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The other 17 locations in the school of children
You may want to start packing a hand disinfectant in their lunch boxes.

To say that children launch caution to the wind in terms of hygiene would constitute a raw euphemism (word set). Theywash one's hands without soap (if at all), and theyChoose their noses and eat what they find. Given the way in which unhealthy school-age children are, it is meaning that the schools themselves areTEIGING with germs. However, some areas are dirtier than others. Continue reading to discover the surfaces in the schools of your children who are themost infested germs.
1 Sharpener

If your child's class still has aManual pencil sharpenerYou may want to invest in a small and laptop they can stay on themselves. A 2010 study inThe Nursing Journal of the School Found that the manual pencil display handles were one of the most managed school surfaces tested, just a second ...
2 Water fountains

Hundreds of children put the mouth dangerously close to the water fountain every day at school - and alarming, they are far from properly. The 2010JOURNAL OF SCHOOL NURSE The study revealed that the water fountain rocks most bacteria from any school surface.
In addition to that, when researchers fromNSF International Taken samples of two water pins from the Michigan Elementary School Fountain, they found that they contained an average of 2.7million Units of bacteria forming colonies per square inch (CFU / sq.). As a comparison, the sampled average toilet seat is only 3,200 CFU / SQ. In. Yikes!
3 Cafeteria trays

Make sure you remind your kids not to eat directly from their cafeteria trays! The international researchers of the NSF found that the average plateau contained 33 800 CFU / SQ. In. It's more than 10 times the amount of bacteria on a school toilet seat. Considering that students are required to file a slice of apple or two on their tray, it's a hard pill for any parent to swallow.
4 Keyboards

Given the fact that students tend to share computers at school, it is a question of reasoning that the average keyboard of the class is a Cesspool. And this is precisely what NSF International researchers have discovered: according to their study, the average keyboard of the class contains 3,300 CFU / SQ. In., Which still is more than a toilet seat!
5 Computer mouse

Computer mice are not much better than computer keyboards for cleanliness. In fact, in January 2008, theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning on an epidemic of Norovirus in Washington, D.C., primary school caused by - you have guessed mice and contaminated keyboards. Of the 314 students and 66 school staff, 103 fell with the disease during the epidemic.
"This is the first time we have shown that computer keyboards and mice can be a source of norovirus transmission", "Dr. Shua Chai, a CDC epidemiologist, said in a press release.
6 Bathroom meters

Given what children do in the bathroom, it makes sense that the counters of the bathroom are not the cleanest. When the researchers behind the 2010JOURNAL OF SCHOOL NURSEstudy tested 12 school sink counters, they determined that there were enough bacteria present atpotentially make children sick.
7 Paper towel dispensers

These fancutors of fancy paper towels that meet the wave of your hand are hardly a concern when it comes to germs. Paper towel dispensers with manual levers on the other hand? Well, in theJOURNAL OF SCHOOL NURSE Study, it was one of the most infested school surfaces in the germ.
8 Faucets

Ironically, faucets that students and educators use each day to stay clean are covered with germs. The international researchers of the NSF have found that the average cold water tap handle contained 32,000 CFU / SQ. in.
9 Bathroom floors

You imagine that you imagined that the fighter handles are one of the dirtiest school surfaces, but they have nothing on the floor of the bathroom. In a 2018 study published in the journalPlos a, scientists analyzed samples of different school surfaces for methicillin-sensitive methicillinStaphylococcus aureus (MSSA), a strain of bacteria that can lead to cutaneous infection that is not treatable with penicillin, according to theCDC.
When researchers tested the soils of the bathroom, 12.5% of the samples were positive positive for the MSSA. In comparison, only 2.5% of positive tested toilet handles for the same strain of bacteria.
10 Offices

Office computers have been one of the most contaminated surfaces by the virus of the school average, according to theJOURNAL OF SCHOOL NURSE to study. More specifically, researchers found that five of the 27 flagging desktops were tested positive forInfluenza a.
11 Chairs

Even if it is only their clothes covered with clothes sitting there, these presidents that your children spend all day away from being free of germ. In 2018Plos aStudy, researchers took samples of 200 classroom chairs and found that 3.5% have been tested positive for the MSSA.
12 Stair railway

School stair railings are constantly caressed by dark hands for children and yetRarely cleaned properly. So, it is difficult to surprise that thePlos a The study tested 80 stair handles and found that nearly 9% of them returned positive for MSSA.
13 Switches

In the same study of 2018, researchers took 80 samples of various school lighting switches and found that about 2.5% have been tested positive for MSSA. It might not seem like a lot, but try to imagine how many students and teachers touch a class light switch on a given day. Even if each of these people hadclean their hands Before and after touching the light switch, the dimensions are at least one of them deposits germs on the switch or pick them up and spread them again throughout the school.
14 Door handles

Students can not help but touch the door handles every time they enter and leave a classroom. The problem? Researchers behind thePlos a The study revealed that, 40 door handle samples, 5% positive tested for MSSA.
15 Floors in classroom

In the 2018 study inPlos aThe researchers took 40 samples of classroom floors and found that 12.5% have been tested positive for the MSSA, which is particularly problematic for younger students because they spend some time sitting in the circles On the floor and rarely wash hands properly.
16 Animal cages

Do youDo not forget to be in primary school and have a class of class? Yes, take Hammy's house for the weekend was definitely fun, but he and his cage were even crisscrossed as what you could have thought. When the international researchers of the NSF have yielded and analyzed animal cages, they found that they contained about 1,200 CFU / SQ. In. So, if your child or grandchild has a class pet, make sure they know how to wash your hands before and after they play with them.
17 Children's hands

The bad news? When NSF International Twabbit and tested the hands of the students, they found that they contained an average of 1,200 CFU / sq. in. The good news? This is a minimum amount of bacteria compared to some of the worst and most infestulated classroom surfaces - and if you remember your children from theImportance to wash your handsYou can easily bring this number. And for more health advice that will keep your children safe at school, check these17 things that school nurses want to know.

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