50 signs of poor health that no one on 50 should ignore

Help you better know the signs of health degradation.

As you reach 50 years, it should only if you have ailments and pain here and there. After all, your body has been experienced half a century of wear and you are required to start feeling it from time to time. But while the opportunityOWstandingbadly in your back Is it not nothing to ask for medical attention on, there is a little more subtleSigns of serious health problems that everyone more than 50 years should be aware. To help you know what to watch, we have gathered the signs of bad health that no one over 50 can not afford to ignore.

Memory changes

confused older woman Signs of Poor Health Over 50

In some cases, forgetting orShort-term memory loss can suggest the deterioration of temporal or frontal lobes of the brain where memory functions reside, explainsDr. Santosh KesariNeuro-Oncologist and Neuroscientist at the John Wayne Cancer Institute of the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

This can happen over the months, or even years and it can be a regular side effect of aging, it can also report something more serious like dementia or brain tumor.


Woman using the bathroom, using the toilet Signs of Poor Health Over 50

"Millions of women deal with a type of bladder control problem at a time of their lives," saidDr. S. Adam Ramin, Urological surgeon and medical director of urology cancer specialists in Los Angeles. "And the truth is: if you suffer from urinary incontinence, do not be a condition that puts you in adult layers for the rest of your life. In fact, there are changes in diet and Simple lifestyle that can put you return on the bladder control road. "

But while incontinence is not uncommon in the last stages of life, there are times when it can also be a sign of a more serious problem. If you have tried conservative methods to relieve the issue and have not been effective or that the problem has worsened, consider making an appointment with a urologist to go to the bottom of what's going on in your bladder, suggests that Ramin.


man awake in bed Signs of Poor Health Over 50

The elderly of the lower quality of sleep quality have higher levels of TAU proteins, a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, according to a 2019 study published inThe newspaper of neuroscience. On the basis of the findings of this research, the authors recommend to physicians to speak to older patients for changes in sleep models and provide treatment if necessary to improve sleep and help delay theSymptoms of dementia.

Vertical narrowing

a doctor measuring a woman's height

Although a little narrowing can be a normal part of aging - mainly caused by the disk degeneration of the spine, too much contraction is not, saysDr. Anthony Kouri, orthopedic surgeon at the Medical Center of the University of Toledo.

"[Narrowing] is related to osteoporosis or osteopenia and can be a sign that your bones are very soft and thus sensitive to fractures of dangerous fragility," he explains. "A large amount of narrowing comes from the progressive collapse of the vertebrae of the bone spine."

Sensitive teeth

Older Man at the Dentist Getting His Gums Checked Signs of Poor Health Over 50

Some people have teeth that are more naturally hot and cold sensitive than others. However, according to theCleveland ClinicThis phenomenon can also be caused by something more complex (and serious) like the disease of the gum. If your sensitivity of the tooth becomes disturbing, it's time to seeyour dentist.

Acute pain in the top of the abdomen

older man with stomach pain Signs of Poor Health Over 50
Shutterstock / Sebra

Abdominal pain is never something to ignore, especially if it is concentrated in the upper right corner or the middle of the upper abdomen. According toDr. Ashkan Farhadi, a gastroenterologist at the Medical Center of the Orange Coat Coorixcare in the Fontaine Valley, California, this could be a calculatory computing sign, a complication in the gallbladder that can cause inflammation or blockage of the common biliary conduit.

Swollen glands

Women Getting Her Glands Checked By a Doctor Signs of Poor Health over 50

If the sides of your neck are exceptionally tender, you probably have swollen glands. Most of the time, this symptom is not a cause for concern, but theSchool of Medicine at the University of Michiganwarns that this could also be an indication of other conditions such as lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, tonsillitis, hernia,Lyme disease, certain types of cancers and rheumatoid arthritis.

Loss of vision

middle aged man rubbing eyes Signs of Poor Health over 50
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Experience changes in your vision when you get older - usually for the worst - happens to most people. However, if you encounter a sudden loss of vision, it can be a symptom of a brain tumor, says Kesari.

"If this is the case, you can continue to face things on the body's side related to the loss of vision and / or to have repeated car accidents on the side of the loss," explain-T -he. Anyway, it's something to be checked by a professional.

