The 50 best weight loss tips for 2020

Concerned about the weight gain of holidays? Discover these healthy and proven ways to lose weight in 2020.

Weight gain arrives to everyone - especially in winter. According toUniversity of Rochester, people earn an average of 1 to 3 poundsduring the holidays Due to everything devouring too much of treats to overload stress. But do not let the trousers too tight down. There are many ways to launch your weight loss path and create sustainable results. Here are the first 50 weight loss tips you should know to make 2020 your best,more confident year again.

Never eat without a fork.

Bowl of colorful salad and a lemon water

When you eat through the handle, it's easy to do too much. That is whyJanet detracts, a dietitian registered forEMP180 °, is a big fan of the range of the fork forweightloss. "If you catch snacks and you do not eat with a fork in your hand, you probably do not pay attention to what you eat and you probably eat a lot more than you think," she says. "Eat. With a fork and place it between each bite. "

Or standing.

Man multitasking in the kitchen eating, standing, watching laptop, holding phone

Has he never nibbled on a standing snack in the kitchen, only to discover an empty bag a minute later? "We are all victims of a multitasking meal," says he's detracting. "The distractions while eating can block the signals of the fullness of the body. Sit down, take a deep breath, and concentrate with your food and your hunger. The more you enjoy your meal, the less you will eat."

Brush your teeth after meals.

Man holding a toothbrush with toothpaste on it while smiling

Losing weight could simply meanBrush your teeth more often. It seems too good to be true, but a 2016 study published in the newspaperExperimental and therapeutic medicine I found that those who brushed their teeth after meals or snacks had lower obesity rates than those who did not do it. "Nothing has tasted well mixed with mint!" Detoke said. "Remember to drink a first thing about orange juice in the morning. Blueh."

Do not skip meals.

ways to stick to a diet

You might think that the best way to lose weight is to skip meals, but that's not the case. Detour is a fan of eating all day. "Some people will encourage jets to fast all day before a large meal for" saving calories ", but it usually leads to an too consumed glass that ends in a food coma and double (or triple) the planned calories of the day She said. "Eat healthy meals and snacks throughout the day to stay on track and avoid overeating."

But quickly go between dinner and breakfast.

Woman looking for a late night snack in the fridge in her pajamas

If you are a night snacker, try fasting between dinner and breakfast to cut calories for the day. "After finishing dinner, wait a full period 12 hours until you have breakfast. You can always drink water, herbal teas and lemon hot water during this period ", declares celebrity trapederJuliet Kaska. "For example, if you have finished your dinner at 7:30 you can have breakfast at 7:30, but no snack is admitted between."

Enjoy a cup of coffee.

Cup of coffee on a blue saucer next to coffee beans and scooper

Good news: You can alwaysEnjoy a cup of coffee In the morning when you try to lose weight. In fact, it could help. A 2019 study published in the journalScientific reports I found that coffee consumption can stimulate adipose brown or "brunette fat" tissue, which generates body heat by burning calories. "The increase in its activity improves blood glucose control, as well as improving blood lipid levels. And additional calories burned with weight loss," Professor of the University of NottinghamMichael Symonds, who co-directed the study, said in a declaration.

But jump the slats loaded with calories.

Barista making latte swirl art with golden creamer

If you start daily with a calorie packaged beverage of your favorite coffee, opt for something more user loss. "Ask for a double green tea with almond vapor, soy or oatmeal milk," says Kaska. "This is a low calorie, fat and sugar antioxidant drink. It also costs less than calorie slats." Alternatively, do not spend a penny and do something healthy at home instead.

Treat with too much eating common sense.

Young couple uncomfortably full from overeating pizza on couch

Everyone studies. But the next time you exceed in too many carbohydrates, candies or cocktails, do not punish the next day by jumping meals. Instead, get your body back on a track using a four-step method that is a Kask's favorite.

"Start your day as follows," she advises. "1. Drink 24 ounces of hot water with the juice of three lemons over a period of one to two hours. 2. Take a spoonful of the oil mct. 3. Exercise for 20 to 60 minutes. And 4. After Your workout, drink 8 ounces of organic coconut water (without added sugar). At the time you come home and shower, you will feel like a new person. Keep drinking water and / or coconut water throughout the day. "

Identify bad habits Enter your path.

