5 states "on the front" Situations of serious Covid, says Harvard Doctor

They are not at the critical level, Harvard's search shows, but "they must become aggressive now."

You have seen what is happening in Florida. You have heard of Texas. And you certainly have read the crisis in Arizona. But these are not the only states whereCoronavirus is collapsing Surprisingly. Researchers at Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI) set up aInteractive map that measures the risk of COVID of each state. And while nine states reached their "tipping points", many others are losing control of their epidemics, according toAshish jha, MD, director of HGHI.

On July 11, JHA shared on Twitter thatFive states in particular are "on the front" Going from "accelerated gap", which are coded like Orange on the HGHI card, to hit their "tipping points", coded as red. "Orange area concerns me", has tweeted Jha, noting that these five states could "become red soon". Read it to find out which states "must be aggressive now", according to Jha. Or ... and for more information on states that need to take action, seeThese 4 states must reopen the reopening, "said Harvard Doctor.


map of idaho showing covid outbreak

At that time, since the Tweet of Jha on July 11th and when this item has been published, Idaho made the jump from "on the front" to the "tipping point". With 25 new cases a day for 100,000 people, it is now officially red on the HGHI card. According to Covid Act now,Idaho has a particularly high infection rate (The number of people that the average coovidary patient infects) of 1.34 and a positive test rate of 14.1%. And although its ICU are not close to being submerged, the state does not make contact enough contact to isolate infected people. And for more information on the location of Idaho, checkThese 10 states of coronavirus epidemics are now "critical", say experts.


nevada map shows covid outbreak

Nevada notes about 24 new cases per day per 100,000 people, depending on the map of HGHI. COVID ACT now reports that the state infection rate is also high at 1.16, its high positive test rate of 12.9% "indicates an insufficient test" and 62% of its ICU beds are already occupied. That meansNevada is likely to hit the ability to hit quickly as a case of overvoltage. The HGHI card indicates that this is the next state that could, like Idaho, makes the orange crossing red. And for more information up to date,Subscribe to our newsletter.


map of california with covid outbreak

JHA notes that given the size of the Great California, variable parts of the state are at different locations with the virus. "It's a big state with places that seem as bad as AZ, TX, other places look good," he tweeted. According to HGHI, California notes nearly 24 new cases per day per 100,000 people. And according to COVID ACT data now, theState infection rate 1.17 shows that "cases increase rapidly". As a result, Monday, Gov.Gavin Newsom announced that he wasRolling back to the reopening of the state, apparently grabbing JHA's warning. And for more information on California's recent growth, checkYoung people are responsible for coronavirus peaks in these 5 states.


map of mississippi showing covid infection

Nearly 23 new cases per 100,000 people emerging in the state of Mississippi, according to HGHI data. COVID ACT is now concerned about the same thing about this state of the South:Cases climb With a rate of infection 1.14, the positive test rate is 14.2% and there are only enough contact tracers to hold 7% of cases.


map of tennessee showing covid outbreak

Tennessee has 23 new cases for 100,000 people, the HGHI card indicates. Although it may be the lowest in this list of states on the bronk, TennesseeThe rate of infection is actually one of the highest in the country at 1.24. And although it appears, the state tests sufficiently (with a positive test rate of 8.5%) and has sufficient ICU beds, there is no enough contact tracer to isolate covidant patients. And for more than where this state happens, checkThese 14 states examine another lock, say Harvard's researchers.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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