100 simple ways to be a much healthier person, according to science
These small lifestyle changes will help you be healthier for quarantine and after.

If the coronavirus pandemic has had a silver lining, it is that Covid-19 recalls many of us in the way we are lucky as our health and how important it is to never take for granted. Even if your fitness is the best, or you have always had trouble maintaining a way of life that's the best foryour personal well-beingBeing in quarantine probably looking for ways to get healthy much more serious than ever and we are here to help you. Below we have rounded some simple ways to improve your mental and physical well-being, according to science.
1 Maintain a positive attitude.

Even if it can be difficult to do that youadapt to the new normal Provoked by the coronavirus pandemic, remain positive as much as possible to benefit you in the long run. In fact, several studies-like a meta-analysis published in 2010Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health-Worth that people found tend toManage stress more effectively when theykeep a positive attitude. And to help you keep your chin up, check out7 quarantine ways has been good for your health.
2 Eat more nuts.

Noyers are not only delicious; Nutritional snack can offer important benefits for cardiac health. According toA 2019 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association, Participants who added nuts to a low fat diet were successfullylower their blood pressure, Which helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
3 And more nuts in general.

A 2019 study published in the American Heart Association journal,The search for traffic, revealed that peopleType 2 diabetes Who ate five walnut portions a weekReduces their risk of cardiovascular disease 17 percent. Similarly, eating nuts rich in vitamin E, like almonds, can prevent heart disease in non-diabetic people. So, as long as youare not allergic, become crazy! And for the things you need to know you get older,Here are the 40 health symptoms you need to know about.
4 Eat protein before going to sleep.

It is widely understood that the protein is a key element of a balanced diet, particularly in muscle building and get more shaped. However, perhaps less commonly known, is that the point in the day during which you eat protein plays a vital role in the ability of your body to reap these benefits. A 2018 study published in theBritish Nutrition Journal determined that eating a snack containing 30 grams of protein from everywhere30 to 60 minutes before bedtime has been associated with better muscle quality and faster metabolism.
5 Drink more orange juice.

You maybe know now that there isTwo types of cholesterolAnd that the HDL is the "good" genre, which means the one you really want in your arteries. So, how do you get? Well, a 2000 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that healthy people who drankthree cups of orange juice a day Successful to increase their HDL cholesterol levels of 21 percent and a decrease in their HDL cholesterol-LDL levels averaged 16 percent over a four-week period.
6 Eat fermented foods.

While some people can not get enough Kimchi or Kombucha, others starve early or thirsty before consuming these fermented snacks. Personal preferences on the side, which is no debate is the fact that they, as well as other foods containing probiotics, have valuable health benefits. For example, foods rich in probiotic bacteria can relieve constipation, reduce cholesterol, andpromote better brain health, A 2014 study published in theJournal of Medicinal Food find.
7 Do not skip breakfast.

Breakfast, as you could hear, is the most important meal of the day. One of the reasons is his connection with aDecreased risk of heart disease. According to a 2019 study published in theNewspaper of the American College of Cardiology, Those who jumped breakfast were regularly at a87 percent the risk of moreDeath by cardiovascular disease than those who started their day with a hearty meal. And for the things you need to stop doing to preserve your youth, see30 Surprising habits to see you make yourself quicker age.
8 And start your day with lemon water.

Before arriving at your coffee, make a glass of hot lemon water. According to the clinic of Cleveland, the boost of vitamin C and potassium aids to digestion andProtects against diseases, Help you stay healthy.
9 Eat less sugar.

If you want to be healthier, you have unfortunatelyStop nibbling on sweet foodslike donuts and cookies. Not only a consumption of excessive sugar can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes, but it can also give you wrinkles, fine lines and a subsequent subsection, as neuropathic doctorNigma Talib Notes in his book,The younger skin starts in the gut. You can start by trying to avoid processed foods and pay attention to hidden sources of sugar.
10 Shop your grocery store on the edges of the store.

How is your grocery store fitted? Does the natural stream lead you to the center, where all the chips and biscuits and other processed foods? Well, there is an easier and healthier way to shop. "I try toStick to the banks of the store, "Sports Medicine SpecialistJessalynn G. Adam, MD, previously saidBetter Life. "This is where all fresh and unprocessed ingredients are."
11 Limit your soda intake.

