50 hacks of happiness entirely supported by science

These tips addressed to be happy will improve your mood during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Be happy is often easier said than done - especially in the middle of aglobal pandemic. With most of uspass almost all our time inside, separated from friends and family, it's hard not to leaveStress and anxiety benefit the best of us. The good news is that there are many ways to improve your mood, even during these stressful periods, and they are all supported by science! By implementing our supported happiness hacks of experts, you will be smiling again in no time.

Pretending to be happy.

Sad Woman Pretending to Smile {Body Language Cues}

They say you can simulate it until you do it, and the same theory works with happiness. A 2012 study published inPsychological science foundpretend And claiming to be happy when you feel stressed, you can really reduce your stress levels, making you more happy.

Get out with your dog.

woman sleeping with french bulldog photos of snoozing dogs

It's almost impossiblenotBe happy around your little puppy slobberie, right? In a 2017 study published in the journalBorders in psychology, the researchers found that simplyto be around your dog Ampresse of your oxytocin levels, one of the chemicals that makes you happy. So take your best friend for a walk, hug for a movie or play looking. It will relievethe twoof your moods.

Get flowers.

yellow flowers in white vase, old school cleaning tips

Why wait for someone else brings you a bouquet of flowers when you can increase your own levels of happiness by providing yourself? A significant 2005 study published in the journalEvolutionary psychology I found that flowers can increase your mood up to three days!

Wear bright clothes.

things women don't understand about men

When it comes to your happiness, your old blue jeans could make you feel ... well, blue. A 2014 study ofUniversity of Hertfordshire In England noted that the garment that women wear when they feel sad are most often than non-jeans. In addition to that, those who feel sad are also more likely to wear a high bouquet. Happy clothes, on the other hand, are "well cut, improving the figurine and made from bright fabrics and beautiful".

Turn vanilla scented candles.

candles and decorative towels

The next time you decide to store candles, get a lot of variety of vanilla. A significant 2005 study published in the journalChemical have found that those who sniffed the perfume were happier and more relaxed. So, do not hesitate to put one in each room and turn them on a regular basis.

Donate to a cause close to you.


Doing something good for others is an instantaneous way to light your life, especially if the cause you give affects someone close to you. A 2013 study published in theInternational Journal of Happiness and Development found that donors who give a charity by a friend, a relatively or a social connection feel happier than those who make an anonymous donation.

And be more generous in general.

person begging for money Happiness Hacks

You do not even need to bereallygenerous. According to a 2017 study published in the newspaperNature Communications, even a little more generous than you can not make you happier in life. "You do not need to become a self-sacrificing martyr to feel happier. Just be a little more generous enough", author of the studyPhilippe Tobler, PhD, says in adeclaration.

Look at old movies at home.

better parent over 40

Sometimes, a little breath of the past is all you need on your levels of happiness. A 2013 study published in the journalPersonality Bulletin and Social Psychology Discovered that nostalgia can stimulate optimism, then dig your old movies at home or your photo albums and get to smile on all souvenirs.

Make a 10-minute workout.

man exercising happily and smiling, over 50 fitness

Exercise keeps you healthy and helps you live a longer life, yes, but it also has serious mental benefits. A 2018 study published in theStudies of the journal of happiness I found that being physically active increases your chances of being happy, even if it is as little as 10 minutes of physical activity a week. It looks like it's time to find a workout that you like and stay with her to keep your mood.

Watch a fun video.

Couple looking and laughing at phone on couch

All these hilariousCat videos Make a way around the internet are actually quite beneficial. A 2014 study published in the journalAdvances in body medicine in the lead I found that those who looked at some humorous videos for 20 minutes had significantly lower levels of hormonal stress cortisol in their saliva than those who sat calmly and did nothing for 20 minutes.

Send selfies.

mom and daughter taking photo of themselves on phone, prepare children for divorce

WhileToo much screen time Is not good for your mental health, you lengthen selfies for your friends on a regular basis can actually give your happiness a solid boost. A 2016 study published in the magazinePsychology of well-beingI found that the use of technology this way can actually help you beat the blues.

Head outdoors.

Man outside Happiness Hacks

Yes, you can always go outside while social distancing! And there is nothing but a little sun can not repair, right? A 2015 study in the newspaperLandscape and urban planning found that even less than an hour fromwalk out can make you feel happier. But that's not all: researchers have also seen other benefits for spending time in large spaces, such as a decrease in anxiety and better memory.

Read in the park.

man reading by a tree at the park

If you are looking for more outdoor activities, you can always do right now, consider reading in the park. A 2014 study in theInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health I found that grasping a blanket and a good book and hang out in the middle of all this green space will make you feel instantly happier. In fact, the more greenery there is, the better your mood.

