Meditation can help you make fewer mistakes, a new study says

The new search shows how only one session of meditation can increase your consciousness of errors.

We all know that meditation comes with a variety of health benefits. Research has shown that it canlighten anxiety andstress. It can reduce your blood pressure and help youStay sharp as you get older. A study even found that 10 minutes of 10 minutes ofMeditation can also be beneficial as a holiday day and another deducts that the same short session isworth another 44 minutes of sleep. Now a new study published inBrain sciences Indicates that there is yet another advantage to add to this long list: a 20-minute meditation session can help you make fewer errors.

For the study, researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) asked 200 people who had never been meditated before completing a 20-minute meditation exercise, followed by a computerized distraction test. PrimerYanli Lin, a doctoral psychology candidate at MSU and his colleagues then measured the cerebral activity of subjects by electroencephalography or EEG. The results showed that if the session did not necessarily make participants to better fulfill the computer task itself, it seemed to improve theirAwareness of their mistakes.

"The EEG can measure brain activity at milliseconds, so we had accurate measurements of neuronal activity just after errors compared to correct responses," linensaid in a declaration. "A certain neuronal signal occurs about half a second after an error called the positivity of errors, which is related to recognizing conscious errors. We have found that the strength of this signal is increased in meditators compared to controls."

These conclusions provide evidence that "only 20 minutes of meditation can ... improve the brain's ability to detect andPay attention to errors. "

Omri Kleinberger, a yoga and meditation expert and the founder of the wellness companyOmeta, RecountBetter life That it makes sense, considering that "one of the first principles of meditation is to understand that your thoughts are not you, and they do not define you."

Once you have recognized how much control you can have on your own thoughts and errors, you can better evaluate the choices you make and reprogram your responses to the stimuli so that they are more in line with your ideal vision of yourself .

And for more reasons to make time confident for yourself,Here are the main health benefits of being kind to yourself with yourself.

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