In addition to providing you with more than your fair share of empty calories, gaseous drinks contain high amounts of fructose, which canweaken your bones and contribute to osteoporosis, according to a 2018 study published in the newspaper,Missouri Medicine.
12 And this also includes the soda diet.

Plan versions of your favorite sodasmight seem healthierBut they are not. A 2015 study in the newspaper,Nutrients, showed that the regulated soft drinks were associated withIncreased circumference of the size. Instead, stick to the water - and let the so-called "healthier" drinks behind.
13 Invest in a real awakening.

Wake up with a real awakening instead of your phone couldhelp you sleep better. It's because the brilliant light of your smartphone candisrupt your sleep cycle, the National Sleep Foundation says.
14 And keep your phone out of the room entirely.

Sleeping without your nearby smartphone is not just better for your sleeping cycle, it's beneficial for your happiness in general. In 2018, the research published inComputers in human behavior, study participants who were limited to use their telephones in the bedroom for a week onlywere deemed happier, less anxious, and lessaddicted to their phones compared to those who did not have such restrictions.
15 Sleeping naked.

According to an article in 2019 in medical news today, go to bed in your birthday costume canImprove your ability to sleep resting. This is because when you sleep naked, the production of melatonin your body makes you sleep and diminish the temperature of your body, is not embarrassed by the presence of layers of clothing. In addition, keep cool at night reduces the level of cortisol of the body, the stress hormone that can cause too much to eat, diabetes and cause inflammation causing the disease.
16 Lower the thermostat before going to bed.

If you do not like to sleep in the buff, tryCompose the thermostat down Just a few degrees. According to a 2014 study published in the newspaperDiabetes, people who slept in a 66 degree room Fahrenheit more than six weeksincreased their amount of brunette fat, which reduces blood glucose and stimulates metabolism.
17 Drink cherry juice before going to bed.

Why the cherry juice? Well, as a 2012 study published in theEuropean nutrition newspaper Notes, cherry tart areA natural source of melatonin, the same hormone that makes it more freely when you sleep without clothes. Just do not drink the treated version, because added sugar can actually keep you instead of helping you fall asleep.
18 Meditate before sleeping.

With the extra stress brought by the pandemic, a good night of rest is easier to say than to do. Nevertheless, this is one of the most important things for your health, which is why you should consider simply put aside a few minutes from your night to breathe deeply and practicing mindfulness. It can not only helpInsomnia fight, but alsohelp you sleep more relaxing, according to a 2015 study published in theJAMA internal medicine. In the study, those who practiced full consciousness and meditation on a regular basis found theirsleep much more relaxing that their counterparts, who simply followed the "best sleep practices" generic ".
19 Get the right amount of rest.

When it comes to a good night's rest, you must make it a priority for not having less than six, but no more than nine hours of closure. Otherwise, you could put your heart at risk.
In a 2019 study on nearly half a million people published in theJournal of the American Cardiology College, the researchers found that at least six hours of sleep was 20% associated withIncreased risk of a heart attack. Meanwhile, people who slept more than nine hours per night had an increased risk of 34 percent.
20 Talk to your doctor about your snoring.

If you tend to snore loudly especially at night, and breath cut, even for air occasionally, so what you may have considered a harmless thingsnoring could actually be sleep apnea, a very serious illness. According to the Mayo clinic, sleep apnea occurs when the muscles relax in the back of the throat and yourairways or firm goulet that you inspire, Which makes it almost impossible for you to receive air during adequate sleep and ruin the quality of your rest.
And when you are not getting the right amount of rolling every night, you are more likely to undergo arterial hypertension, heart disease and liver problems. So, if chronic snoring is something you feel, it's better to seeSpecialist To discuss your treatment options.
21 Sleep with an open window.

According to a 2017 study published in the journalIndoor air, An easy way to make sure you sleep with closed fists and stay healthy is to break a window. The filtering breeze in your roomlowers carbon dioxide levels In the air, which helps to get the rest a good night.
22 Develop your social circle.

