5 things you should not do for a very long time after coronavirus
It's not because the reopening is in progress, it does not mean that you can go back to life as usual.

We are all looking forward to the life of going back to normal, but even when shops start opening and restrictions starting in Wane, some events are more risky than others andshould continue to be avoided. This means opting for intimate dinners for two parts rather than large parts during the coming months. And in no case should you host or attend which sources of information call"Super-spreader" events, as they pose a more importantThreat to public health that your normal meet because of the volume of people involved. In an effort to learn past mistakes, these are the things you should continue to avoid after reopening.
1 Attend a burial.

Although it is extremely ripening to fly the possibility of paying your respect to the expensive beings lost with friends and families, traditional funeral services that attract large groups of people will not be safe for a while.
A case study published by the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) and the Chicago Health Department followed a chain reaction starting with a patient in Chicago who attended funerals while having the coronavirus, resulting in theinfection of 16 people. And for other tips to stay safe after reopening, see14 places you should always avoid when the lock ends.
2 Go to a lucky dinner.

The same patient responsible for the aforementioned propagation in Chicago also contaminated two hosts of a pot-luck dinner he attended at night before the funeral. The act of sharing food and talking in neighborhoods is the ideal opportunity for coronavirus to spread via viral droplets. Thus, until the pandemic has passed, opt for more intimate gatherings in which no one allows to exchange food plates.
3 Attend a birthday party.

WhileZoom Celebrations May be less than ideal, they beat the potentially deadly alternative. The same CDC study that followed the patient in Chicago Tours with him attending a birthday with nine people, seven of whom ended upContracting coronavirus. This unfortunate event shows that even smaller gatherings can be dangerous during the pandemic.
In addition, a birthday party detained in a suburb of Connecticut - without known cases of coronavirus at the end of time being the fundamental cause of nearly 20 cases of Covid-19. According toThe New York Times, half of the people present contracted the virus. With such amazing numbers as these, your birthday will have to be detained by video call until further notice. And for the changes your children can expect, check7 things your children will never do again after the coronavirus.
4 Visit a home of religious worship.

Those who attend religious homes of worship are painful to return to places that play such an important role in their lives, but we have already seen these types of gatherings before. In February, a 61-year-old woman attended the church in Daegu, South Korea. Following the service, itPositive tested for coronavirus, like at least 43 other members of the Church. The incident triggered a snowball effect that caused COVID-19 cases of the country to jump from 29 to 2,900 in just two weeks.
In addition, a 50-year-old man, thought to beSecond case of confirmed coronavirus New York, infected at least 28 people, many of whom were other customers of the synagogue he has attended. Although the synagogue is quickly closed, as well as several surrounding schools, in an effort tostop propagation Early, the effects were already in ripple. Religious gatherings are collective and closed. They are better assisted practically for the moment.
5 Repetition

Repetitions involving groups of gathering people to practice everything that is dancing and singing the comedy improvisation will have to stay in pause for a moment longer. According to a report published by the CDC, after a repetition of choir in Washington, 53 of the 61 participantshave been found to be infected by Covid-19.
Sing nearby closely shows a particularly high threat because it canSend droplets beyond the six feetof seperation. "The droplets can be pushed further, sometimes even beyond six feet, if you give expiration more energy, with a cough or sternten or even sing,"William Schaffner, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Vanderbilt, saidInternal business community. And learn to avoid spreading bacteria in your home, check11 ways to spread germs throughout the house without realizing.

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