17 mental health councils for quarantine therapists

Small goals for your news consumption, here is how to protect your mental health in quarantine.

Social isolation is not ideal for our general well-being. Most humans are used to a kind of social interaction every day, no matter the small thing. However, social distancing in the middle of thePandemic of Covid-19 means that we need to limit these social interactions, and it can be difficult for both our body and our mind. WhetherYou are in quarantine alone Or with friends and family, these quarantine advice on the mental health of therapists will help you stay healthy and healthy during these difficult times. And for more means to do it by social distance, consult these9 tips on how to stay calm for quarantine.

Limit how much you complain to the people you are in quarantine.

teenage daughter sitting and complaining to parents

Many people are confined to a small space with friends orfamily members for the moment. And although it can be easy to spend your time complaining and with these people, it can take a toll on you and them, creating a hostile environment at home.

"We are all tired, our nervous systems are taxed and we are a little short on patience," saysRobyn d'Angelo, LMFT, founder ofThe collective of wild grace. "It could have thought you [people with you] are the only ones you can evacuate. They are not and they should not be. Call a friend. Text of your neighbor, if you know them. Or look for a therapist . "

Take time for love.

A mother and her daughter are sitting on her bed whilst she curls her daughter's hair. They both look happy to be bonding and sharing this moment together.

Just because you're stuck inside with someone for most of the day, you will actually allocate time to spendwith them. D'Angelo recommends creating moments in the day atExpress your love For your loved ones.

"Establishing small moments for cuddling, making someone's favorite flour, compliment your partner on their greatest pajamas pants, or justtell someone you like and enjoy them- Knowing how much things are really difficult and frightening, "she says." Just do the time to show those who are closest to you that you love them. Every day, in a form. "

But also put aside only Time.

Senior man old sitting and Reading a book at the retirement nursing home with cup of tea in hand

At the same time, however, being stuck inside with other people may have trouble feeling like you ever had the time of yourself - and most humans need some quantity time alone. If there is a tension in the house or love people you are quarantined and you just need a moment, clinical psychologistCarla Marie Manly says it's "absolutely acceptable to take times" of them. Take the space to listen to music,read a book, WhereWatch videos on your own. And for more ways to spend time alone right now, here's17 things to do for yourself while you are at social distancing.

Concentrate on the basics of personal care.

High angle shot of an attractive young woman sleeping with a mask on her face in her bedroom at home

Many people have fallen behindPersonal care Meanwhile because it may seem unnecessary. However, no one asks you to throw a face mask or make a bubble bath just for fun. Instead, the licensed clinical psychologist based on DallasGeorge Ball, Psyd, says you should make sure you always focus on thebased personal care.

"It means you have to shootEight hours of sleep per night, Eat as clean as possible, and make you exercise at least three to four times a week, "he says. Throwing things in some things to pamper or enjoy yourself - like a face mask or bubble bath, can also be helpful, but if it sounds too discouraging, make sure you cover the least the basics for the moment.

Stay connected virtually.

Young woman connecting with her family during quarantine. She's using a smartphone to call her family in Coronavirus COVID-19 time.

In a time when most people know the "same anxiety and the same fear", a licensed therapistMARCY MELVIN withInstitute of Prairie Mental Health Policies, says it's important to stay "visually and verbally" related to friends and family. After all, a newKaiser Health The report shows that almost half of the people in the United States believe that their mental health is hurting the coronavirus pandemic. UseFaceTime, Skype or ZoomTo allow this additional visual interaction when recording with dear beings during difficult times. And for more advice on keeping it in touch right now, learn7 ways easy to stay social while insulating, according to experts.

Maintain a sense of normality.

man cooking in the kitchen

Patricia Celan, MD, a resident of psychiatry at Dalhousie University in Canada, "said" maintaining a sense of normality "is an important part of the management of your mental health at the moment.

"Browse the movements as you would if it did not happen, waking up, working, eating and exercising at the same time, with adjustments made for restrictions out," she says. "Concentrate on the things you can control in your life at that time, rather than obsessing about the uncontrollable state of the pandemic."

And find ways to safely maintain the plans you have already done.

woman enjoying glass of wine over video chat

And this sense of the means of maintaining normality as many plans as you may have done before social isolation. Raleigh-Base Clinical Advisor in Licensed Mental HealthLatoya Nelson Said this will help you "stay in touch with relationships and friendships that you had" outside of quarantine.

"If you had a Happy Hour with friends every Friday night, keep doing it virtually. Show everyone has with their favorite drink and the recipe to share, "she says. "And move group conversations to group text messages. This is important because the radical change of socialization very committing to isolation can cause a shock to the system and feelings of anxiety or depression. »

Set of small goals for yourself.