Having a lot of friends might be the key to being a person and what better time that now healthier to reconnect with old friends and stay in touch with the latest on a video chat or phone call. A recent study published in theJournal of epidemiology and community health found that in the elderly 1477,Subjects with the most friends lived an average of 22 percent longer than those who have the smallest number of friends.
23 Make your route more active.

While you can always work at home because of the pandemic, it is unlikely that will always be the case. So, when you finally have to go again, do you a favor on foot or bike at work instead of driving. Why? Well, other than saving money on gas and avoid crowded sharing stations,People who make the active shuttle, On average, about a point BMIS lower than those who passively, according to a 2014 study published in theBritish medical newspaper .
24 Keep your spouse happy.

It is not only your own mental well-being playing a role in your overall health. As it is, the level of happiness of your spouse also have aimpact on the health you are. According to a 2019 study published inPsychological Science, The satisfaction of your spouse with life is abest predictor of your mortality than their own.
25 Take group exercise classes.

Simply because you can not go to the gym or your favorite spin class right now, does not mean that you can not exercise. In fact, it does not even mean that you can not exercise with other people, which is the ideal scenario, according to a study published in the 2017Newspaper of the American Osteopathic Association. Research concluded that people who worked in group settingshave been able to reduce their level of stress 26 percent over a 12-week period.
26 Incorporate the weightlifting into your routine.

Lift weights is not just looking buff-it can also protect your heart. A2018 study Iowa State University found that less than a one-week weightlifting time is sufficient forReduce your risk of a heart attack or by cerebral accident anywhere from 40 to 70 percent.
27 Take the yoga.

TheYoga Benefits Are virtually endless and its also one of the easiest forms of exercise to do at home, with countless applications and video classes available online. According to the American Osteopathic Association,Take some yoga classes every week has two advantages for mental and physical health that range from improving breathing andbalanced metabolism Increasing self-awareness and better stress management
28 Help others.

There are many people whoneed your help right now Because they struggle to stay safe and keep others healthy during the pandemic. So, whether it's a blood donation or sending a meal to our doctors and nurses on front lines, help people in need is a great way too help you.
By a study published in 2018BMC Public Health,adults who volunteered Improving the saw in their mental health, physical health, and the overall satisfaction of life.
29 Spend at least two hours outside each week.

Why two hours? It's theMinimum amount required for optimal physical and mental well-being, according to a study published in 2019Scientific reports. Remember to followsafety precautionsBy avoiding large groups of people, stay at least six feet from others and always wear a mask.
30 Follow the news.

Even if it's the last thing you want to do after the bombardment of bad news because of the pandemic, it is important to stay informed - just do not do it too much.
Interesting, reading the paper or watching the news proved to be good indicators that a person is a healthy eater, according to a 2012 study published in theInternational Journal of Public Health. The research revealed that those who have themost of the exposure to mass media The information was more likely to adhere to aMediterranean diet, Who is knowing to provide a variety of health benefits.
31 Read more books.

In addition to reading current events, try reading more books this year. At school, you had to read all the time - it was a part of the curriculum, after all. But now that it's not mandatory, do it for pure joy. You will seek to read books that really interest you - andKeep your brain engaged while you are there.
32 Limit the amount of television you watch.

We know that this is particularly difficult to do during the quarantine, but yourAffinity for Netflix Binges could be detrimental to your health, according to the 2012 research published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine. That's right: every hour of television you look after 25 yearsCut your life span About 22 minutes, the study was found.
In addition, researchers have discovered that people who have spent on average six hours a day to settle in their TVs have died nearly five years before those who did not look at any television at all. So, try to incorporate other things like playback and exercise to reduce your television time.
33 Wash your pillowcase frequently.

Not only is it just a practice ofgood hygieneBut a clean pillowcase can also reduce your risk ofget sick. In 2018, the Amerisleep Mattress Brandstudied a week pillowcase and found that it contained some 3 million units of bacteria forming colonies per square inch. It's 17,442 times more than what you would find onThe average toilet seat.
34 And test the viability of your pillow while you are there.

While you put on this freshly washed pillow case, take the time to test ifYour pillow is always to be prized- Fluff? All you need is a shoe. Yes, you read that. law.
Just fold your pillow in half and make sure to tighten the air diffusion, and place the shoe on top (if you are worried about your shoe transferring dirt, a paper book will also suffice). If the pillow remains folded, it's time to have a new one; If it brings you together fully, you know your neck and your back are in good hands.
35 Keep your keypad on your own computer.

