Here is the secret to make a good first impression

It all starts with the way you choose to pronounce the word "Hello".

We have all seen these clips in movies in which a man, nervous to make a good impression on a first date, practices saying "Hello" in a thousand different ways in front of the mirror. In fact, most of us have probably made a version of this scene ourselves, although we never admit it, because the truth is that the tone in which you say that this word really counts.

According toAlbert MehrabianThe infancy rule 7-38-55, 55% of communication is a body language, 38% is the tone of voice and 7% are the actual words spoken. And as research has already shown that people derive major conclusions about the friendly, competent and trustworthy that you are in the first seven seconds of meeting you, the way you say "Hello" can have a huge impact on the how you encounter both initial introduction.

Now, the researchers of the CNRS, ENS and the University of Aix-Marseille have developed a computer program called Clese (which isFree available hereThis can bring more details on the mental image that someone gets when you speak first. The machine has taken a record of the word "Hello" and automatically generated thousands of alternative pronunciations of the word. The researchers then asked the participants to listen to these variations and analyze their reactions.

What they found is that when the height got up quickly at the end of the Word, she inspired trust. When he had a downward height, however, emphasizing the second syllable, it seemed more determined.

These results comply with a previous one,British Study Very similar on the word "Hello". The researchers recruited 60 undergraduate students - half of them men and the other half female - and asked them to recite a short passage in their normal voice on the phone. The researchers then cut the recordings, leaving only the party where they said "Hello" while they picked up the phone. They then asked 300 other students to listen to the recordings and evaluate how much the person seemed friendly or trustworthy based on how they said "Hello" on the phone.

What they have noted was that people seemed to have no problem forming an opinion of someone on the basis of these two syllables and, in general, their impressions converge as follows:

"Men who raised the tone of their voices and women alternating the height of their voices were found to be more trustworthy. Men with smaller voices were generally perceived as more dominant. But the opposite was true for Women: those with higher average height. have been classified as more dominant. "

So, if you want to meet as trustworthy and friendly, it seems that the consensus of men and women is to maintain ascending ground, which is a good thing to keep in mind for this next date! And for more tips on how to make good impressions, discover howRead the spirit of your partner with these 10 bodily languages.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: dating
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