6 impressive facts about pearls

Each pearl is unique - like every girl. Reveal 6 reasons why you should fall in love with pearls today.

Already several seasons in a row natural pearls - Must-Have in the box of any fashionista. We collected 6 of the most impressive facts about the pearls, which you most likely did not even guess.

1. All clams are able to create pearls

Sea pearls are collected from oysters, and freshwater - from mussels. In today's market, 95% of pearls are grown on special pearl farms. How do pearls appear? When the shell fell into the cavity of the sink, it does not matter artificial or naturally, the mollusk is trying to get rid of it and isolate from his body. To do this, he envelops the foreign body by the mother-in-law - after some time the sand turns into the pearl. There is a beautiful legend, as if pearls are tears of Poor Mollusk's pain.

2. Pearl "grows" approximately 5 years

Many factors affect the growth process of pearls: water condition, size and type of mollusk. On average, the pearl "grows" approximately 5 years. Interestingly, in the same shell, the number of pearls can reach several hundred. However, the more their amount in the body of the mollusk, the more smaller.

3. Pink - the rarest color of pearls

Pearl coloring also depends on the type of mollusk and the reservoir. It can vary from white to black, purple, blue and golden. And only one of 13,500 thousand pearls is pink. Such pearls does not contain a pearl, so it looks very unusual. The cost of one such pearl can reach 120 thousand dollars.

4. There are eight forms of pearls

Pearls are so self-sufficient that does not require special processing, grinding or cuts, unlike other gems. In nature, there are eight forms of pearls: a round having an ideal spherical shape; semicircular with a small sprinkle on the sides; oval - wide in the center and symmetrically narrowing around the edges; pale-shaped; in the form of a button and hoop; Baroque - fully devoid of symmetries of pearls; Polburkko, close to oval or a circle, but slightly asymmetrical.

5. La Peregrina -oneFrom the most famous pearls in the world

In the past times, pearls were a very expensive stone and only members of royal families could afford him. For example, one of the most famous pearls in the history of La Peregrina, in size, comparable to a pigeon egg, once belonged to the Spanish King Philip II, the Queen of England Maria Tudor and the French Emperor Napoleon III. One of the last owners of this jewel was Elizabeth Taylor.

6. The average life expectancy of pearls, like a person

Because of the organic origin, pearls are very strongly susceptible to the destructive effects of the environment. On average, the pearl "lives" about 70 years. In some cases, the pearl retains its shine for a longer period.

Categories: Fashion
Tags: pearl / decorations
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