Girl snacking on couch while watching tv

This will be difficult to lose weight if you do not understand first of what stops your progress. "Identify current habits that lead to unhealthy diet", "registered dietitianKatherine D. McManus RecountHarvard University. "Do you relax and reward you by collaborating in front of television? Do you skip only to feel hungry by the middle of the afternoon, ready to eat anything in sight? You all on your plate, even after you start feeling full? "Once you know the habits that disconnect you, you can work there.

Ask yourself why you eat.

Sad girl eating her feelings on couch with a chocolate cake

Are you hungry or emotionally hungry? McManus told Harvard that it is so important to be able to differentiate them especially when you try to lose weight. "Do you eat when you feel something physics in your body that meets food? Or do you eat when you are stressed, bored, tired, sad or anxious?" she says. If it's an emotional hunger, you're dealing, avoid overeating byFit healthy, Asto go for a walk, engaging in a hobby, or make yoga.

Slow down and enjoy your food.

Group of multicultural friends laughing and enjoying a meal

When you have a delicious meal in front of you, it's hard to slow down when you eat it. This plate is clean in a few seconds flat. But a 2018 study published inBMJ Open found that slower eaters and normal-speed eaters were less likely to be obese than fast eaters. Take your consumption speed on a note will help you feel more complete and satisfied, not to mention you can really enjoy your food.

Try the rule of 20 seconds.

Woman listening to earphones while slowly eating a parfait in deep thought

If you slow down your food rhythm is difficult, try the rule of 20 seconds. "This is my secret to eat with conscience," says Kaska. "I take 20 accounts / seconds minimum between put the next bite in my mouth. I do not start to cut my next bite until my current bite is part. The pure act of slowing and being present with your meal drives less eating and enjoying your meal more. It also helps eliminate or reduce digestive problems asgas and stomach burns. "

Ditch snacks at bedtime.

Woman sneaking into the fridge for a late night snack of cake hoping not to get caught

Why are the candies still sounding so good before going to bed? If you tend to be a late night snacker, try to get used to rest this year. A 2017 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating several hours could lead to an increase in body fat. To reduce, stop climbing after dinner and instead create healthier nocturnal habits.

Place a nightlife and paste it.

Woman happily asleep in bed at night

How many times did you say you were going to bed early, only to stay in height of a few hours more scrolling on your phone? Stick at a good time (and finallyhave enough sleep!) Without only helps keep your mental health in check-it also retains weight. In a 2006 study of the OFT-cited published in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiologyThe researchers found those who had less than six hours of sleep at night earned more weight than those who slept at least seven hours per night. So give up the phone and start from sheep. Your tourist will thank you.

Increase the fiber in your diet.

High in fiber foods surrounding the word

Fiber is so underestimated in weight loss. When you eat high fiber foods - like a broccoli, pears, apples, peas and potatoes, you will feel full and satisfied, making you less likely to stick to a malbouffe-Jjchi of calories. So how much should you target? A 2015 study published in theAnnals of internal medicine Three grams a day was the magic number when it came to lose weight.

Ditch meat for plants' sources of protein.

Colorful, rustic plant based meal of vegetables over coconut quinoa

Everyone seems to go from meat in 2020 for his health, planet and his animals. Jumping on the bandwidth based on the plant could also enjoy you considerably in the weight loss department. In a 2016 study published in the journalBMC NutritionThe researchers discovered that over-consumption of meat leads to obesity around the world. Instead, get your protein through the many plant-based options available, including beans, legumes, tofu and tempeh.

Use smaller bowls and plates.

Small plant based, colorful buddha bowl with lemon water

These days, most people have bowls and plates of size XL, making it very difficult to stick to suitable portion sizes. "One of the main culprits of weight gain is to eat too much," says deturred. "It can be easy to overpass your plate - and the bigger plate, the bigger the meal. Use a smaller plate or a bowl to easily reduce the size of the portion. Worse case scenario: You have just returned to a small aid of seconds. "

Ditch alcohol.

man refusing alcohol shot

Unfortunately, alcohol calories are counting, and they play an important role in your weight. Detrohe says that abstention from alcohol is the best way to lose weight, but if you want to drink from time to time, opt for calorie options below calorie, carbohydrates and low sugar. "Paste on a difficult liquor like vodka, rum and tequila, because they are free of carbohydrates. And if you need to mix them, choose low sugar drinks and low calorie drinks like water from water. Soda, "she says." Heads beer, which is generally rich in carbohydrates. Also avoid the wine, which contains a lot of sugar. "

Keep a trace of what you eat.

