When will the Queen Elizabeth see in Harry and Meghans Archie again?

"There were concerns that the Queen could never see Archie again," said an initiate.

Like most people who stayed loved ones in the middle of the coronavirus, the quarantine efforts of the British royals have maintained the dispersed and separated family in the last three months. But the most painful part of the separation, according to a royal initiate, has beenQueen Elizabeth Inability to seePrince Harry andMeghan Makle's son,ARCHIE MOUNTBATTEN-WINDSOR. "The Queen takes a lot of fun spending time with his great-grandchildren and hasbarely had all the time with Archie"Said my source." She is sad enough about it - and she also saddens that other children are deprived of seeing their youngest cousin. "

Baby Archie has not been back in Great Britain since November 2019, before Harry and Meghan leaving Thanksgiving with Meghan's mother,Doria Ragland, in Los Angeles. The couple laterextended their stay During Christmas and New Year, spending all six weeks vacation in Canada. In early January, Harry and Meghan returned to Britain without Archie, who immediately raised concerns behind the walls of the palace. "Without knowing what should come, everyone was quite surprised," said my source.

Then, one day after their return, the couple made the explosive announcement they would beReturn as Royals Seniors, Superb his majesty and his majesty and Palace insiders. Meghan returned to Canada to be with Archie, leaving Harry toNegotiate the terms of "megxit" solo. "In the first days, the Queen could never see Archie again," said my source. "It was such a shock."

In their ad, Harry and Meghan said planning to "balance [their] timeBetween the United Kingdom and North America, "But it seems very unlikely now since the couple left Canada for good and decided to make Los Angeles their home base. Their US official residence, Grogmore Cottage, who suffered aExtended renovation of 2.4 million pounds sterling ($ 3 million) At tax payer fees, stands empty in Windsor. (The couple promised to repay the cost.)

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, attend the annual Endeavour Fund Awards in 2020
Paul Marriott / Alamy Live News

In March, when Harry and Meghan were back in the U.K. because theirFinal tower of commitments as Royals SeniorsThe Queen was full of hope she would finally see her great-grandson again before the couple made her official release of royal duties. Unfortunately, Harry and Meghan have decided to leave Archie behind Vancouver Island rented from sussex when they enveloped things in Britain. At the time, a source told me that the move was "extremely disappointing and quite injuring the queen,Prince CharlesAnd the rest of the family. "According toExpress, theThe Queen was "very sad" without seeing Archie, Which, some speculated, may have been left in Canada with the abundance of caution that coronavirus concerns have increased. (At that time, there were 36 confirmed cases of the virus in the United States and 24 in Canada.)

"The Queen was already part of several months without seeing his great-grandson before the pandemic," said my source. "When she did not want to see him in March, there was any hope that there could be a visit around his birthday. But of course, given the circumstances, it was impossible."

Like other families around the world, the royals used a technology to stay connected to stay away.Harry, Meghan, and Archie had a call for zoom with his majesty For his 94th birthday, the queen would have comunback on Archie's red hair. The couple also spoke with the Queen, with other family members and friends-over the phone on May 6, when the Royal Redhead Littlest celebrated his first birthday.

The 94-year-old monarch The archie's birthday by sharing a photo on the Twitter and Instagram accounts of the royal family, caught when she met Archie at the Windsor Castle after her birth.

In June, Harry and Meghan had to deal with the color of the color, the official celebration of Queen Elizabeth's birthday (who is actually April 21st), but this event, like all others on the Royal Calendar the foreseeable future has been canceled. If the event was gone, it could have scored the first time in the balcony of the Buckingham Palace for the traditional collective aspect of the royal family - and the first time it appeared with its cousinsPrince George,Princess charlotte, andPrince Louis.

Harry and Meghan had also accepted aQueen's invitation to spend time in balmoral, his summer retreat in Scotland. They planned to spend time with Prince Charles andCamilla, Cornwall DuchessAlso during their stay. The holidays would have been the first visit of Royal Retirement Archie, which would be one of the preferred places of the Queen. That's where Harry andPrince William past their summers like children. Unfortunately, because of the current coronavirus pandemic, these plans are not likely to move either. Royal CorrespondentDanielle StaceyRecountHello, "It seems unlikely that the Sussex orAny member of the Royal Family Voyagera this summer."

"It's a grief that the queen missed to share so many significant milestones with Archie," said my source. "As it would be for a great-parent,time spent with back-to-child is precious. She had so little time with him. For the moment, with everything that happens, a full year can be adopted before Her Majesty does not see it again. All zoom calls can not compensate the family gathered in the same place. As if it still does, the queen has adapted to all these unforeseen changes, but this time, it is quite unfortunate to have to do it. And for more information on the current condition of the queen, checkWhy Queen Elizabeth could consider going down, says the insiders.

Diane Clehane is a journalist and author of New YorkImagine Diana andDiana: the secrets of his style.

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