The most beautiful stories of the stars

Hollywood stars are not so far and out of reach, as it seems to us ...

Hollywood stars are not so far and out of reach, as it seems to us. They are also ordinary people who just want to find their place in life and their love. Their love stories are also absolutely ordinary, and at the same time beautiful. After all, the essence of love is not in majestic gestures, or millions of dollars, expensive machines and estates on the shore of the ocean. All magic is just in human feelings. Today we want to tell you about the 8 most beautiful stars' stories.

1. Carry Malligan and Marcus Mommford

We are almost confident that this is the lighter love story. It turns out to Kari and Marcus were familiar with childhood. They met accidentally in the summer camp, and then supported the connection by sending each other letters. Then their paths dispersed, the contacts were lost, and in general, this children's history was forgotten, until they met again, already adults and famous. Actress Kerie Malligan and the Markus Mommford's Singer married in 2012 and have two children.

2. Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher

Mila and Ashton met the shooting series "show 70's", but to meet much later. Mila admits that she immediately spoke in the eye of Ashton, and their kiss on the show was her first kiss in life. Then she could not even imagine that in 17 years she will marry him.

3. Prince Harry and Megan Mark

This royal love story unfolded in front of us over the past few years. They introduced joint friends, and the rest is the story. Their romance was stunningly fast, they have a date all over the world. "The fact that I was so incredibly fell in love with Megan, was a certain confirmation that everything is correct. Everything was just perfect, "Harry said. The most interesting thing is that there is an interview in Harry asking whoever he called the perfect woman, and he answered "Rachel from the serial force majeure." This interview took place long before they have become acquainted. Apparently Harry was lucky to get married on his ideal woman.

4. Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez

For the first time, the star met at a baseball game in 2005, but began to meet only 12 years. But Rodriguez was crushed on Jay Le since 1998. When he was asked to whom he dreamed of going on a date, he said: "Jennifer Lopez. I hope that I will be able to go on a date with her. " For more than 20 years they married, and the athlete shared the video of this interview in the installation with the signature "I had a forethought."

5. Julia Roberts and Danny Moder

Everyone knows who Julia Roberts, but few people have heard of her husband daylight with whom they are married for 18 years. He worked as an operator on shooting her movie "Mexican". According to Julia, her life has changed forever after their meeting. "He is really, today, my favorite person in the world, I am always interested in his point of view and that he thinks," said Roberts Guineth Peltrow in his pumpsty goop in November 2018. "We are so lucky. We are simply very much, love each other and enjoy each other. " In Julia and Danny three children, 14-year-old Gizel and Finney Gemini and the 12-year-old son Henry.

6. Mendy Moore and Taylor Goldsmith

It is difficult to believe that the stars can also get acquainted through the installs. Mendand terribly liked the album Taylor, and she decided to share this in the installs. Goldsmith saw it, and decided to answer her to Privat. Shortly after that they began to meet, and in November 2018 married.

7. Neil Patrick Harris and David Brutx

From their first date, 15 years have passed, and since then they are almost inseparable. Neil admits that during the first acquaintance simply did not know how to behave. He is red and coinced in the presence of David, but constantly tried to be near and hoped that "planets will come down." So it happened, they married and raise two children together.

8. Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi

Ellen and the portion met in 2000, but their novel began only four years. At that time, the dejeneres has already met someone else, but later he confessed that she could not stop thinking about de Rossi. "I really never stopped thinking about her, I just never experienced such energy, this did not happen before in my life. Then I realized that it is a real love, "Ellen said in 2008.

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