Woman writing in food log journal before eating her meal

It does not matter if you use a laptop or application. All you eat in a day can really help you achieve your weight loss goals. A 2019 study published in the journalObesity have found that those who recorded their daily food consumption lost 10% of their body weight over a six-month period. It only took them for 15 minutes a day for any densension, and that makes all the difference.

And document your meals with photos.

Person taking a picture of their food before eating

You do not need to be this person who publishes a photo of each meal on Instagram, but taking pictures of your food can help you lose weight. "Breaking a photo before digging can help you stay responsible for your health goals. In addition, it can increase the appreciation of food and encourage you to search for colorful and delicious ingredients for your next photogenic meal," said Turn away. "Additional Points If you keep a food log with photos of everything you eat."

Do not focus on cardio at the gym.

Woman stretching her back in cobra pose doing yoga

Most people choose run on the treadmill onYoga for weight loss. Of course, it burns more calories, but that number is not everything. A study has found the benefits of mental health you get yoga can help you look long. A 2016 study published in the magazineComplementary and alternative medicine based on evidence I found that the low impact road with yoga can help you change your habits for the better. Yogis have fewer stress eaten, eaten more with conscience, had fewer cravings and had reduced appetite, which has all impacted weight loss.

Pick up weights.

Woman sitting at the gym lifting a weight concentrating

Weight weight is not going to make you look big. In reality, it's a great way to burn calories, tone your muscles and lose fat. In a 2017 study published in the journalObesityThe researchers found that the combination of bodybuilding with a low calorie diet is the best way to lose fat and preserve the muscle.

Do not too early at the gym.

Woman straining in a plank at the gym with an uncomfortable face

One of the biggest mistakes that people do when starting their weight loss path, trafficking with their training routine. For best results, take your time and get used to everything. "Do not start jumping in the deep part. Instead, take it slow," Kaska said. "Try a walk from a mile at a pace that makes your heart pump, but do not wipe up. Measure the time you need to complete the mile and do it four to seven days a week. Then after a week. After a week., Try to increase your time [and] the distance. "

Exercise on an empty stomach.

Young woman running at sunrise listening to earphones

Some people like to work with food in their stomach and some do not do it. There is a reason to give a try a try, however. According toWilliam Kormos, MD, working while your body is in a form of fasting can result in the combustion of the fatter fat. "During the exercise, when the sugar stores in your body are exhausted, the body turns into stored fat and turns in sugar or turn the muscle protein into sugar," he saidHarvard University. If the hypothesis is true or not, he says that the most important thing is to work in the first place.

Stop watching many Netflix shows.

Sullen woman watching television on her couch in pajamas

There are so manyGreat shows on Netflix At the moment, but that does not mean you should all look all. (Sorry!) Sitting in front of the TV all day, every day is a disaster recipe when it comes to your weight. In a 2015 study published in theInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public HealthThe researchers noted to be sedentary for long periods - especially looking at the television - was directly related to "weight gain,cardiopathy, Risk of diabetes and an increased risk of early death. "Find something active to do instead, even if it has just been a walk.

Get your stress under control.

black woman meditating and listening to music on her bed

Stress does not make you just crazy mentally - it also affects your body physically. In a 2017 study published in the journalObesityResearchers have found that having chronically high levels of hormonal stress cortisol can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Soothe your stress with yoga,meditationand hobbies you like.

Establish a healthy relationship with your ladder.

Woman stepping onto a scale to weigh herself

Weigh yourself or avoid the balance quite, that's the question. If this number is spoiling your mental health, pass it and simply work to be healthy. But if you want to keep track of your weight, it could help with your progress. A 2017 study published in theJournal of Behavioral Medicine have found those who have weighed daily had a lower body mass index (BMI) and a percentage of body fat over time.

Get rid of the "good" food and "bad" food state.

Friends hanging out and eating pizza with a lot of toppings together

The second you mark a certain food as "bad", you will believe you that much more. Instead, do not do anything 100% out of bounds. "Concentrate instead on the choice of good servings of healthy foods from 80 to 90% of the time", "registered dietitianJENNIFER KOTHE WILLOUGHBY say itCleveland Clinic. "This, associated with a healthy exercise routine, can lead to long-term weight loss success. And it leaves a certain healing room to enjoy the" fun food "from time to time without feeling guilt or resentment. "

Take probiotics.

