How to be an ally and support LGBTQIA + people

That's what you should and should not do to be the best partisan.

Take a look around you right now. No matter where you are, chances are that there are at least some nearby people who identify as part of the LGBTQAIA + community. InGlaad Acceleration Acceptance Survey 2017The Organization has determined that some 12% of the population identifies as LGBTQIA +, including 20% ​​of those 18 to 34 and 5% of these 72 ages and more.

With so many people openly identifying like LGBTQA +, it becomes more and more important for others to learn to be active allies to this growing minority group. Of course, change does not occur overnight, but you can start with these tips that come directly from lgbtqia + individuals.

Listen with an open mind.

"An important way for someone to grow as an Alliance of the LGBTQIA + community is to listen without judgment and take comments," saidLouise's head, a certified sex educator and member of the LGBTQIA + community. "Learn to listen without correcting or questioning the validity of the shared experience."

Ask someone how they identify instead of making assumptions.

TheGlaad Accelerator Acceptance Survey found that in 2017, 4% of people aged 18 to 34 identified as Gendenderquier or a sexist fluid. This means they see themselves as being outside the binary of women and men. They can also sometimes identify differently at different times.

TheNational Center for Transgenger Equality Note that the best way to make sure not to say that something offensive is simply to ask what pronouns a prefers person. "Asking if anyone should be called" he "" she "," they "or another pronoun can feel clumsy at first," notes the organization, "but [it] is one of the simplest ways And the most important to show respect for someone's identity. "

Avoid asking derogations or too personal.

It's only natural to be curious and curious about some things related to the LGBTQIA + community. However, it is useful to remember that simply because someone is out - and proud - it does not mean that you can expect them to be an open book on all the elements of their personal life.

"The best thing to do is get to know someone before you start asking for their personal life," saysSarah Benoit, Who has been an open member of the LGBTQIA + community since she was 14 years old. "That being said, there are some questions that I feel about limits, unless you know that a person will talk about some topics."

According to Benoit, these questions include things like ", is not it upset by your parents when you came out?" And "How do you have sex?" In the end, your safest bet is to avoid uncomfortable and potentially offensive.questions you would not be Ask a heterosexual person. In other words: treat LGBTQIA + people as you would like to be treated.

And make sure to ask if it is correct to ask questions first.

If you really can not resist the laying of your friends lgbtqaia + some questions, make sure to ask for permission before doing so. Benoit suggests starting the conversation with something like: "You feel comfortable if I ask questions about your sexual orientation, your sexual identity, its relationship status, etc. if it is not a problem! "

Learn from your mistakes.

At the beginning of your trip to become an ally LGBTQIA +, you will naturallymake any mistakes And tell the bad thing from time to time. However, head notes that when these mess-ups occur, it is important that you live and learn rather than anger and anger.

"The Allies must learn to be called graciously," explains his head. "We will all stumble and put our foot in our mouth at some point in our alliel. If you are called by someone in the LGBTQIA + community for an involuntary microagrompe, thank the person who has offered comments and think about the way you can incorporate your behavior. "

Supports LGBTQIA + companies.

You can support the LGBTQAIA community with your actions by making a conscious effort to make purchases in organic companies by Queger individuals. "This is the best way to show that you support the community - to do something that makes a difference," says Benoit. In addition, it is easy to find convivial facilities queer. Directories likePink spots List all businesses and events in your LGBTQIA + friendly region.

And stop supporting those feeding in homophobic calendars.

If you want to be an ally LGBTQA + and you notice that a company or company comments homophobic ormake a donation For anti-gay organizations, you have the choice to stop supporting this company.

"I would like to see more allies taking a vocal position against companies via social media that discriminates with the LGBTQAIA + community," saysJosh Robbins, a lawyer and a spokesman for HIV + sexual healthPositioners. Consumers have the unique power to do or break a business - so your manifestations can make a long way to change the way an organization works.

Do something when you see a member of the LGBTQAIA community in difficulty.

Members of the LGBTQIA + community always feel verbal, physical and cyber harassment. If and when you see this happen, your alloy work is to make sure that the person welcomes is safe. In these situations, Benoit specifically suggests that you "ask [the person] if they are eyeing and are standing with them or walking with them until the people harass were."

Stay informed.

Laws RELATING TO INDIVIDUALS LGBTQA + Changes constantly - sometimes for the best, and sometimes for the worst. Anyway, an ally of the community must remain aware of these shifts if they wish to successfully support LGBTQIA + people.

"The Allies should stay informed about the problems that attack our community and stand with us," saysJoseph Oddo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of theGay Community Center and Lesbian of the South Nevada. "The LGBTQIA + community is constant ridiculous from those who do not want to understand. LGBTQIA + people are extinguished from businesses and more than 50% of Americans live in a state that allows discrimination on sexual orientation in the workplace. . Those looking to get involved should affect their local community centers LGBTQIA + to see how they can support. "And if you are looking for more ways to be a better member of your community, see these33 small acts of kindness that you can do this will change your life.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: How-To / LGBTQ / wellness
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