Speech changes

Woman Taking Care of Her Confused Husband Signs of Poor Health Over 50

If you or someone else notices that your speech changes - more precisely, that it is delighted or you talk about Gibberish - this may be due to a brain tumor affecting the areas related to the skyscreet in the lobes temporal or parietal, explains Kesari. According toAmerican market accident association, the outstanding speech can also be a sign of a stroke - and to see a study published in the newspaper.Neutotherapeutic Note that the risk of double double stroke for each decade after 55 years is something you will particularly want to pay attention to your age.

Difficulty walking

Older Man Falling on the Ground Signs of Poor Health over 50

By your 50s, you probably havewalking DOWN PAT. So, if you notice major changes to your approach, it's not something to ignore. TheNational Society of Multiple Sclerosis Note that the difficulty march is one of the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and this condition may occur in people over 50 as MS of the end of the end.

According to Kesari, this is "generally related to [a disturbance] the frontal lobe or cerebellum," although your working capabilities "can also be affected when the front lobe engine fibers [are] affected."

Personality changes

upset woman on bed, midlife crisis signs

If you or a loved one notices changes in your personality - and you are not just a bad day - it can be a sign of poor health. "Patients [with tumors in the frontal lobe where executive functions reside have a change in behavior, including disinhibition with risk behaviors, or apathy and do less than they would normally do. Patients may not Be as effective at work or at home, "Kesari said.

Back pain under the thoracic cage

lower back pain Signs of Poor Health Over 50

If you encounter this specific type ofBack acheThis can be a sign of cancer kidneys in the late phase, says Ramin. And because early kidney cancer does not cause symptoms, the doctor notes that it is important to maintain a proactive approach to health with regular checks, even when you are well, and especially when you are not.


blood on tissue

Although the cough of blood can be alarming, it is not always a sign of grave. It is rather a fairly typical symptom associated withcommon cold, RemarksDr. Monique Dienuvil, a family medicine specialist at Orlando Health Associates.

However, if you are in a cluttered area for a long time, you may have been exposed to tuberculosis - a serious lung infection - and in this case, coughing blood is not something to ignore. In some cases, this phenomenon is also a symptom of lung cancer.


Asian Woman Pale in the Face From Feeling Sick Signs of Poor Health Over 50

Do not be naturally tanned is nothing to fear. Be unusually and incharacterialistically pale, however, can be a sign of anemia, a common blood disorder thataffects more than 3 million Americans. According toPenn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, the pallor can also be a symptom of frosts, shocks and low blood glucose.

Shortness of breath

Man holding his chest having a hard time breathing

If you have a shortness of breath during your rest, you may want to make an appointment to see your doctor. This could mean that you have blood clots in your lungs or potentially a pulmonary disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that tends to progress as people age, Dieuvil explains.

Fragile hands

Older Person Can't Pick Up Water Because of Shaking Hands Signs of Poor Health over 50

If you notice that you develop resting tremors or those you had for a while getting worse, it can be a sign of neurological disorder like Parkinson's disease, saysDr. Laren Tan, a pulmonary and critical care doctor atLoma Linda University Health.

However, the most common fragile form is called essential tremor, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, and it's nothing to do too much. Although the exact cause is unknown, the essential tremor becomes more common with aging and can run in families.


sick man coughing outside

Non-smokers who suffer from wheezing when they breathe can have a shorter life expectancy, according to a 2019 study published in the newspaperRespirology. The main authors of the study suggest that if the elderly are very familiar with light respiratory symptoms, they should visit their general practitioner for further investigation.

Extreme mood

woman angry using computer

If you encounter frequent and notable mood swings or if you feel that you are triggered by even the most tiny things, there may be a behavioral health problem underlying the game, says Tan. Talk to your health care provider aboutdepression Or anxiety, like these can cause absence of extreme mood and both become more common among people as they get older.

A burning sensation in your abdomen

Man Holding His Stomach in Pain Signs of Poor Health Over 50

If the pain you feel in your half-abdominal area is a burning sensation, it could be a sign of a stomach ulcer,Dr. Rudolph Bedford, a gastroenterologist at the Saint John Providence Health Center in California, explains. If this is the case, it is usually accompanied by nausea and possibly even vomiting.Research Shot that stomach ulcers are more likely to develop in the elderly, so keep a narrow eye on all burning sensations in the abdominal area.

