Dr. Faisci reveals why the COVID mortality rate is lower than that of spring

"We are just improving to treat people," said Fuci.

WithCase of coronavirus break recordings Across the country, we had four days in a week in which there were many more than 100.00 daily-hospitalization cases also increase. Some cities in Texas, Utah and Missouri see a shortage of ICU beds or open hospitals in the field. A curious development - a lining of silver in a dark and stormy world - is that mortality rates are not as fast. America had 233,000 deaths this year attributed to Covid, but patients die at a much slower pace than in the spring.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the best infectious disease expert in the nation, explained why this is the case in amaintenanceSaturday with theAmerican Medical Association(AMA). Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Why did Dr. Fauci say that the mortality rate was not as bad as in the spring?

HostJames Madara, MD, AMA PDG and EVPrequested Fauci: "The mortality rate currently compared to the lands of March and April, [is lower] -What is it assigned that we simply know how to deal with this better compared to tests Compared to a more resilient test the population is now infected. How can we put all these things together and understand that the lower mortality rate? "

"That's all the above," answered Fuci. "First of all, as we have learned with all new diseases and we have been disputed, HIV to other types of diseases, we are just improving to treat people, more experienced, you know, what is that works, you know, what does not work, including fundamental non-pharmacological approaches. You know, than to put people on the fans or not, to make oxygen is much more widespread than intubation . These are the types of things we learned. "

"Number two", "he continued," we have treatments. We now know that dexamethasone clearly decreases the mortality rate in people requiring mechanical ventilation and high flow oxygen. We have codesivir for patients. hospitalized who have pulsed involvement. And also reset to see a younger population is infected. "

"In fact," he continued ", if you look at the age of infected people now, compared to people who have been infected in the spring, there is almost a difference of decade to be younger. Now, mainly Because college children come back to school, they are more infected. In the end, they will be limited to allocating people from the community, but they are those who lead in a way the infection. So, C. 'is age, experience and better medicines. "

Despite the deaths not going as high as in the spring, Dr. Fauci had this warning

Despite this good news, there was a dark emphasis. First of all, people still die horrible deaths. Second, many patients who do not die - they are not better better or nowhere near their "old me". "We know absolutely certain that there is a Post Covid-19 syndrome sometimes referring to" Long Covid "" Chronic Covid "," long carriers ", it has different names .. And we see variable percentages in any Where 25 to 35% or more have persistent symptoms. Always beyond what you expect to display viral syndrome such as influenza and others, it's fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle pain, Dysautan, sleep disturbances. And what people refer as a brain fog, which is a non-medical way to describe a lack of ability to focus or focus. "

If you have experienced symptoms here, contact a health professional immediately. As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing - COVID-19 in the first place: Wear yourfacial maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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