Dors more.

Woman sleeping in bed

When you are an adult, you can stay upmannerPast your bedtime and no one will scold you for that. But maybe your parents were right to hit the hay early. A survey of 2,000 people perAmember watched the link between sleep and happiness and found that the happiest people get a night of more than 7 night hours, whileget less than 6.8 hours leads to feeling exactly the opposite.

Call your parents.

man talking on the phone

Show your parents a little love instantly gives you a great dose of happy. In a study of 2010 published in the journalActs of Royal Society BThe researchers have discovered that something as simple as heard the voice of a relative can instantly make you feel comforted, giving you a happy feeling that will last long after hanging up on the phone. And it's particularly rewarding at the same time youmight not be able to see them in person!

Enjoy small things.

dog, dog house, celebrities not like us Happiness Hacks

Happiness should not be complicated. In fact, a 2016 study published in theJournal of the Association for Consumer Research I found that these are the simple pleasures of life that give people the most joy. Whether it's trying to look for your dog or take a nap in the courtyard, find the time to engage in a few small positive pleasures every day.

Spend money on others.

Giving Money to Charity Ways Ramadan is Celebrated

Buy something for yourself could feel good for a second, but the real way to get fun when it comes to spending your money isBuy something for someone else. At least that's a 2013 study published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology find. In addition, you will get serious brownie points with your friends and loved ones.

Be more kind.

man talking on phone, hings not to say to customer service rep

While spending money on someone else can make you happy, justbe kind In general can help also too. A 2018 study published in theJournal of Experimental Social Psychology found that simply be nice with other people can benefit your well-being, whetherDiring out compliments Or just listen to someone who needs to talk.

Practice self-acceptance.


One thing that is safe to make you feel unhappy? Always strive to be someone else because you are not satisfied with who you are. According to the conclusions ofAction for happiness' 2014 survey of "habits of happiness" of 5,000 peoplePractice self-acceptancecould make a big difference in your general happiness. According to those who run the study, it means being kind to yourself, learn from your mistakes and give you well deserved praise. Unfortunately, researchers also found that self-acceptance is the habit of "happiness of happiness" of practice practice.

Do something creative.

Ribbon happiness hacks

Who says you must have less than 10 years to love playing withcraftsmanship? Search from 2016 published in thePositive psychology diary I noticed that doing something creative every day, whether it's painting, craftsmanship or writing, will help you prosper in life, making you feel happier and more positive. And now is the perfect time forTake a new creative hobby You always wanted to try!

Cook your favorite dessert.

baking your favorite dessert happiness hacks

Sometimes the only thing that makes the dessert better. So, if you feel down and need a pick-me-up, head to the kitchen. In the same study of 2016 in theJournal Positive psychologyThe researchers have found that making a small kitchen and cooking cooking feel less stressed, more enthusiastic and closer. This is proof that biscuits over Fresh-de-la-wine are reallyareGood for you.

Meditate every day.

non coffee energy boosters Happiness Hacks

Everyone jumped on the meditation bus lately, but it's not just a trendy wellness practice. It has a handful of benefits, including the ability to stimulate your happiness. According to a 2014 study published inJama, The simple fact of sitting, focusing on your breath and let the world around you disappear can decrease stress, anxiety and depression, you feel more joyful.

Get out with other happy people.

close up of woman's hand on computer while video chatting with four other people

When it comes to keeping your morale, choose who you spend your virtual time with judiciously. A 2008 study of the city ofHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL found that just the happiness of a person can create a chain reaction, make everyone around them happy. The researchers found that "a friend who lives in a mile and who becomes happy increases the probability that a person is happy with 25%." Even if you can not see your happy friends in person right now, you can at least stay connected online.

Pass your money on experiences, no possessions.

woman wearing a striped shirt and holding a white leather backpack

According to a 2012 study ofSan Francisco State University, true happiness has just bought experiences - no more things. So, instead of passing your paycheck on a new watch, put this money aside for a future trip where you can make memories to last a lifetime. Having something to look forward to loving the ability to travel again one day - could also increase your mood.

Treat your emotional exhaustion.

sad, depressed, or tired man in his bed, over 50 regrets

Sometimes it is difficult to find true happiness until you solve the problems that prevent you from being happy in the first place. A 2017 study published in the journalWork and stress found that emotional exhaustion at work is one of these road blocks. No matter what concerns you, attack things and go to the bottom of the question can totally change your way of feeling.

