Why this young cyclist feels-good goes viral
She knows when she is correct by reflected motorists

Often, when a clip of a viral driver, he must indicate the tragic consequences of rabies or irresponsible behavior, so this short viral video of a child thanking a truck to exceed it safely . Our faith in humanity.
Captured by a Dashcam on his handlebars, the clip shows that Rhoda Jones of four, with a bike in his northamptonshire hometown, England. Even if it's just a child, she has a much better understanding of cycling rules, to diligently carry her helmet and be attentive to her surroundings.
She also clearly in great ways, because when a truck exceeds her passing on another way to give her a lot of room, she thanked the truck giving him a happy thumb up. The clip was shared by Rhoda's parents, who manage a blog calledFamily BYNCLE, where they share the cycling adventures they have with their three children.
"So often, we see or share videos of dreadful pipe around cyclists, so this manual goes from an exceptionally patient and attentive HGV driver for D & W Agri in Jedburgh deserves sharing, just like the answer of Rhoda! They are not on Twitter, but we directly thanked the carrier: "The family wrote on Twitter.
In three days, the clip had more than 8,000 retweets and nearly 31,000 tastes.
In a blog article on the viral moment, the mother of Rhoda, Katie Jones, shared why the clip "does not do justice to the patience shown" by the truck driver:
The truck was sitting behind the Rhoda and the dad, but also mom and ruth, and we abrite when we worked in a climb, crossed a bridge and negotiated the stretching occupied in the city. The truck followed a decent distance from our rear wheels to make us clarify that it was ready to wait and give us space to negotiate this road stretch safely. In a world where everyone is in a hurry and those who spend we are often closer than they should be, we all have been grateful. He stood out.
She also shared the importance of teaching children to ride a bicycle responsibly.
Cycling with our children teaches good habits and exercise and normal and pleasant exterior, "she wrote. Children are designed to move. They need to move to grow properly. "
Not to mention the importance of teaching them to recognize others.
"We raise our children to be grateful for the kindness of them and show an appreciation, so Ruth and Rhoda gave a cheerful wave and a thank you to the driver, so he / she knows we noticed that we had noticed we noticed the care taken and that it meant something. "
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