17 Facts of totally crazy twins who will breat you

You do not need to be multiple to appreciate these facts. Prepare to be amazed by this twin trivial!

The twins may seem to be an ongoing party turn - something magic taking place in ordinary circumstances. Which among us has not been fascinated by the connection between apair of twins, especially their ability to communicate without saying a word? And you would have trouble finding a person who is not guilty ofMix the brothers and sisters in an identical twin assembly. Even as an identical twin myself, I am often mystified by multiples for the same reasons that everyone is. Explain a part of the wonder of seeing double, here is 17Twin facts To help you understand and enjoy US Lookalikes.

Dogs can tell the difference between identical twins.

Twin sisters walking with their dog

While twins can confuse us humans, canines can give up their differences. In a 2011 study published in the journalPlos aGerman Shepherd's police dogs were presented with identical twin scents. Then they were then able to find the exact matches among the jars that contained odors from other people to distract them. Although dogs are already trained to follow the individual scents, they have been able to choose twins ", even if they live in the same household and eat the same food," two things that make up our own personal perfumes.

The twins are more likely to be left-handed.

Two mature African-American women in their 40s, identical twins, sitting on a pool deck, laughing uncontrollably, looking at the camera. One of them is holding one hand up in a stop gesture and is covering her mouth with the other as she laughs.
Kali9 / iStock

TheHeuness of the twins has long been studied and debated, but the general consensus is that for about10% of the general population is left-handedThis number is higher in the twins. For example, in a 2009 study published in the journalNeuropsychology Out of 30,161 Finnish subjects aged 18 to 69, the left-handed left in the twins (8.1%) than in triplets (7.1%) and singles (5.8%).

There is such a thing that semi-identical twins.

redhead twin girls

There are two types of twins that everyone knows: identical, monozygot and fraternal, which are dizygotic. These scientific names refer to the number of zygotes involved: for identical twins, only one fertilized egg is divided into two halves; For fraternal twins, two eggs are fertilized. But what about SESQUIZYGOTIC?

Monozygous twins share 100% of their genomes, 50% dizygozygot and SesquizyGic share a certain percentage in the middle. Although rare, these sesquizygotic twins are the result of two spermatozoa fertilizing a single egg, then the egg divides - so that they have a 100% correspondence of the genes of their mother and another percentage percentage of their father . It's like identical fraternal twins. A detailed case study of the anomaly was published in 2019 inNew England Journal of Medicine.

Some identical twins are "mirrors twins".

Male mirror twins looking at each other
Hraun / iStock

About 25% of identical twins are mirror images from each other, according to a 2012 article inAmerican scientist. This means that some of their physical features are equal but opposite: we can have a birth or freckle on the right side of their face, while the other has the same thing on their left side. We can begaucher, the other right. We can have curls around their right ear, the other around their left.

There is no deep science to explain the phenomenon because all traits are not reflected, but there are so many cases, it's hard to ignore.The Washington State Twin Registry Suggests that the mirror twins can find the fractionation of the fertilized egg in the uterus: when the egg is divided, it can already have a left and right side, leading to mirroring.

Africa has the highest rate of twins.

twin boys in africa

There is a higher incidence of twinsacross Central Africa that any other region of the world, according to the research published in 2011 inPlos a. Although the international born rate is 13.1 per 1,000 births, the average in the midst of Africa jumps more than 18 years of age.

The city of Igbo-ora, Nigeria, was long regarded as the city with the highest level of twins, with theBBC citing up to 45 to 50 twins for each 1,000 births in the years between 1972 and 1982. In the most recentPlos aStudy, the title of most twins in Africa goes in a small country called the Republic of Benin, who sees 27.9 twins for 1,000 births!

The twins growing distinguished are still likely to have personalities, interests and similar attitudes.

Asian elderly senior adult women (twin sisters) using mobile tablet
Chinnapong / iStock

Nature sometimes wins. In a historical study of 1990 published in the journalScience,Researchers have studied more than 100 series of twins who have grown apart. The results showed that even if they were not high together, they have always shared many personality traits, personal and personal interests. The researchers concluded that "high monozygous twins are as similar as high monozygous twins together."

The twins socialize in the uterus.

twin newborn babies

If you have already been in close quarters with someone, you probably have received talking. So imagine what it's like to be trapped in a small space with someone for nine months! In a study of 2010 published inPlos aResearchers have used ultrasonic technology to monitor five twin games during pregnancy. During their research, it became clear that the twins physically contacted their wizmattes more and more. Between weeks 14 and 18 of gestation, more of their movements were directed to their co-twin.

And they speak their own language.

twin babies sitting on a ledge

The twins often develop a language later than monoparif individuals. In a 2014 study published in theJournal of speech, language and auditory researchThe researchers studied 473 pairs of twins to better understand how they used the language when they were less than 24 months old. "The twinning effect" - a lower level of linguistic performance for the twins that monopared children - had to be comparable to both types of twins, but was larger for identical twins ","MABEL L. RIZ, PhD, the principal researcher of the report, said in adeclaration. One of the reasons may be that40% Twins have an "autonomous language" that only they understand.