It goes without saying that we should all beWipe and clean up Some things are more often more often than we were before the pandemic. One of them being your computer keyboard.
A 2018 study published in theInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health Computer keypad surfaces analyzed for germs andFound strains of bacteria caused by the disease fromBacillus ToStaphylococcus aureus. The good news? The same study concluded that the use of an antibacterial wet wipe on your keyboard can reduce contamination up to 100%.
36 Wash your hands properly.

Speaking of germs, let's talk aboutHow do you wash your hands. According to the Minnesota Ministry of Health, you should foam your hands with soap forat least 20 seconds In a way that is quite vigorous to eliminate dirt and debris. This will better protect you from the harmful bacteria that your hands constantly come into contact with.
37 Only a shower a few times a week.

Although he seems counter-intuitive, if you want to be healthier, then you mustshowerless. According to medical news today, less active seniors should only aim toShower once or twice a week; Shower more than that, and you may rid your skin of useful bacteria and make it more prone to infections.
38 Take more baths.

Although the shower can be the faster and more efficient option, a good hot bath is preferable for your physical and mental health, according to a 2018 study published inComplementary and alternative medicine based on evidence. The researchers found that topics that were just bathing10 minutes a day have seen improvements in their stress andenergy levels. The study also noted that swimming can even increase blood flow and accelerate metabolism, which also have positive effects on your physical health.
39 Adopt a dog.

There is a reason why dogs are considered asthe men's best friend. Not only possess one make you feel better emotionally, he hasphysical advantages, too.
By a study published in 2019Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality and Results,Dog owners tend to have a better diet and the blood sugar levels, which both contribute tocardiovascular health. The study revealed that dog owners are generally more active, so you can thank my playful friend of yours to help you stay in shape.
40 Find a job that makes you happy.

Although it is important to be grateful to have employment in a time when so many companies and people struggle to meet the two tips because of Covid-19, it does not mean you should stop pursuing A profession that makes you happy. And believe it or not, staying at a job that stress you can actually limit your life.
A 2013 study of Tel Aviv Souffyky Medical Center concluded that people who felt that the most burned had a79 percent increased the risk Coronary heart disease. In fgeneral,burnt feeling At all levels has been associated with an increased risk of 40 percent of the coronarianscardiopathy.
41 Use a sunscreen.

Even if sound for a quick walk to curb Covid fever cab, make sure you are not exiting home without applying solar screen, even in the coldest months. Although UVB rays that cause sunburn diminish in winter, theUva rays which can lead to wrinkles, aging, and evenskin cancer to stay.
42 And stop wearing cheap sunglasses.

It's time to stop lying on quality sunglasses. The truth is, these nuances-shop of medicines are not making you favors. In general, cheap sunglasses are tinted without UV protection. AsBenjamin Bert, MD, ophthalmologist at Memorialcare Orange Coast Medical Center in Pasadena, California, was previously explained toBetter life, This dye "causes the studentdilatent without UV blocking, Ultraviolet radiation is therefore more able to enter the eye ".
43 Always remember to brush your teeth.

Listen to your dentist when they tell youBrush your teeth twice a day. Not only will prevent this cavities and dental caries, but 2019 the research published in the journalAdvance of science show thatalso destroys bacteria Who can migrate to the brain and provoke Alzheimer's disease.
44 And make sure you use dental floss, too.

Dental silk is much more important than you could achieve. In addition to keeping your gums and healthy teeth, it also prevents bacteria in the mouth to go to the rest of your body.
"The bacteria present in the mouth involved in the development of gum disease can move in the bloodstream and cause an elevation of the c-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the blood vessels,"GARTH GRAHAM, aCardiologist and former assistant assistant secretary At the US Department of Health and Human Services, says previouslyBetter life.
45 Soak your toothbrush in a mouthwash.

According to Dynamic Dental, aThe practice of dental hygiene With offices in Massachusetts, using this antibacterial product as a disinfectant agent is an infallible way to prevent the spread of germs by your toothbrush, especiallyDuring the cold season and the flu.
46 Stop rinsing after brushing.