Dry skin

older woman looking at her dry skin, look better after 40

At the moment you are 50 years old, you already know that the Gercés lips and the extreme thirst could mean that you aredehydrated. But did you know thatdry skin Can be a sign of dehydration too? The muscles and organs need water to work properly - and see that the skin is your biggest organ, it also needs water.

Changes of hearing

Woman Having Trouble Hearing Signs of Poor Health Over 50

Hearing loss can happen and often - often happens gradually as you get older. However, if you notice sudden changes in your hearing in your 50s, it's probably something else. A possibility is that you have "tumors that affect the eighth cranial nerve" those who "can lead to hearing loss, ring the ear, as well as Vertigo," says Kesari. It could also be something else completely, as an ear ear accumulation or a perforated tympathem, according to theMAYO Clinic.

General weakness

man's body feels weak so a woman is checking his leg

Sudden weakness can be one of the signs of poor health over 50 years. For example, if you have a brain tumor in the frontal lobe motor cortex, or a person who affects the engine fibers (neurons and trails that control the muscles), then you can feel a weakness in one end, explains Kesari. Sudden and / or constant weakness may also be a sign of certain cancers such as leukemia, according to theMAYO Clinic.


Older Woman is Nauseous and About to Vomit Signs of Poor Health After 50

Vressure does not always indicate something like benignant than food poisoning. According totheCleveland Clinic, the unpleasant phenomenon can be a sign of cerebral concussion,encephalitis,meningitis, intestinal blockage, appendicitis, migraines, and even a brain tumor.


Older Man with Hand Over his Mouth Because of Nausea Surprising Symptoms

Nausea is not in itself a disease, but this can be a sign of a range of conditions, according toStanford University Health Health Care. Although the feeling can be linked to the anxiety or cause of something you have eaten, it can also indicate a more serious problem, such as peptic ulcer disease, migraine or intestinal obstruction.

Vaginal dryness

female doctor and female patient talking to each other Signs of Poor Health Over 50

Although it can be uncomfortable, both of living with and talk about vaginal dryness is not something you need to ignore. Not only perhaps irritating and causing pain during sex, but the vaginal dryness also indicates that the vaginal tissue has been diluent, drier and less flexible, often because of the loss of estrogen in the menopause phase. It means that yourThe vagina is more subject to cracks or tears, make it more subject to things like urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted infections.

Articular pain

Man with Joint Pain in his Elbow Signs of Poor Health Over 50

Although painful joints are something we stop at the age of our aging, not all this is normal. If articular pain is accompanied by swelling, sensitivity, heat in the morning joints or rigidity that lasts more than one hour, it can be inflammatory arthritis, for which your risk increases as it increases. that you agitate, according to theFoundation of arthritis. The most common forms of inflammatory arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic polyarthritis, lupus systemic erythematosus, gout and ankylosing spondylitis.

Extreme hair loss

Woman Losing Her Hair Silent Health Symptoms

It is normal to lose about 100 hairs every day, but if you notice that your hair loss is significantly more than that, you may want to mention it to your doctor. According toAmerican Osteopathic College of DermatologyThis could be telogen effluvium, a condition that causes a pushing prematurely in the idle state. In case of telogen effluvium, the hair can even fall through the handle.

Ulnnar wrist pain

Woman with cast on wrist ways we're unhealthy

The pain at the Ulnnar wrist occurs outside the wrist, on the side where the Pinky finger is located. It is often accompanied by an obstacle or click on the noise as well as the loss of strength or movement. According toCleveland ClinicThis pain could be a sign of several conditions, including arthritis, nervous injuries or compression, a complex injury of triangular fibrocartilating, ganglion cysts, Kienbock disease or ulng artery thrombosis.


confused older asian man, alzheimer's, dementia, health issues over 50
Shutterstock / 9nong

No, we do not speak not to understand the story of your neighbor's neighbor. On the contrary, if you find that you are confused and / or disoriented of what should be a conversation or a direct situation, you have a matter of concern.

According toSchool of Medicine at the University of Michigan, confusion can be a sign of conditions commonly observed in the population over 50 such as dementia, delirium, amnesia, urinary tract infections, complications withDiabetes, renal or hepatic instruction,Alzheimer's diseaseand sepsis.

