20 best ways to have a healthier thyroid

It's the most important gland of your body you do not know anything.

Your thyroid. The hormones it produces are responsible for many: your metabolism, your health of your skin and your bones, your sleep quality, your frequency of headaches (or your offense) and your sex drive, to name than a few. Put another way, it's one of the most essential glands in your body. And yours can be in trouble. According toAmerican Association of Thyroid, about 20 million Americans have a thyroid condition - and of these 20 million euros, a narcotic60% are not aware of it.

But despite these numbers, it is not necessary to worry. Even if your thyroid is not in the form, it should be, do it at the wheel is as simple asTry a new yoga pose or make a small change to your diet. So, read it and learn how to have a healthy thyroid.

Eat less vegetables

thyroid health broccoli

Yes, but only when it comes to cruciferous vegetables, like cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. If these vegetables are a central part of your diet and you have thyroid problems, you may want to reconsider. A 2016 study published onPubd found that because they are more difficult for you to digest and metabolize that non-cruciferous vegetables, they have been linked to a higher risk ofDiseases related to thyroid.

Hang up the phone

phone thyroid health

Chatty Phone-users, beware. A study published inOman medical newspaper I have shown that the increased use of the cell phone has changed the way thyroid frees hormones. With the amount ofnegative side effects that occur altered levels of hormones-The weight gain and dry skin, for example, you may want to reduce on long telephone conversations.

Do not stop drinking

Friends Drinking Wine

Yes, this advice is antithtic to anythingall The doctor would say. But looking intoJournal of Thyroid Disorders In 2015, in 2015 showed that the sudden cessation of drinking alcohol can tilt the results of thyroid exams, resulting in false diagnosis. So, if you get an exam at any time, keep yourConsumption habits Generally the same for the love of your thyroid health.

Eat more algae

seaweed nori thyroid health

Your thyroid needs iodine to make its essential hormones.Algae-The Kelp, Dulse and Nori-are filled with iodine for your body to turn into hormones. They also generally contain many other beneficial nutrients, such as calcium, potassium and vitamins A to e, so the thing is really the superfoint of your absence.

Stop using plastic

girl drinking from a water bottle after a walk or hiking, aging quicker

Bisphenol A (or BPA) is a monomer commonly found in plastic water bottles, Tupperware, that kind of thing. BPA is bad for your body for a variety of reasons, but it can also affect your thyroid health. A study published inThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and MetabolismFound links with this chemical negatively affecting your thyroid. If you always use regular containers or plastic bottles, go to the glass version, Stat.

Keep away from a thing called Triclosan

skin changes 30s

Triclosan is a common ingredient in many soaps and bodywashes, but it can have an adverse effect on your thyroid heath. A study conducted by theEpa has shown that even a minor exhibition to the chemical can affect how your thyroid frees hormones. Fortunately, it is now easier than ever to avoid things: in December 2017, the FDA has published a decision prohibiting over-the-counter products containing Triclosan.

Avoid green tea

tea thyroid health

Experts atPrecision nutrition found that links between green tea consumption and exacerbation of pre-existing thyroid problems. However, there is no evidence of these issues ofblack Consumption of tea. So, if you are a regular tea drinker, go to black or if youNo need for caffeine, glue to herbal mixtures.


thyroid health stress less

High stress levels can lead toanxiety, insomnia and increased blood pressure. But there is another unfavorable side effect: according to aexaminePubmed,Stress can make your thyroid slow down its function, which could lead to an undesirable weight gain. Stress is also one of the environmental factors that cause hyperthyroidism, which is when your thyroid frees too many hormones at a time.

Take aerobic exercises with low impact

walking thyroid health

According to some experts, low impact aerobic exercise is the best type of exercise to avoid hurting your thyroid heath.If you suffer from a thyroid condition, you can experience a common painting. So, centralize your workouts aroundLow impact exercises- Aerobics of walking or water - is the way forward. As a bonus, these exercises are low effort methods to get your cardio cardio.

Or take yoga

yoga stretch thyroid health

Yogis, rejoicing. A study inYoga MimamsaI found that making some yoga positions can help your thyroid hormone release option. During your next routine, try to create poses like boat laying, bridge and pose pigeon pose.These positions help open the circulation of the throat andImprove the flow of energy Around the thyroid.

Up your consumption B12

omelet eggs thyroid health

A study of theJournal of Pakistan Medical Association found that there is a link between vitamin B12 deficiency and hypothyroidism. To fight this, store your food reserves with foods rich in B12, such as fish, eggs and milk.

Make sure you get your 8 hours of sleep one night

waking up thyroid health

Even though fatigue can be a symptom of unhealthy thyroid, you have to do your best to catch someZs. Make sure youGet 8 hours of sleep one night Keep your thyroid operation normally and efficiently.

Eat more selenium

mushrooms thyroid health

A study in theMolecular Nutritional and Food Research JournalFound that selenium, a nutritionally found element in nuts and fungi, can maintain the production of hormones of your thyroid that works properly and efficiently. As a bonus, selenium is excellent for the wholeEndocrine health health. If you can not drop the nuts or mushrooms, do not worry: you can recover supplements at your local pharmacy.

Get megots for good

quit smoking thyroid health

A 2014 study published in theEndokrynologia polska journalDiscovered that smoking can have various negative effects on your thyroid health, including and especially with regard to the production of hormones.Smoking Can cause hormone levels to fluctuate savagely. (As if you neededanother reason to stop smoking.)

Eating more blueberries (and other antioxidants)

berries thyroid health

For better thyroid health, foods rich in slate antioxidants, like grenades resembled berries and all kinds of bays in your diet. A study published in theClinical chemistry and laboratory medicine In 2008, found a link between antioxidant consumption and global levels of the endocrine system; higher levels of one correlated with higher levels on the other. In addition, the foods rich in antioxidants are delicious!


gluten free thyroid health

A 2002 study published in theJournal of European endocrinologyfound that there was a correlation between people who eat a lot of gluten and people with less active thyroid. In addition, the researchers found that when these peopleCut gluten out of their diet, their thyroid function balanced at normal levels.


thyroid health brushing teeth

A 2015 study in theJournal of epidemiology and community healthFound a link between fluoride consumption and a higher rate of inactive thyroids. SoCheck the source of your water-And the ingredients of your toothpaste.

Test regularly

Doctors appointments become frequent after 40 thyroid health

If you think you can experience symptoms of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, constantly mention your doctor. Due to the cyclicality of symptoms, many thyroid health problems could be revealing other problems - they can not assume that it is a thyroid problem.

Keep your adrenal glands in good health

sleeping thyroid health

Your adrenal glands and thyroid glands are rolled together in your endocrine system.According to Dr. Amy Myers, the distress of the adrenal gland has the ability to affect major metabolic processes, including those your thyroid is responsible. As it happens, the best way to keep your adrenal glands healthy is one way to keep your health thyroid: regularlyhave a good night.

To stay

laptop education thyroid health

It's a bit of a bit of evidence, but remains a useful point to hammer the house: if you suspect, even a little, that you suffer from a disease, be sure to educate you completely . And yes, this includes the conditions of the thyroid. Even the subtle symptom-sleep loss, modified intestinal fluctuations - can be a sign of something more serious. So stay diligent.

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