Avoid rinsing your mouth after you brush your teeth. As the Queensland government in Australia explains their website from the Ministry of Health, thisPractice remains the mouth and teeth From the protective fluoride layer that provides the toothpaste, which in turn invites bacteria in.
47 And balance on one leg while you brush.

We know that it may seem silly, but a 2012 study published in theAmerican Journal of Medicine & Physical Rehabilitation foundincreased flexibility can lead to longer life.
So, if you want to keep your balance in rule (word game) before it starts to disappear, the Cleveland Clinic recommendsStanding on each leg for 10 seconds At the same time while you brush your teeth. This easy exercise will form your neuromotors, which help balance, agility and movement. Of course, you can look a little strange to do it, but it's a small price to pay for a long service life.
48 Laugh more often.

Not only fun fun, butit's also good for you! A 2016 study published in the journalPsychosomatic medicine found that women with a sense of humor had a73 percent lower risk of death A heart disease, a lower risk of 81 percent of the death of an infection, and a lower risk of 48 percent of all causes confounded.
49 To be more conscientious.

In their book,The Longevity projectAuthorsHoward S. Friedman andLeslie R. Martin to write that to be conscientious is one of the best predictors ofA long life. They pose that diligent and responsible people may be more likely to adopt healthy behaviors, may be less subject to disease and can find more success in personal relationships and in the workplace than those who are more negligent.
50 Mouse more.

Smile how do you mean that! For a study of 2010 published in the journalPsychological science, researchersIntensity of smile examined Among a series of photos of 1950s baseball players. Those who do not smile in their images lived on average 72.9 years, while the biggest smilers lived seven years older.
51 Be kind to others.

Make a fewGood actions Could make sure you see your 90th anniversary. According to a 2012 study at the College of Medicine Albert Einstein at the University of Yeshiva, there is a scientifically proven correlation between treating others withkindness and longer life.
52 Start tracking your water consumption.

With all the tedious tasks occupying your day, drinking enough water is probably one of the last things in your mind. However, you must start making it a priority to drink at leastFour to six glasses of water of 8 ounces a day, according to the Harvard School of Medicine. In this way, you can avoid theSide effects of dehydration, which include much more frequent headache and a slower cerebral function.
53 And drink plenty of water when exercised.

Anyone who has always had a kidney stone can attest to the fact that they are not fun. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent them from happening in the first place. According to the National Rein Foundation, ensuringRehydrate after activities particularly in sweat.
"The loss of water by perspiration causes a production less urine," explains the organization. "The more you sweat, the less urine you, which allows minerals causing the stone to settle and bind them to the kidneys and the urinary tract."
54 Recover.

The posture may not seem like a big deal, but it really affects your health more than you think. Not only is right sitting or standing with confidence to make you feel very mentally, but according to the Mayo clinic,Correct alignment of the body Can also help prevent welding on your spine, muscles and joints, which could help prevent injuries in the line.
55 Better yet, invest in a standing desk.

You want another reason to join the craze of the standing counters? Sitting for less than three hours a day couldAdd two years to your life, according to a 2012 analysis of the data published inBMJ Open.
56 Look your colleagues friendship.

It pays for beautiful with your colleagues - even if it means doing it on video conferences or emails. A 2011 study published in the newspaperPsychology of health followed by 820 adults for 20 years and have found that those with theSocial support Colleagues lived the longest. The people who held themselves during the workday were 2.4 times more likely to die during the 20-year period.
57 To drink coffee.

Becausea cup of joe is raised in antioxidants, it can actuallyReduce your risk of diabetes, liver damage, several cancers and depression, according to a 2018 study published in the journalProgress in cardiovascular disease.
58 But notoo muchCoffee.

That said, you can haveToo much of a good thing: A long-term study of 2013 published in the journalProcedure of the Mayo Clinic found that those who drank an average of more than four cups of coffee per day had a21% higher death risk that those who have consumed a more moderate amount.
59 Stroll to dance.

Research published in 2013 in the journalAnthropology and aging found that people can dance their way toImprovement of health and happiness, especially the elderly. It is thanks to the social, mental and physical benefits of the activity.
60 Go to the doctor regularly.