Chest pain

man holding his chest in pain, health questions after 40

The good news is that everything is not everythingchest pain is an indication of a heart attack. According toCleveland Clinic, There are three types of thoracic pain that does not generally report a heart attack: brief "flash" or "electric shock" (these are usually from a cracked coast, a Thorac-wall shot muscle or shingles); discomfort of identification that worsens when changing positions (if this happens when breathing, it is probably a sign of asthma, pneumonia or pleuris.; and acute pain that is relieved by exercise (it is probably acid reflux).

Difficulty to swallow

Man is Having Trouble Swallowing Signs of Poor Health over 50

According toMAYO ClinicThe difficulty to swallow is generally caused by damage to the esophagus, the blockage of the esophagus or the bad function of the nerves and muscles that control swallowing. This could also be a sign of something more serious, such as esophagus cancer or mouth. Look for immediate treatment if you have something stuck in your throat, you can not swallow at all or have trouble breathing.

Trouble or blurred vision

vision test at the eye doctor for a woman, health questions after 50

If you meet a blurred or blurred vision, theMAYO ClinicNote that this could be a sign of cataracts, a condition linked to the age of the eye. This can also be accompanied by sensitivity to light and glare, to see "Halos" around lights, discoloration or yellowing of colors and to have a double vision in one eye. The best way to stay above cataract is to have regular eye exams and let your optometrist or ophthalmologist know if you encounter problems with your vision.

Swollen feet

Older Woman with Swollen Ankles {Heart Disease Symptoms}

If you have just spent the day breaking a new pair of shoes, it's probably not a surprise if your feet are a little swollen at the end of the day. But if this is not the case, then your swollen ends might indicate that something else happens.

According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThe threaded feet can be a sign of deep vein thrombosis, heart disease, liver disease, renal disease and phlebitis. On a less severe note, it could also say that youeaten too much salt or have a reaction to a medicine.


older woman getting her hip stretched out, most common injuries over 50

Living with a painful hip (or two) is not just a cliché on aging. It is also a reality for many people aged 50 and over. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThis pain can be caused by hip bursitis - inflammation between your cooking and tendons of tendons nearby - tendinitis, overused injury and spine problems.

Numbness in the hands

Man Can't Feel His Hand Signs of Poor Health over 50

If you find that your hands become numb - and it's not because you fell asleep in a delicate position - it could mean something else happens. According toMAYO Clinic, numbness in your hands can be a sign of conditions such as Lyme disease, cervical spondylosis, guillain-bar syndrome, stroke, carpal tunnel syndrome, Raynaud's disease and diabetes, among others.

Excessive perspiration

sweating in bed

Some people are just as transpinin than others, and that's totally good. And in elderly women, excessive perspiration can also be a symptom of menopause, which is also nothing to fear. However, according toJohns Hopkins UniversityAbundant perspiration can also be caused by neurological syndromes, thyrotoxicosis, gout and wounds of the spinal cord. If you start sweating as much as it starts to interfere with your daily life, it's probably time to see a doctor about it.

Equilibrium problems

woman falling down stairs How Depression Affects the Body
Shutterstock / 9nong

The balance is something we take for granted until it disappears. If you regularly lose your balance or you feel as if you are going down, it can be a sign of various conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, meniere disease, low blood glucose and dehydration,Cleveland Clinic. If these balance problems persist, certainly bring them with your doctor so that you can deal with the underlying issue.

Cold hands

Woman Holding Her Cold Hands Surprising Symptoms

If you arrive outside in the winter dead without gloves, you should not worry if and when your hands feel frightened. But if it happensDuring a hot summer dayThis can mean that you have problems with circulation. More specifically, it could be Raynaud's disease, a disorder that affects the arteries that provide heart from other parts of the body.

This condition leads to temporary narrowing of the blood vessels which, in turn, make your hands and your fingers - and sometimes your toes, too cold, like theCleveland Clinic Explain.

Contraction eyelids

Tired Stressed Man Rubbing His Eyes Silent Health Symptoms

You probably have experienced an upright eyelid at one time or another, another that you have a wink in unintentionally to everyone that you enter into contact. And although this is usually just awkward at best, if you find that you have frequent eye treamors, it could mean that you are under a dangerous amount of stress or that youDrink too much caffeine, according toCleveland Clinic. This can also indicate that you are deprived of sleep.