Practice gratitude.

happy woman outdoors

Who needs a spoonful of drugs when you can have a solid dose of gratitude? According to the 2015 research onUC Davis Medical Center,gratitude Can help you lead to a healthier and happier life, thus reducing your risk of depression and your anxiety and make yourself more likely to practice healthy behaviors, such as exercise and consumption of healthy food.

Refer your love of learning.

Young woman using computer laptop with hand on chin thinking about question, pensive expression. Smiling with thoughtful face. Doubt concept.

Who said you should never stop learning new things once you have a school graduated? If there is a particular interest you have developed, take a class for that. A 2016 study published in the magazineArts and Health I found that taking adult education classes can really make you feel happier. And above this joy, you can also develop more self-confidence and form new relationships. There is a lot ofonline classes that you can now take for free: Start with this list ofLigue Ivy offers.

Sing your heart out.

man listening to music on headphones outside in front of a brick wall

It does not matter if it's in the shower, the car or the court - just sing! A 2017 study published in the journalMedical humanities I found that the steady removal of some pieces can improve your mental health by decreasing depression and anxiety, which allows you to feel happier.

Become a plant person.

house plants can make you instantly happy Happiness Hacks

You do not need to instantly develop a green thumb, but try to bring greenery in your life can make your level of happiness. A 2015 study published in theJournal of Physiological Anthropology foundhave plants in your space Can be very soothing, help mitigate any accumulated stress and lift your mood.

Forget the bad moments.

woman sitting on the couch and thinking

There is absolutely no reason to focus on your regrets. As 2011 study inPersonality and individual differences Revealed, those who are able to see the past through pink glasses are much happier than those who focus on the negatives. This can be particularly difficult during moments like these, but if you can start to see everything you have crossed in a positive light, your life will enlighten because of that.

To do yoga.

woman doing yoga, smart person habits

Yoga has existed for centuries and there is a reason for that. A 2017 study published in the journalBorders in psychology found that it only takes two minutes of yoga to start feelings its positive effects and mood stimulation. Warrior pose, here you come!

Take a nap.

woman napping on couch

It does not matter whether you are a 4 year old and an adult of 40 years: Naps are perfect for the soul. And, as it turns out, they are also fantastic for your mental health. In a 2017 study of theUniversity of Hertfordshire In England, participants who have tied a short period of less than 30 minutes - were much happier than those who took longer sides or are not at a nap. So, get your snooze on! You now have an excuse of science.

Drink a cup of coffee or two.

man drinking espresso outside ways we're unhealthy

You already knowCoffee wakes you up In the morning - and prevents you throughout the day, but did you know that it also plays with your mood? A decade study published in 2011 in theInternal medicine archives found that coffee consumption can reduce your risk of depression. Now you do not need to feel bad for this second cup!

Take a bath.

blue claw foot bath tub, vintage home upgrades
Shutterstock / Sylv1rob1

Who knew that a small splash in the bath could lead to such happiness? Through a 2018 study published in the journalComplementary and alternative medicine based on evidenceThe researchers discovered that something as simple as taking a long bath can make you feel rejuvenated and amplify the amount of joy you feel. There is nothing in searching on bubbles and rubber ducks, but they havegottaVire to very happy points.

Use a sunlight.

Sun Lamp, science backed happiness hack

A way effortlessly to feel instantly happier? Just catch a sunlight. According toCleveland Clinic, Sun lamps with light white light can fight depression, offering you a mood pulse whenever you need it.

Keep a gratitude log.

woman and her journal

If you are writing the things you are grateful, you can look at it at any time, you feel down - and that's where a gratitude journal between. According toUniversity of California, the largest Berkeley Science Center Guide to "science-based practices for a significant life", all you need is the note of things that make you feel grateful for three times a week to reach your levels of happiness.

Make an effort to meet new people.

young black woman waving at her computer while videochatting at night

Here is the bad news: online friends do not compare entirely to those of real life. At least that's what researchers found in a 2013 study published in the newspaperPlos a, who showed that when it comes to happiness, nothing is worth meeting new people face to face. The good news is that many ways to connect with people practically for the moment. Simply make sure you are ready to meet in person once you can do it safely!

Go hiking.

black couple hiking in nature, healthy sex after 40

Go a walk around your neighborhood is one thing, but hiking can take your levels of happiness to new heights. A 2014 study published in the journalEcopsychology found that trekking through nature brought participants' stress levels to dissipate, lowering their depression rates and allowing them to feel much happier. And although you can go up solo, you can certainly take group hikes with other members of your household - or just keep a distance of six feet from friends outside your home who want to join The excursion.