While you do not want to travel unnecessary at the doctor during pandemic coronavirus, it is important that you do not know your personal health and make the appropriate appointments when you feel comfortable - or explore whatVirtual Tour Options you have.
In a 2007 study published in theScandinavian Journal of Public Health who followed 2,000 children from 30 to 49 years over a 15-year period, researchers discovered that those who sought experienced regular preventive carea service life "significantly" that those who did not do it. (Curious how many times you shoulddoctor? You can find the current instructions of the National Institute of Health for Reviews and Regular Testinghere.)
61 Take the stairs when you can.

A 2010 study published in theEuropean Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Journal calculated only in the people who sit mostly, taking just the stairs was a sufficient physical activity forBurning body fat and lower blood pressure, reduction of the risk of early death of 15%. And although your options may be limited for quarantine, just keep in mind and take the stairs when you have the opportunity.
62 Pass the tanning beds.

If you used tanning beds before the pandemic, quarantine could be a good time to start this habit while your local spa is closed. An analysis of 2007 published in theInternational Cancer Journal found that people who started using tanning beds before we were 35 years old were as much as75% more likely to develop melanoma.
63 Stop storing your portfolio in your back pocket.

Havinglower back pain? Try to take your wallet with your back pocket. In 2018, a study published in the newspaper,To thank, underlines, sitting on your wallet canPress your sciatic nerve, the major nerve that crosses the buttocks.
64 Cultivate a garden.

If you wantAvoid developing Alzheimer's disease, so the researchers suggest trying to get your hand to gardening. A 2006 study published in theMedical Journal of Australia foundThe elderly who are kept had a risk of reduced dementia of 36%.
65 Make brain teasers.

Mind games are both fun and good for your health. According to the Clinic of Cleveland, they helppractice your brain and improve operation, promote new brain cell growth and reduce your risk of dementia dementia.
66 Drink more milk.

Enter at least1,000 milligrams of calcium per day can help prevent osteoporosis from settling, according to a 2016 study published in the journalCalcified International Fabric. (For reference, a glass of 8 ounce skim milk supplies about 300 milligrams.)
67 Dilute your juice with water.

You do not need to give up your favorite fruit juices completely simply to be healthy. But youcan Cut the number of calories you half consume by diluting your drink with water. It's the same flavor with half of the sugar!
68 Keep a feed review.

Keeping a food review, especially at the beginning of a healthy catering course, can be extremely beneficial in the long run. A 2008 Kaiser Study has found that whenpeople wrote what they eat Trying tolosing weightThey paid twice as many books as those who did not maintain archives.
69 Ask for a takeawaybefore You start eating.

Even if you can not eat in your favorite restaurants right now, things end up saving over time. And when they do, remember that the portions of restaurants, especially America, have become notoriously larger than necessary. Therefore, you should make it a habit of putting half of your meal in a box before starting digging. This ensures that you will not supervise because there is food on your plate. (In addition, it saves money by turning a meal in two!)
70 Eat more meals at home.

In the end, if you want to live longer and healthier life, you should eat at home more often than you probably do already because of the pandemic. A 2012 study published in theNutrition of public health Newspaper found that people who cook at home up to five times a week were47% more likely probable To always be alive 10 years later, compared to those who have eaten more takeaway meals.
71 Wait 20 minutes before entering seconds.

Before capturing another helping dinner, give yourself 20 minutes to digest. It's how long it takes for your body torealize it is full, according to the Harvard School of Medicine.
72 Put some potted plants around the house.

Have plants in your space is an easy way to power your mood and increase your happiness. In addition, plants also reduce the levels of carbon dioxide, eliminating harmful pollutants in the air. So fill your house with greenery: you will breathe better and you feel good all around.
73 Slow down your heart rate at rest.

A 2018 study published in the magazineHeart discovered that a key predictor of long life in seniors and otherwise healthy seniorswas a resting heart rate, regardless of the level of fitness or other healthy behaviors.
So, how do you slow down your heart rate at rest? According to experts from Harvard Medical School, you canReduce yours by exercising more, reducing stress, avoid tobacco products and maintain a healthy weight.
74 Have more fun.

