Science says "Limited Eating time" can help dispel breast cancer

When you eat may be more important than you eat.

According to the National Cancer Institute, a woman on eight in the United States will develop invasivebreast cancer During his life. (The risk increases exponentially after 40 years, possibly doubling of the age of 70.) As with other types of cancer, smoking, overweight and drinking regularly alcohol can significantly increase your risk of breast cancer. CornResearch has Shown that your diet plays an important role. Now, a new study whose results have recently been presented at theAnnual meeting of the endocrine society In New Orleans, he highlighted a previously unknown factor in the development of breast cancer:when You eat plays an important role too.

In fact, it is so important that the new evidence suggests that it could be more important thanWhat you eat.

For the study, researchers at the University of California in San Diego have studied the effects of "restricted schedules of time", on the other known as your food in a certain window of the day when you are more Active, but do not reduce calories on whole mice that were either obese or had been "injected with breast cancer cells".

After a series of tests, the researchers finally concluded that, compared to the mouse that followed a regular low fat diet, the mice that followed a restricted diet, regardless of the fat content contained in the Dramatic signs of "delay delay" the development of tumors and the growth of the tumor reducing. "

The question is: why?

"The results suggest that the anti-tumor effect of the restricted feeding of time is at least partially due to the reduction of insulin levels", "Explain Manasi Das, a postdoctoral member of the University of California in San Diego and the main author of the study.

As scientists know too well, high insulin rates are common in obese people and has been linked to cancer during several studies. For example, according to a study on the Women's Health Initiative (whi) of one of the 93,000 of 93,000 women in the 1990s, women with higher insulin levels more than the risk of cancer from the breast that women with lower levels of insulin.

Other studies have shown that restricted feeding of time, as well as intermittent fasting - or not eating certain extended periods of time - is effective so that your insulin levels are reduced. "Between meals, as long as we do not snap, our insulin levels will come down and our adipose cells can then release their stored sugar, to be used as energy", "Monique Tello, Mr.D., wrote about theHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BLOG. "We lose weight if we leave our insulin levels down. The complete idea of ​​[intermittent fasting] is to allow the insulin levels to go down far enough and long enough that we are burning our fat."

Meanwhile, the CPU San Diego's DAS say that restricted food emissions of time promise not only to sacake cancer, but also weight promotion less, because it is much easier to do than your average diet. Calorie.

"The limited diet of time may be more successful than the calorie restriction in the control of the negative effects of obesity, due to hunger and irritability that makes it more difficult for the restriction of calories to Long term, "wrote das.

Now, before you start defining reminders to eat at certain times, it is important to remember that the study is limited in the fact that it has been led to mice and not human subjects. But the results are nevertheless an opening of the eyes. And for more breast cancer prevention, checkThe 40 ways to prevent breast cancer after 40.

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Categories: Health
By: owen-duff
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