Why lose weight so confusing? Experts demystify the issue of engraving

Spend these unwanted books can be a challenge - and that's exactly why.

Losing weight, as a concept, seems relatively simple: eat fewer calories than you burn in a given day and the books will drop ... no? Well, unfortunately, anyone has already tried a diet knows that it's not so simple. Losing weight can be difficult and confusing to start, and while asking why it is so difficult to lose weight, it is important to note that achieving your goals is far from impossible.

We talked to experts to identify what it is exactly that makes weight loss so delicate and what you can do to demystifyweightloss, once for all.

Determine what causes your weight gain.

The first thing to note is that weight gain is a complex issue that can be linked to a number of factors, which then makes it possible to lose weight even more complicated.

"I always start with the physiological," says Elise Museles, certified to eat psychology and expert nutrition and host podcast ofOnce upon a time a food story. "Sometimes it's more goal to govern certain things."

Metabolism, allergies, intolerances and pre-existing conditions such as PCOs can all contribute to weight gain, as well as hormonal imbalances, Alisa Vitti notes, functional nutrition and female hormone and founderFLO LIVING, a modern hormonal health company.

"I think for women, weight loss is made more difficult because they do not charge in their insulin hormones, cortisol and their estrogen, and the way they fluctuate throughout the cycle and affect Metabolism, muscle gain and fat loss, "she says. The museums also notes that problems, like not having enough sleep or do not drink enough water, can also hinder weight loss efforts.

"When you are really tired, you often want carbohydrates," she notes. "And when you do not sleep well, you do not think so clearly, and you do not make good choices. It's incredible how when you are well hydrated, your body works softer."

Once these physical problems are extinguished from the table, you can then focus on the primary cause of most weight loss problems: your brain. Museles notes that many people are "blocked in a story" on the cause of their weight gain, thinking in their mind "I have a slow metabolism, or I am unlucky, or they are my genes." But, she targets, these kinds of preconceived notions could actually cause the question you think diagnose.

"Your thoughts can create a stressed answer in your system," she says. "If you believe that all these things, and you sit down at a meal, do you think 'Oh my God, I'm going weight? I'm doing it well? You publish cortisol and has an entire hormonal cascade. Your Metabolism does not work as efficiently; everything closes and does not work like that it makes when you are relaxed. "

J.D. Roth, co-creator of realityThe biggest loserNote that it is easy to get stuck in a self-sabotage rinner if you do not confront the psychological reasons for your weight gain.

"When people lose the sense of purpose or sense of passion, they create this principle of pleasure in the brain:" I feel bad, I eat a donut, I feel good, "he says." So, It's just this self-directive prophecy that continues, and unless you treat with the emotional side of things, there is no diet or food type that will help you in the long run. "

Museles recommends renewing your thoughts around the food as much as you can, and above all, be nice with yourself when you leave on your weight loss course.

"You want to try to work in your mind as much as you work on your body," she says. "You can always want to change and improve, but a loving place. Nothing good does come out of hating you."

RELATED: Become skinny for life with that14-day flat stomach plan.

Do not take a unique approach.

It is tempting to be inspired by the weight loss successes of a family member, a friend or colleague of colleague, and you could try all that their secret is and that it does not see Really a lot to help you lose these unwanted books. It's easy to understand why it confuses you, but keep in mind that all weight loss techniques will not work for all peoples.

"I like to think of our bodies like fingerprints, unique to ourselves and incomparable to the other," says Saskia (Sassy) Gregson-Williams, an old ballerina, a personal trainer, a the best-selling cuisine author and founder ofNaturally waterproof, an online workout studio, a recipe platform and an application. "This approach helps us understand that there is no general rule and that all lifestyle factors will be different by the individual."

When it comes to choosing a weight loss protocol,Keto Topaleo ToveganismAs of calories, examine the emotional and psychological factors of the diet that could help or hinder your weight loss. Are you going to be able to keep whole food groups, for example? Will you have time to cook all your meals at home or you will end up swinging? Use the answers to these questions to guide your experiment with different protocols.

"I think curiosity is great when it comes to losing weight," says Museles. "Even if you choose something that might not be right for you, you always stop the schemas you were and try to become aware of what they were and what you want it to be. I think the catch. Of consciousness is the first step for weight loss for everyone. I just said, "I'm going to do things differently," is huge ". It also recommends modifying food protocols adapted to your lifestyle and needs.

"I think there is a culture now where people cling to diet labels that are too closely," she says. "Use these philosophies that have worked for so many people than a jump jump point." From there, let your body and your intuition are your guide. Of course, to follow this trick, it is essential to adversely affect a skill that many cruelly lack that it can often contribute to the confusion that you might have when it comes to losing weight: listen to our bodies. But the recovery of this instinct is not out of reach.

"It's amazing what you do if you just sit there and you take three big breaths before deciding what to eat," says Museles. "It makes such a difference in your clarity and in the hormones as you eat your meal." Ideally, you just want to find a plan that works for you. It could start with experimentation, but for our experts, it should also include a professional.

"Dietitians can help you prepare for success and disapproving certain beliefs you may have on your current regime," says Gregson-Williams.

An expert can also help you go to the bottom of why some protocols could work better for you than others.

"It's important to understand that weight loss is no longer a conversation on calories in calories burned through exercises that lead to fat loss - it's about looking at inflammation, intestinal health, hormones , a fitness and food grade, "said Vitti. "I think it's essential to do your research and connect to a community of individuals sharing the same ideas that share your goals and struggles - support and responsibility are essential."

Do not be afraid to get help from other sources too, likeEnterprise meal kit, who will take a lot of planning and shopping conjectures for meals.

"Obviously, I'm a big believer to get a support where you need it," says Museles. "In an ideal world, we cooked all our own meals. We would do things from scratch. But I understand that it is not realistic for everyone, then have healthier and healthy options is so better than Call to take away. "

Small steps are better than taking nothing.

Whatever the system you choose, the commitment is key and as soon as possible.

"It does not need to be Monday or New Year," Museles said. "You can change it the next meal. People forget that, and they expect the perfect and ideal circumstances, and it's not like life."

Once you have made a commitment, advertise to those around you to help keep you honest.

"I really think that asking for help is the first thing you can do, so I mean, plant the flag in your goal, your mission," says Roth. "This year, I will lose 50 pounds. Tell everyone! The more people you say, the less you will be ashamed."

Above all, remember that there are no quick corrections: a diet could help you lose weight, but it is not the key to keeping it.

"The dietary culture feeds on the idea that faster and more extreme diets are the ones to follow, and this weight loss path is often very short," says Gregson-Williams. "We can lose weight quickly but will not be able to maintain it once they come back to their diet and scheduled exercise program."

So, instead, settle for the success of the achievable goals that extend over a long time.

"The small but consistent steps are essential," says Gregson-Williams. "When it comes to exercising, do not prepare for failure by promising that you train a workout longer than you know is feasible right now. It is better to make 15 minutes every day at the House once a week. Once you have in the habit of 15 minutes a day and stick to that for a month, you can increase the time at 20 or 25 minutes. "

And above all, do not be fighting if you have poorly not spread.

"You have 21 chances a week to make a good choice," says Roth. "What defines that you are not the mistake you do - that's what you're doing the minute after your mistake."

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