Do you want to be healthier? Once things come back to normal after the pandemic abstains, enjoy yourpaid vacation. A 2014 analysis of the famous Framingham Heart Study published inThe lancet shows that people more frequentlytook a holiday, The more they lived.
75 Do naps during the day.

Planned regularlyshort nap Bars oblique considerably your risk of dying of coronary heart disease. A massive 2007 study of nearly 24,000 people more than six years published inJAMA internal medicine found that occasional nappers hadlower coronary mortality 12 percent, whilethose who fleece At least three times a week for at least 30 minutes had a lower 37 percent mortality.
76 Blow these bad habits once and for all.

That you aredrink too much WhereSmoking traditional electronic cigarettes orIt's time to stop. Thosehabits can only beaCK in terms of your health, And the more they pass, the more they are harmful to your well-being. Fortunately, he isnever too late to quit smoking-And you will feel good once you do.
77 Wake up earlier.

Instead of sleeping in the early hours of the morning, get up and use them to your advantage. It's the only time of the day you really have you without emails, text messages and notifications taking on your mind. That you use exercise time, meditate, or prepare a nutritious breakfast, these overtime are worth thebeginning call of alarm clock.
78 And get your workout in the first thing.

If the only time you have to work is the night, it's perfectly fine. However, if you have the choice of a morning workout or one night, opt for the old one. A research published in a 2013 edition of theBritish Nutrition Journal notes that people can burnUp to 20 percent more body fat Simply exercising in the morning before having breakfast.
79 Replace your worn running shoes.

If you can not remember when you bought new running shoes, then you are probably because of a new pair. The Mayo Clinic suggests retiring running shoesevery 400 to 500 miles To ensure that you get the right amount of support and cushion for the arches of your feet. By continuing to run in your worn shoes could put you at risk of developing plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the thick tissue band that worksThrough the bottom of your foot and connects the heel bone to the toes.
80 Wear socks.

You should wear socks with most of your shoes. Why? as a podiatristStephanie Fields, DPM, DABPM, previously explainedBetter life, Do not wear sockscauses excessive perspiration Which, in turn, causes the formation of blisters and the development of the feet and mushroom nails. »
81 Keep your nails short.

MakeNail maintenance part of your daily routine; Otherwise, "dirt [under your nails]May cause an infection, "Matthew Ross, Co-founder and director of exploitationTHE SLUMBER COURT, Said previouslyBetter life.
82 Drink wine or liquor instead of beer.

With regard to alcohol goes, beer is both one of the most caloric and one of the most in heavy carbohydrate options. As the US Department of Health and Social Services Notes, the average portion of beercontains about 150 caloriesWhile you can enjoy a glass of wine with as little as 100 calories and a liquor straight glass for only 91 calories.
83 And opt for red wine in particular.

In a document presented at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in 2003, scientists have shown that red wine contains a group of chemicals called saponins that arecapable of lowering cholesterol levels. Among the red wines analyzed in the study, Zinfandel red had the highest levels of saponins, followed by Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon.
84 But make sure you always drink moderately.

Red wine could be good for your heart, but it does not mean you can drink an entire bottle. Like notes alcohol.org American dependency treatment centers,excessive alcohol consumption can result in memory loss, Cancer, high blood pressure and liver fibrosis. TOenjoy the benefits of alcohol without exaggerating, Limit you to 14 glasses a week if you are a man and seven glasses a week if you are a woman.
85 Focus on the things you are grateful.

In this difficult moment when people lose their jobs, loved ones, and stuff in a number of other means, it is essential to be grateful for the things you have. Because whenyou are grateful, You have a better vision of life.
In a 2003 study of the University of Miami, psychologists have found that people who wrote what they were grateful for the weekturned out to be the most optimistic, compared to those who have written about things that disturb them and those who simply wrote on the daily occurrences, neither positive nor negative.
86 But newspaper on your worries too.

That said, writing what bothers you can alsohelp relieve your mental burden. A 2017 study published in the journalPsychophysiology unveiled thatIndividuals with anxiety Who engaged in an expressive writing effectively reduce their feelings of concern.
87 Find ways to fight stress.

The best thing to do for your health is to manage your stress levels. The experts of the American Institute of Stress say thatUp to 90% of doctors visits Can be for stress-related disorders. To combat this serious health risk, start finding ways to actively brake your stress, whether by practicing consciousness or pursuing a new hobby.
88 Take deep breaths.