Row of jar bottles filled with various pills including probiotics

Microscopic bacteria living in your intestine are totally on your team to help you lose weight, as long as you occupy. Probiotics (good intestinal bacteria alias) are perfect for your digestive health and keep your intestine happy and take them daily could help you achieve your goals. A 2014 study published in theBritish Nutrition Journal found that obese people who took probiotics have significantly lost weight than those who did not do it.

Add the grapefruit to your diet.

Woman about to take her first bite of a ruby grapefruit

A grapefruit per day keeps the weight? That's what research shows. In a 2014 analysis published in the journalSearch for food and nutritionResearchers examined data over a five-year period and found that those who have consumed a quantity of grapefruit or grapefruit juice had a lower body weight, a circumference of the size and a BMI that those that did not have it not done.

Eat less addictive foods.

Woman mindlessly eating a jar of gummy candy while working on her desktop computer

If it looks like to be addicted to certain foods, you are not crazy. Some are more difficult than others than others, and these are the types you should limit in your diet. "If your diet is mainly composed of sugar, saturated grease / trans salt can be very addictive - you can develop constant desires for dense and high calorie foods with low nutritional value", registered dietitianJulia Zumpano told Cleveland's clinic. "This leads to the excess calories and weight gain or inability to lose weight."

Avoid adding sugar.

Woman adding sugar to her latte

Sugar is one of the biggest things that can come between you and losing weight. Professor Harvard University Frank Hu, MD, saidHarvard Health Publishing This consuming too much does not only raise your blood pressure and increases chronic inflammation, but also contributes to weight gain. To reduce, pay particular attention to food labels. "This can only say 5 grams of sugar per serving, but if the normal quantity is three or four portions, you can easily consume 20 grams of sugar and so much added sugar," Hu said.

Buy a spinach sheet extract.

A bowl of freshly washed spinach leaves

Spinach are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. If you can not have enough greens during the day, you can use another way to help you lose books. A 2014 study published in the journalAppetite The found spinach sheet extract can help reduce desires and help with weight loss. Do as participants and drink a smoothie that contains the supplement first time in the morning.

Drink more water all day.

Woman holding a glass bottle of refreshing lemon and cucumber infused water

Drinking water is probably the simplest weight loss tactic, but it always seems to be the only thing nobody does. A 2016 study published in the magazineNutrition boundaries I found that the increase in your daily water consumption can help you lose weight. Invest in a beautiful bottle of water and even try to add fruit to your water to make it more tasty. All that brings you to sip.

And drink water 30 minutes before meals.

Man=n drinking a glass of water while reading

One of the easiest ways to take less calories during the day is sure to make sure you are properly hydrated before staying eating. A 2010 study published in the journalObesity I found that drinking half a liter of water 30 minutes before your meals can help lose weight. In fact, more than a period of 12 weeks, those who drank water before meals lost 44% more weight than those who did not do it.

Do not go out to eat for a moment.

Young man preparing a home cooked meal in the kitchen

You do not need to give up your favorite restaurant dish for good. If you want to lose more weight, maybe just give up for a moment. A 2017 study presented at theAmerican Heart AssociationThe 2017 scientific sessions have found that those who came to eat had 60% chance of ordering something unhealthy and ruin their diet. Concentrate on the cooking of healthy homemade dinners.

Doct your progress with photos.

brunette in sportswear taking selfie while sitting on gym floor barefoot. Night workout concept.

The images before and after images can be intimidating, but they can actually help you achieve your weight loss goals. A 2017 study published in theJournal of Interactive Marketing I noticed that sharing photos of your progress can be motivating to help you lose books. But if you do not want everyone to see your progress, no worries - just keep the pictures yourself. They will always serve as motivation when you need it.

Only the grocery store one day a week.

Young man grocery shopping buying lettuce

How many times are you going to the grocery store to buy something unhealthy for dinner when you already have a refrigerator full of healthy meal options at home? To stay on the track - and avoid giving cravings - plan your meals in advance and do you only allow grocery stores one day a week. "Get your finished purchases Sunday to start your week off," Kaska said. "In addition to being healthy and keep calories with moderation, have your meals and your planned snacks and ready to leave you will help you feel less stressed and more motivated."

Snack healthy on the move.

Healthy snacks for on the go

Snacking on fresh fruit and vegetables is easy at home, but it's easy to get out of the rails when you are outside. Plan in advance and pack healthy options to take with you or have quick corrections in mind that you can reach when you are empty. Starbucks, for example, has bistro boxes loaded with fruits, vegetables and protein, and many gas stations carry snack-size bags of baby carrots and sliced ​​apples. You can also go for aHandle or two unsalted nuts For a filling of healthy fat.

