Restaurants giving donations from food to doctors

Restaurants and citizens provide free foods for doctors and nurses.

Thecoronavirus The pandemic has the world facing problems of economic and public health. Hospitals around the world are overwhelmed with critical patientsCOVID-19 [Feminine the patients. As real heroes, doctors and nurses are at the front line of the epidemic every day. People around the world do their part to help doctors and nurses in any way, they can, in particular feed health professionals with donations from restaurants, people and even hotels.

Curious to know what health experts eat? Here's how some health professionals eat worldwide thanks to the generosity of their communities.

Manila, Philippines: pork, eggs and rice

Eggs, rice, barbecued pork food packs
Moveph / Twitter

March 14,Shake, a social newspaper report division, shared photos of Kanto Freestyle Group making food packages for Metro Manila hospital health professionals. The food packs were composed of eggs, rice and pork with barbecue barca tank. Special notes have been created and included in all foods, thanking hospital staff members to fight and dedicate their lives against the CVIV-19 pandemic.

Wuhan, China: Noodle meal boxes

Wuhan food packs
Atwhk / Twitter

Michael Twitter Userreported On February 14, Shangri's employees Wuhan were preparing meals for doctors and nurses at the coronavirus epidemic. From January 25 to March 15,Hotel employees have made about 24,000 meal boxes which have been distributed to medical workers in four hospitals.

The meal boxes included noodles with crayfish, hot tea with ginger and honey. There was even a birthday cake for one of the medical workers.

Nottingham, England: Chicken Curry and Lamb

Curry and rice food pack
Rikshawindian / Twitter

Rikshaw Indian Kitchen Sherwoodtweeted Their contribution of free lunches to Nottingham City Hospital hospital staff. The lunches included rice and their chicken curry or signature lamb. In total, the restaurantDelivered and given 100 mealsat the British National Health Service.

Blackburn, England: pizza and chicken wings

Pizza from Freddy's Chicken and Pizza
Freddy's Chicken & Pizza / Facebook

Instagram accountService Care Jobs Shared as a nursing team at the Royal Blackburn Hospital received pizzas and chicken wings as "random goodness". It seems that it is not the first gift that the hospital staff has received and it looks like they liked the generosity of the community.

Shanghai, China: Donation of food and drinks from local residents

Crabs food pack
Jiayubeauty / Twitter

Twitter User@Jiayubeauty Reported that Shanghai residents wanted to show their support and gratitude to doctors and nurses by sending food and drinks to hospitals. The list included something from the Starbucks coffee with hamburgers with freshwater crabs. Residents even wrote thank you notes on food bags to show their appreciation.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.

Boston: Mexican food

Villa Mexico Cafe / Twitter

Villa México Café Shared this Twitter user@ Kinghakim410 The lunches bought from their restaurant to support nurses at the Beth Israel DeaConse Medical Center. The nurses ate nachos that included beans, beef or chicken, tomatoes and cheese. Citizens come to provide food for health professionals and are still appreciated.

Philadelphia: Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast burrito from Burrito Bonito
Billy C./Yelp

Instagram accountTrauma Survivors Foundation Gave a shout at Marc of the Burrito Bonito restaurant to feed Burritos breakfast to the staff of the Methodist Hospital. The generosity of the restaurant was clearly appreciated!

Jersey City: Croissants and Lattes

Croissants at Cafe Peanut
Coffee Peanut / Facebook

Cafe-cae Shared on Instagram, a customer named Stephanie gave money that fed 14 doctors and nurses at the Jersey City Medical Center. Based on the image, the food went salads to croissants of drinks.Cafe-cae announced that, on their part, they gave lavender and rose slats to the medical staff of the Medical Center of Jersey City.

Colorado: salad

Salad from Snack Attack
Snack Attack / Facebook

Altitude boxIndicate their instagram followers on their donation of food to the female care unit and pediatrics of the Valley Powder Hospital with Fort Collins. The meal included individual salads, a nutritious meal for our heroes.

Baltimore: dominant pizza

Dominos pizza boxes

Instagram account and nurse account@ Emi.em2 gave a huge shout-out to the dominoes, which gave a free pizza to her and a colleague. Thank you, dominoes and@ Emi.em2, to help during this difficult period.

Spokane: Burritos

Chicken, beans, spinach and corn burrito from Brickwest Brewing
Brick West Brewing / Facebook

BRiqueWEST BREWING COMPANYShared on Instagram, their staff did and delivered at least 100 meals a day, including individual burritos, medical staff and first responders with residents of Spokane residents. They evenstarted a gofundy To reach a new target of $ 20,000 to deliver 100 meals a day for 20 days. Talk about the initiative and commitment to help doctors, nurses and first responders.

Even if times have been difficult, it's incredible to see how we are still able to support you and help each other during a crisis. We want to give a great cries to all the people, restaurants and hotels that help our heroes and contribute in any way. Your support does not go unnoticed.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: Coronavirus
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