There is a unique annual gathering in Twinsburg, Ohio.

twins gathering in ohio

At the end of each summer since 1976, the twins and the multiples have come down on Twinsburg, Ohio, for theFestival Twin Festival. In 2019, in the midst of socializing, there was a twin volleyball tournament, a "double parade to take", a Talent Twin show, and "Twingo", which is guessed-you-bingo for the twins. There was alsorewards Given twins that were most similar to the other ages and genders - and there were even some rewards for the twins who were the least identical!

Over the years, 77,000 sets of twins have found themselves in Twinsburg for the annual festival. And although you had to be a twin to attend, the event waswell-documented For all to enjoy.

Mothers of twins live longer.

twin girls hugging their mother

In a wide study of 2011, the researchers traveled the UTAH population database and drew information on mothers from 1807 to 1899. There was a total of 4,603 mothers with twins and 54,183 With single babies. The results were published in theActs of Royal Society B And has shown that twin mothers have expressed "lower postmenopropaus mortality ... and greater fertility for life than their counterparts bearing only singletons."

Larger women are more likely to have twins.

Ultrasound pics of twins and two sets of baby shoes

Among the many unique factors that can lead to a woman with twins is height. Yes, women larger than average are more likely to give birth to multiple. In a 2006 study published in theReproductive medicine newspaper,Gary Steinman, MD, PhD, doctor at the Jewish Medical Center of Long Island in New Hyde Park, in New York, wrote that he studied 129 women who had twins or triplets. He found that the average height of multiple mothers is 5'5 ", which is more than one inch larger than the national average of 5'3.75". Steinman removed that a protein that is more frequently in larger people - an insulin-type growth factor or IGF-can stimulate the ovaries and help several embryos survive.

And eating dairy products can increase the possibility of twins.

Pregnant asian woman eating yogurt

If you are not larger than the national average but you still want twin, consider taking your dairy consumption. In another 2006 study, Steinman noted that if women change from plan, they can also change the likelihood they will have twins or triplets. The reason is IGF again, which reacts to products of animal origin, including the dairy. Steinman noted that women who ate products of animal origin werefive times more likely to have twins that women who were vegan.

Fraternal twins come from the mother genes.

Fraternal twins, brother and sister.

The genes of a father do not seem to play a role in the production of fraternal twins, according to researchers at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Brisbane, Australia, specializing in twin studies. In fact, the probability of fraternal twin comes completely from the genes of a mother. In 2002, researchers at the Queensland InstituteNick martinandGrant Montgomerysaid in adeclarationThat "the best way to increase your chances of having fraternal twins if you are a woman is to have a mother, a sister or aunt (side of your mother or father) who had fraternal twins. " According to their conclusions, the trend of women to have multiple ovulation, where two eggs or more are released in a single menstrual cycle, is the main cause of increased probability of having twins.

But there are other factors, according to Martin and Montgomery, including the age of the mother; Women are more likely to have twins in geriatric pregnancies than when they are younger.

The birth rates upwards the United States were up to 30 years, but started falling in the last five.

twin newborns

In 1980, the twin birth rate in the United States was 18.9% per 1,000 births. This rate has increased jumps and limits until 2014, when twins accounted for 33.9 out of 1,000 births, depending on theNational Center for Health Statistics, which trail of birth. However, since we have declined in the last five years, with Twins representing 3,000 births in 2018.

What caused the numbers essentially doubled before starting the fall? "Changes to fertility improvement therapies are clearly part of the equation"Joyce A. Martin, MPH, statistician with the National Center for Health Statistics, said in adeclaration. With advances made with in vitro fertilization (IVF) over the years, doctors have been able to improve the quality of the embryos they transfer to women, thus increasing their chances of getting pregnant without using high-risk treatments. Multiple pregnancy. .

Stanford University has its own twin register.

Twins having a meeting in an office

Who keeps a trace of all these twins? Some countries occupy registers of all twin births, as well as various institutions. In the United States, theNational Center for Health Statistics Suites the occurrence of twins over the years, but that does not notice their names. And the University of Stanford has its ownTwin registry, where multiple people can volunteer and join a community often envisaged for research studies. Similarly, theMid-Atlantic Registry Provides resources to families with twins and researchers. At the international level, twins can join similar groups in China, Italy, U.K., Andmany other countries.

The identical twins are responsible for the tons of scientific progress.

Twin girls being examined by an actual Pediatric doctor.

The basis of a lot of scientific discovery is a control group and a test group - and which makes better correspond to these groups than those who share so many attributes? The identical twins participated in studies that testPsoriasis and psoriatic arthritis,breast cancer, andcognitive development, among many others.

Twinsuk has been studying twins since 1992 and examined 14,000 twins.TIM SPECTOR, the program director, put it in adeclaration: "The twins are the perfect experience."

An identical twin was even sent to space for a year for the sake of science!

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly along with his brother, former Astronaut Mark Kelly.
Photo of NASA / ALAMY Photo

When NASA wanted to better understand the effects of long-term space trips on the human body, they had the chance to have a pair of identical twin astronauts. Scott Kelly and Mark Kelly , who had already been in space, were part of a 340-day study during which Scott lived on an international space station while Mark lived earthly life on earth. The results, published in 2019 in the journal Science , noted that Scott had significant changes to his body after spending nearly a year in space, some of which extend for months after his return.

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