A fever

healthy man thermometer fever

Whatever your age, a fever is a sign that your body fights a kind of infection. A low quality fever - that is to say a portion less than 102 degrees Fahrenheit-can be treated at home in most cases - but if it is greater than that one, you will want to ask for a healthy one of the urinary tract. Infection, cold or flu, bronchitis, streptose throat, mononucleosis and other other conditions.

A persistent cough

Woman Holding a Spoon with Cough Syrup Most Abused OTC Medications

If you have a cough that lasts for eight weeks or more, it can be a sign that something is wrong. According toMAYO ClinicThese diseases include asthma, gastrohagen reflux disease, chronic bronchitis and postnasal drip, as well as more serious conditions such as cystic fibrosis, lung cancer and sarcoidosis.


scaly skin skin care symtoms

The superficial loss of the skin cells is a normal process in progress, but a significant and substantially peeled skin can be a result of an injury or illness, according to theCleveland Clinic. Possible causes include eczema, edema, contact dermatitis and fevant.

A scalp itch

Woman Giving Herself a Scalp Massage {Pressure Points}

Having an occasional scalp is normal, but if it's something that is persistent and distracting, it could be a symptom of a larger condition. According toAmerican Academy of DermatologyThis may indicate conditions such as the ride of the scalp, the hives, the scalp, the psoriasis of the scalp, the atopic dermatitis and possibly a cancer of the skin. Of course, it can also simply be dandruff or a reaction to a new shampoo, so do not panic before seeing a doctor.


Older man with watery eyes signs of poor health over 50

It's perfectly normal for our water eyes when we wake up in the morning or when they are exposed to warm hot or cold extremes. But in certain circumstances, it can also be a symptom of a medical condition likeallergies or an ocular infection, according to theCleveland Clinic.

Bone pain

Man Suffering from Shoulder Pain Silent Heart Attack Signs Men

If you encounter the radiant pain of your bones, it could be the sign of a sprain or a fracture, according to theCleveland Clinic. In addition, this can also be a symptom of serious problems such as bone cancer andleukemia, both of whom require immediate medical treatment.

Jaw pain

man with jaw pain and gray hair, health concerns over 40 for men

Believe or not, the pain of the jaw can be a sign of heart disease, according toJohns Hopkins University. When this is the case, the pain radiates with the jaw and the neck of the chest. TheAmerican Heart Association says that women are more likely than men to experience jaw pain asSymptom of cardiac attack.

A white language

Person with a white tongue from diabetes tongue health

If you notice that your language is covered with a white liner, it could be an index that something happens with your body. According totheMAYO ClinicThis coating is the result of overproduction and swelling of the finger projections - or taste buds on the surface of your tongue, and it is caused by debris, bacteria and dead cells that are housed between enlarged taste buds and sometimes inflamed.

This white film is an indication of things like dry mouth, dehydration and overconsumption of alcohol. This can also be a symptom of conditions such as oral lily of the valley, leucoplaia, mouth cancer, language cancer and syphilis.

Loss of interest for activities

sad, depressed, or tired man in his bed, empty nest

Depression can strike at any age. If you can no longer find you no longer to appreciate or interested in the activities you liked, this can be a sign that you suffer from mental illness. According toAssociation of anxiety and depression of America, loss of interest - associated with other symptoms such as feelings of despair, agitation, irritability, decrease of energy, sleep and not having enough sleep - may indicate that you know you know a depressive episode.

A falling face

Woman with Facial Paralysis Lyme Disease Symptoms

If you are in health otherwise good health and your face suddenly begins to fall, then there is a good chance that it is the paralysis of Bell, according to theMAYO Clinic. This condition generally does only strike one side of the face at a time, and fortunately, it only lasts up to six months.

However, a falling face could also be a sign of a trait, according to theAmerican market accident association, or even Lyme disease, according to theDisease control centers (CDC). Before writing any grave as temporary, consult your doctor and exclude all serious conditions.

Nail coat

Yellow Fingernails Silent Health Symptoms

Your nails are actually a very good indicator of your overall health. If, for example, you find that your nails are emitting or turning away, it could be a sign that something bigger happens in your body. According toMedical Center of Pittsburgh University, coat, fragile nails can be a symptom of things like hypothyroidism, Raynaud syndrome and anemia. Of course, this can also say that your nails are dry and must be hydrated more frequently, then consult a professional before reaching the conclusion that you are anemic.

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