5 ways to stop eating emotional for good

You could be an emotional eatery and not even knowledge.

You could be an emotional eatery and do not even know. Many people in the trial groups for my new book,You can fall!-in I describe how I lost100 pounds by eating carbohydrates, chocolate and comfort food-claimed Do not be emotional eaters: "I did not understand how to eat, and this program will help me do it. Then, two months later, they will come back to me and say, "I never thought I'm an emotional eatery, but my child just went into the emergency room this weekend, and I found myself at the distributor Automatique. As, I had an episode of emotional eating ".

Well yeah! Were allEmotional eaters. There is not one person who is not an emotional eatery. We are emotional beings and feel a crowd of emotions, a given day and also eat three times or more a day. It is impossible for them not to collide. All who say they are not an emotional eatery just does not understand what it means. Happy, sad, angry, solitary, pointed out, whatever we are not robots, and they are emotions. Food offers comfort. But taking care of your body can provide more sustainable comfort. Weight loss becomes easier when you're going to leave, "I can not eat that" to "I do not want because I'm focused on my more ambitious goals. Here are some ways to get there.Subscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest foods directly in your inbox.


Identify why you eat the way you

emotional eating

One thing that leads to great results is to wonder: "If I'm not hungry, why am I eating? Are you eating the cake because you want to eat the cake? Is it a habit? Is it a form of comfort or self-sabotage, even if you are not tasting even? Is it because everyone is eating? Is it because you have too many things, and your life is just really chaotic now? It can not be something you can fix at the moment and that can be frustrating, but the cake will not solve anything. When you pause to ask why and the answer with "I'm just bored and feel anxious," it can help you better understand your motivation. Here are some moresigns you could be eating your feelings.


Give up something stubborn

read a book

We aspire all surrender. Life forces us to be so disciplined and attentive in so many regions that we all have desire, sometimes, to lower your arms, give and VEG outside. It is in human nature and it is ok, but it is important that you find a more targeted form of the assignment. Get a massage, offer new shoes, read a book or watch a show that is purely for entertainment, sleep, to say no to an invitation or exit, get your nails done, plan holiday or other things that feel indulgent and pleasant, but not dangerous. or considerA walk for weight loss.


Ease on yourself

forgive yourself

Sometimes it's not the others, but we are constantly disappointing. Reassess your standards and let go of judgment for yourself. Forgive yourself for the past. We all makeup errors, and we do them more often than we would like, but we deserve every second chance (and third and fourth). Treat yourself to forgiveness, and give you permission to move from your past mistakes and take advantage of the opportunity to start again. Try theseFoods that fight depression and improve your mood.


mentor yourself


I tell my private customers that all the time. You have to mentor because you are in your head all day. If you eat something and say that you treat yourself, but all the time you think:

  • "This has so many calories. »
  • "Yeah, well, it's gluten free. »
  • "I'm going to really regret. »
  • "Is not it even worth? »
  • "My child drives me crazy. »

Meanwhile, your head is to be distracted with:

  • "Oh, my God, I have so many emails coming. »
  • "I can not believe I have to go later. »
  • "I'm so mad at him, I hate it. »
  • "One of her b * tch. »
  • Or ... La La ...

Whatever happens in your head, if it's not "I take full advantage that," If it's not, "it's delicious," I would say that dropping the fork, just drop the fork . The goal is to treat yourself, do not be wrong. And you make you stay away from"healthy" foods that are actually bad for you.


Get productive, non-destructive

feeling proud

Often we eat as a form of reaction. I can not tell you how much weight in my client pool can fluctuate around an election. With each debate and every political change comes a wave of stress eating after the night of the night. I get that the climate is stretched right now and there is always something we want to improve our social, political and professional life, but an emotional diet is never correct. Repeat after me: "The emotional power supply is never correct" -Because it is destructive, not productive. What's going on is that you are anxious and upset, so you start eating. Now you are more anxious, more upset - and guilty and regretted, that you were previously. Stress Eat increases your overall stress. As for the food and our body, we must be more responsible, which means more capable of controlling our answers. That's someProven tricks that can help melt your stress.

Instead of: Become productive. Write a blog article. Read a book, look at a funny clip, drink a cup of tea, take a walk with your dog, kiss yourself to someone or something, take a shower or bath, do something creative. Do something that attenuates or mitigates your stress, makes you more peace or resolution and allows you to rest well. It's simple, but it's effective. Keep reminding you to be productive, not destructive.

AdaptedYou can drop it!: How did I drop 100 pounds taking advantage of carbohydrates, cocktails and chocolate - and you can also! by Ilaana Muhlstein (galvanized media). Copyright © 2020.

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