Vinci separated her eight hours

Commute cat nap sleep

One of the most esteemed genies in history,Leonardo DeVinci, swore by a polyphasic sleep cycle. In other words, instead of sleeping once, the painter had his daily six to eight hours during three separate or more people.

Ludwig van Beethoven took a walk every day

Holding Hands, Outside

After lunch every day,Ludwig van Beethoven would embark on the daily walk to adjust his stomach. The practice is similar to aPassage-Ito for "daily walking" and one of theThe 5 best Secrets of Italian Healthy Living.

Wolfgang Mozart kept stuck at a strict calendar

Obsolete, watches

As detailed inMozart letters, a compendium ofWolfgang Amadeus MozartPersonal letters, the venerated composer adhered to a doulouly strict Dental Daily Schedule. He had made his hair at 6 o'clock every morning, for example, and wrote music for three hours from 10:00 precisely every night.

Honoré de Balzac had a coffee ... usual

Human comedia writerHonoré de Balzacallegedly consumed about 50 cups of coffeeeach day. Whatever the literary heritage of the playwright completed, this habit of sound, at least, inspired something concrete: in Canada, there is a small chain of coffee, called torrefiants of Balzac. Balzac died poisoning caffeine, but it's not a surprise. The surprise is that he lived - drink, again,50 daily cups-To 51 years old.

Isaac Newton took aTonne marks

journal, over 40

Isaac NewtonIt was known for two things: watching an apple falls and remember every word he has ever read. While everyone and their mother know the story of the first, the second tale is more obscure. As it turns out, Newton has no shame in the vandalized literature: while the guy read, he would take notes directly on the pages of library books, filling almost all the white space walkers in the margins of the page.

Erwin Schrödinger went to the theater - a lot

theater geniuses

What's in the box? Well, if the box belongs physicistErwin SchrödingerIt's not a cat. In addition to conceptualizing the revolutionary theories involving the hypothetical torture of felines, the former scientist was a huge fan of the theater. When he was a child, he kept a photo album full of each game game of each show he attended. As a student at the exalted gymnasium of Venice, he hated the memorization of facts and numbers; Its brain has been more attenuated with literary information and memorize the playbills helped in its global memory.

Heisenberg was a surreptitious musician

playing piano geniuses

No, we do not talk aboutBryan CranstonWalter White. IRL Heisenberg, Theoretical PhysicistWerner HeisenbergIn addition to being the so-called "father of quantum mechanics", an avid pianist: he would have practiced the thing five days a week.

Galileo read all the time

speed reading book

It can be known for all things science and space (there is even a spacecraft named after him!), ButGalley was a kind of Nerd literature. According toUniversity of Virginia, when applying for a role at the University of Pisa, the astronomer has mathematically deconstrate one of his favorite stories,Dante.The inferno, understand how deep metro, exactly, the nine cast circles went.

William Shakespeare went to Marijuana

marijuana shakespeare geniuses

Could the bard be a Pothead? According toresearch published in theSouth African Science Newspaper, scientists have found four cooked cannabis pipes in the garden ofWilliam Shakespeare. A subsequent voicearticle inThe independent "Sonnet 76" linked to the consumption of "weeds" involving that, yes, Shakespeare was engaged in the situation. And if you copy the bard in this way, hey, no judgment; Just make sure to throw the bang-it's one of40 things that no man over 40 should never have.

Charles Darwin dated Dulcet Tones

woman playing piano geniuses

Despite the redefinition of what we think of life and competition and how both are inextricably enacted,Charles Darwin lived a pretty normal day. He woke up, work and walk his gardens. But especially his daily habit of listening to music. Every day before dinner, Darwin would be on the sofa of his living room and listened to his wife, Emma, ​​plays the piano until he pushed for a short time.

Ben Franklin lived his own words

Couple, sex, in bed

"Early in bed, early to lift, makes a healthy man, rich and wise." Audit of the facts:Ben Franklin, the guy who this quote is awarded, was in fact healthy, rich,and wise.

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Categories: Health
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