In pausing taking some deep breaths throughout the day, you can improve your mood and overall health. A 2017 study published in the newspaper,To breathe, unveiled thatDeep breathing can reduce heart rate variability as well asIncrease feelings of calm and general well-being.
89 Use daily claims.

In 2020, make your mission to start focusing onLifting up with daily affirmations. Before letting you escape by approaching your task list, give yourself a PEP conversation in the mirror. Tell him things like "I'm powerful" and "I can do that." This might seem-and -e-idiot, but it will help start your day with a dose of positivity, which is important for a period also stressful and uncertain.
90 Call your mother.

If you do not call your mother once every week of two weeks, it's time to make it a more regular event. In a 2016 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, researchers found that talking to the family - your mother, especially -same emotional effect likeGiant hug someone you like. And since embrace is somehow limits for the moment, better start composing your mother as soon as possible.
91 Keep the low temperature in your home during the winter.

The hot and dry air coming out of a trendy heater is one of the things that cause dry eyes. And likeJonathan Wolfe, aOptometrist based in New York, previously saidBetter life, "Dry eyes are not just a nuisance - they canactually cause damage on the surface before the eye. If you want to keep your eyes safe, keep the low temperature and use a humidifier during the dry winter months.
92 Stop rubbing your eyes.

Yes, a habit as simple as rubbing your eyes could put your health in danger - especially with regard to coronavirus. But in addition to the germs, you expose yourself when you touched your face, a 2017 study published inCase reports in ophthalmologyFound a link between friction of the eyes, loss of vision and keratoconus, which changes the shape of the eye. It is therefore better to keep your hands away from your eyes as much as possible.
93 Choose the good popcorn.

This probably does not surprise you to learn that low-fat microwave blown corn has two thirds fewer calories than regular variety. But, according to a 2012 study published in theNutrition log, this healthier alternative is actually toomore satisfied with the potato chips. So, in short, not only would you feel more satisfied after finishing your low-fat popcorn bag, but you will also save calories and long-term fats.
94 Drink more green tea.

Green tea has long been rented as a powerful herbal substance. According to a 2010 meta-analysis published in the journalChinese medicine, it waslinked to a decrease in the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases; It has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, antibacterial, anti-angiogenic, anti-oxidant and antiviral properties; It can protect your neurological system; And this can help reduce cholesterol.
95 Make spinach a regular part of your diet.

To make sure your Ticker is healthy in your golden years, take a tip from Popeye and Chompiers on some spinach as often as possible. Rich in omega-3s and folate, spinach can helpReduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and sexual health problems related to age.
96 Always have healthy snacks by hand.

You never know when hunger will knock and, depending on your workplace and what you do, your options can be a bit limited. To make sure that you have something healthy hand to satisfy your desire, keep a bag of nuts, a bar of protein or a piece of nearby fruit, whether you are at home or on a tranquil walk.
97 Eat more fiber.

In the interest of your health, make sure you pay attention to the amount of fiber you get in your diet. Why is that? Because a rich fiber diet can help reduce your risk of diabetes, improve cardiac health and maintain more balanced blood pressure,According to a 2009 study Published inNutrition Reviews.
98 Chew a gum stick after each meal.

Chewing A sugar-free gum stick for half an hour after meals can prevent or reduce stomach burns. It's because the act ofChewing increases saliva flow, which neutralizes the stomach acid and the lava of your esophagus, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL.
99 Define small feasible goals throughout the year.

Larger is not always better, especially with regard to health and well-being goals. Instead, set small feasible goals, such as eating two portions of vegetables a day or a post-dinner walk. To researchStanford University Posted in 2017 shows that at the beginning of the first stages of a lawsuit, people benefit the mostFocus on "Sub-goals" who make them feel accomplished.
100 And others help you keep you responsibility.

Living a healthier lifestyle is easier when you have someone else do it with you - be it your spouse at home or friends you keep in line with online. When a 2013 study inNew England Journal of Medicine followed 552 overweight adults for about 10 months, they found that those who have followed a weight loss planwith people in their social network Lost about 6.5 pounds more than those who went alone.

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