Sprinkle on a cinnamon.

Cinnamon powder and sticks on wooden table

Eating Cinnamon will not help you lose ton of books, but research shows that it could help help the weight loss process. According to a 2017 study published in the newspaperMetabolism: clinic and experimentalThe researchers discovered the chemical compound that gives the spice its aroma called cinnamaldehyde - could help the fat cells burning energy in your body, helping you remove books.

Eat an early lunch.

Woman smiling while eating a salad for lunch alone looking at her phone

Who cares about what your colleagues think? If you take your lunch break earlier than later, even if you are the only one who does it! - You will be the one who is better in the long run. A 2013 study published in theInternational Journal of Obesity I found that those who ate late lunches have lost less weight and lose weight at a slower pace than those who have lunch earlier. So, 11:30, lunch, you come.

Keep the fruits on your kitchen counter.

Bowl of fruit on a kitchen counter

If you have potato chips sitting on your counter at home, you will eat them. It's a fact. The same goes with healthier choices like fruit. A 2015 study published in the journalSanitary education and behavior have found that those who have gotten rid of junk food and have kept fruits on their meters rather a lower IMC. When you have an apple or banana at your fingertips, you will be more likely to catch it and help the books fall.

Catch lawyers.

Half and whole avocados

Lawyers could be the most popular fruit of the moment. In addition to making a stellar toast trim, they are also loved for their ability to help people lose weight. A 2019 study published in the journalNutrients I found that overweight people who added a whole or a half lawyer to one of their daily meals made themselves more complete and more satisfied after eating than those who have eaten low fat meals. By helping you remove your hunger, you are more likely to lose weight.

Say goodbye to white carbohydrates.

White carbs (bread, pasta, rice, flour) versus whole grains

There are many healthy carbohydrates that you can eat trying to lose weight. Just avoid whites. A 2010 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I noticed that eating refined white rice resembling refined grains, white bread and white pasta contributed to more body fat. On the other hand, eating whole grains - including brown rice, oats, quinoa and pasta with whole grain and bread - were associated with lower amounts of body fat.

Add soup to your meals.

Mini mason jar filled with broth

A simple way to avoid overeating is to sip on a hot cup of low sodium vegetable broth before meals, says Kaska. In addition to being super soothing (and tasty!), It helps you fill up faster, which facilitates the reduction of calories and lose these extra pounds.

Eat less salt.

Woman pouring salt into a large bowl for recipe

The salt is that everything tastes better. Unfortunately, up the flavor, you can also increase the number on the scale. In a 2017 study published in the journalPlos aThe researchers found that there is a link between salt intake and obesity. To make sure you do not go too far, stick to the recommended daily limit of2,300 mg sodium a day. Go over it can not only cause weight gain, but also increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Make your dishes more spicy.

Bowl of spicy dish with chili pepper powder and chicken

It's about to hot, hot, hot in your kitchen. If you are a fan of spicy food, keep doing your thing. A 2012 study published in the journalChemical I have noticed that eating spicy foods containing capsaic - the chemical compound in pepper peppers that makes your mouth burning - can help weight management.

Find a weight loss friend.

Women stretching before a run through a sunny park

Losing weight is much easier if you have a support system ... and a good friend at your side. A 2015 study published in theBritish newspaper of health psychology I noticed that working with someone helps you keep you on your routine and you guessed it! -The weight in the process. Whether someone you already know or if someone you are friends at the gym, have this support goes a long way.

Go take a walk after each meal.

Couple holding hands walk at night

Walking after meals does not fall within the amount of physical activity you get every day - it also helps you better digest your food. "Take 10 minutes walk after each meal," says Kaska. "It will help keep your digestive fire burning after eating when your body sends the most blood to your stomach. This will also help eliminate excess books you have won."

Take the time to breathe.

Man taking a deep breath with his eyes closed at his deak

Breathe to lose weight? It's not too good to be true. Be stressed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, but the simple deep breathing act can relax your body, help you achieve your goals. "Deep breath has been proven to activate the wave nerves. When the wave nerves are stimulated, deactivating in turn the response of your stress, otherwise known as the combat or flight response," says Kaska. "When we are anxious and stressed, it's like the combat or theft button is stuck. Take deep breaths in your stomach, imagine your stomach like a balloon you fill with air. Then slowly exhale all the diffusion. air. Make 10 rounds or more of this deep daily breathing. "

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