Catch chocolate.

higher energy person happiness hacks

Not only is chocolate delicious, but a 2013 study published in theJournal of Psychopharmacology found that this can also be a major asset. Eating a small bit every day can increase your levels of happiness, as long as what you snacking is at least 70% cocoa or more. Otherwise, you will not reap advantages (in addition to satisfying your sweet tooth, of course).

Plan a real holiday.

older couple splashing on the beach, school nurse secrets

The focus on "plan". By actually using your free time and taking a real quality vacation, you will feel much happier. And while you may not be able to do the actual holidays at any time, a lot of this happiness comes before you leave for your trip. In fact, a 2010 study published in the journalApplied research as life I found that justify a vacation person left for joy for eight weeks up to eight weeks. So, do you have a favor and start thinking about the future!

Keep away from the screen.

a couple watching television

Watch your favorite TV show On Netflix will obviously make you happy, but monitors the BAVE wisely: too much screen time can get you down. According to a 2018 study published in the journalEmotion, those who spend more time playing video games, using social media, texting and watching TV were less pleased than those who have spent more time doing activities that did not involve screen . You can enjoy an episode or two ofOfficeBut then turn off the TV and pick up an anti-screen hobby.

And to say goodbye to social media.

Instagram Life Easier

Of course, social media have its advantages, but too much of that does not make your happiness well. A 2017 study published in the journalComputers in human behavior I found that other platforms study the subjects used, the higher their chances of having symptoms of depression and anxiety. When recording on several platforms should not be too big, the real happiness seems to remain as much as possible to remain as much as possible.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

fruits and vegetables

If you taste the rainbow, you will obviouslyseeMore rainbows. Research published in 2016 from AustraliaUniversity of Warwick I found that the admission of your fruit and your eight-serving vegetable consumption per day can increase your level of satisfaction of life and general happiness. Basically, the more they produce the 12,000 topics of study, the more merry they felt. "Eating fruits and vegetables apparently stimulate our happiness much faster than it improves human health," said the study authorAndrew Oswald, PhD, in adeclaration.

And specifically load on the leafy greens.

Bowl of Spinach, controlling cravings

Add more greens to your diet will help your mental health in addition to doing your body well. According to a major study of 2007 published in theJournal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, dark leafy greens such as curly cabbage or spinach can help mitigate depression. It's because they contain folate-vitamin This helps produce serotonin and dopamine - which fights the effects of depression and improves your mood.

Use an infrared sauna.

hot guy in sauna

Infrared saunas - which heat your outgoing interior body can help you clean your skin and get rid of any pain you may encounter. Another perk? A 2016 study published inJama Psychiatry I noticed that putting your body in these high-time heights can also work as antidepressant, make you feel happy once you go out.

Go to a concert.

concert at night

Ok, you may not be able to do it for the moment, but it's definitely worth thinking about the line! It turns out that the concert ticket at a high price is worth it: an Australian study of 2017 published in the journalPsychology of music found that engagement with music on a regular basis - whether dancing or attending concerts, is associated with being globally happier. You can enjoy the showand Your mood then stimulates! In the meantime, there are virtual concerts that occur every day and you can get some of the same benefits by setting.

Interact with others.

older asian man and woman on couch looking at a tablet together

After a long day of work at home, it might seem relaxing to spend your evening talking to anyone else. The problem is that social interaction isreally Good for your mental health. A 2014 study published in thePersonality Bulletin and Social Psychology I found that people suffer greater happiness on the days when they spend time with others compared to the days when they spend only time alone. Of course, while social distancing, you are limited to the person in person of the socialization with the people of your household, but to spend quality time with them will make you happier, too, as it will make the time of you Connect with more remote friends virtually.

Find your goal.

Bad bosses, working remotely

When working towards a goal in life, it can make you feel as if you have goals and, like theMAYO Clinic Notes, this is one of the main ways to find people's happiness. Determine what excites you, what you like to do, and how do you want people to remember you to help you determine what your goal is, when you find a real joy.

Leave your work and go solo.

Woman on Phone, hings not to say to customer service rep

Stop leaving your job and leave alone may seem absolutely terrifying, but it has a lot of benefits for your well-being. A 2017 study published in the journalWork, employment and society found that on all different professions, those who work independent are the happiest.

Living in the Moment.

happy woman outside, ways to feel amazing

Of course, they call it the "pursuit of happiness", but you may want to stop pursue it quiteso Many and just live in the moment instead. A 2018 study published in the magazinePsychological Bulletin and Exam found that I try too much to reach happiness often leads not to be very happy at all - usually because trying to be happy takes all the time you can actually spendbeing happy. Instead, try to focus on your good mood in here and now.

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