Shot of a unrecognizable woman writing in a book with a pen on a dinner table at home

Set up small goals every day that you can reward for, says psychotherapistKathryn Smerling. And nothing istoo much Small to be considered a "goal". It can be "cleaning your bathroom, call someone you have not spoken with in a year, or even cooking a new recipe," she says. The rewards you give yourself for these small goals can help you have positive effects something to hope, while maintaining a sense of accomplishment in the day-to-day routine. And if you're looking to shake this routine, try these9 Genius ways to mix your daily routine in quarantine.

Limit your access to the news.

Online news in mobile phone. Close up of smartphone screen. Man reading articles in application. Hand holding smart device. Mockup website. Newspaper and portal on internet.

The news is particularly dark these days that weaving trades in case of coronavirus pandemic on everyone's head. Because of this, Nelson says it is very important to limit the amount of news you take every day.

"Limit your access to the news just twice a day, max," it recommends. "It is important to reduce mood swings that new negative news can cause. It is important to understand that you will not miss anything, but you will gain a peace of mind knowing that you are not always going up and down depending on what you hear from the press agencies ".

Create work life and limits of life at home.

Cropped shot of a handsome young businessman working on his laptop in the office at home

It is also important that you set limits between your work and your home lifeIf you work at homeNelson said. she recommendsThe establishment of a "designated area" At work, and to make the work out there during your mandatory hours of work. And if you normally have the travel time after work, it suggests walking during this time or engage in "an activity that mimic the transition. Even if you are at home, you still need the time to decompress after work. And for more tips to make the FMH easier, discover7 Genius Home Office Hacks Who will do the work at home way better.

Try to go outside every day.

Mature men at home with pet dog during pandemic isolation.

Alexandra Grundleger, PhD, withGrundleger Therapy, Recommends going outside each day, while still following the social distancing guidelines any time.

"Try to go outside every day, even it rains out, in order to get your body moving, feel the sun on your face, say hello to the neighbors, and get your heart rate," she says. "Although it's hard to handle that with children and a job, just do the best you can and appreciate what you are able to do it. Studies show that increased heart rate and stay active has a hugePositive impact on our moods. "

Engage every day in an activity without spirit.

Old woman playing puzzle game

Although it may not seem like her, the minds of many people are on Overdrive right now. If you do not think about school or at work, you are most likely to think of the pandemic. This can cause a lot of stress, says therapistRachel McCrickard, LMFT, Director General ofmotivo. That's why it recommends you to take the time to do something without spirit every day, whether it's "snatching weeds in a garden, supplementing a puzzle, drawing, orwatch a comedy. "

Without technology Stay in the morning.

Pumpkin pie smoothie bowl topped with berries, granola, and coconut flakes

With not much to do, while staying inside, it can be easy to be attached to 24/7 technology.Masha Maritnova, Former psychotherapist and current life coach, recommends using the morning as a constantfree time. This includes news, social media,and Netflix. Instead, take the time to have breakfast and engage in activities without technology, such as reading or writing, before your day of work or school begins.

Do not feel guilty of indulging.

Shot of a young woman eating chocolate from a jar while relaxing on the sofa at home

There is no "good" to pass through this pandemic, says Psychotherapist-AustinLouis Laves-Webb, LCSW. During this weird, unprecedented, he said to recognize that you can not be "the best version of yourself" right now.

"Embrace this side of yourself and let yourself be" going there, "he says." Go ahead and have this extra chocolate bar or drink another glass of wine. So do without shame or guilt and you really allow to indulge and transgress. You may need it in a way that, in normal circumstances, you would not do it. "

Configure the time to speak practically to a professional.

cheerful senior man in glasses waving hand while having video call

You do not need to meet in person to talk to a therapist or a life coach during this period. Life coach and motivational speakerAimé Mukendi, Jr. Says that many professionals (itself included) always provide individual calls for quarantine, based on the needs of an individual. You can use this time to evacuate you, map a personalized quarantine plan for yourself and enter a new routine.

Concentrate on the present, not the future.

Shot of a young man looking stressed out at home

With so much uncertainty and so many unknowns currently, it can be stressful to think of "what happens" or how long "will last the way they are," saysCandice Séti, Psyd, founder ofMe only better. Instead, stay focused on the present, taking all day long as a way to "curb future anxiety" and stay centered.

But remember that it will pass.

Smiling senior woman day dreaming and looking through the window during her coffee time.

National Certified AdvisorKathynn Ely, host of theImperfect flourishing podcast, says that this difficult time will pass is one of the most important ways to keep your mind healthy. It's not forever, although it may seem like that now.

"Remember September 11? The 2008 financial crisis? It seems that everything in our world changes or closed," she says. "It can be super scary, but it's temporary and we'll bounce. We did then and we're going now."

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