Health habits Women should never do after the age of 40

You are in your premium. Stay in this way by reading this doctors tip.

You can have everything. That's what they tell you, good ladies? What they do not mention is that "all" can also include perimenopause, breast cancer,agingand a decade of implacable stress. To make sure you live your best decade always - and not in the doctor's office - read these tips from essential doctors.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseStresses that you had Covid and you should tell your doctor.


Avoid exercise

A woman taking a break from a running exercise in an outdoor urban environment.

Move it or lose it. "Physical activity constructs bone density, increases the metabolism, strengthens force, improves posture, reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injury and promotes emotional well-being," saysSeema sarin, ®, EHE Health.

RX: Dr. Sarin encourages all women over 40 to work regularly. "Start a full exercise plan, including at least 150 minutes of cardiorespiratory exercise per week," she suggests. "Also try to include training, balance and flexibility of force."


Eat as you are always in your 20 or 30 years

middle-aged woman are laughing holding and eating pizza

You know what you have eaten in your young years will not fly in your forties, but do you know why? "Our metabolic rest rate decreases as we get older," explainsAnita Skariah, do, HEALTHCARE UNC. "You may have eaten everything you wanted when you were younger without gaining weight, but it's not quite the same thing as we get older." Part of the reason? Decreased muscle mass since the muscle burns more calories at rest than fat.

RX: Dr. Skariah encourages particular attention to pay special attention to portion sizes, ensuring balancing the protein / carbohydrate ratio that you consume. In addition, minimize the number of refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pasta, save these objects for treatment once a week.



Doctor filling syringe with medication, closeup. Vaccination and immunization

As we get older, we can think that we have built our immune system enough so that we no longer need vaccinations. We can believe that we have received all the vaccines we need as children. But that's not true, while immunity vacancy for certain conditions.

RX: "In addition to annual influenza vaccinations, you may need a tetanus booster every ten years or pneumonia vaccine (depending on whether you have chronic conditions such as asthma, pulmonary diseases, Cardiac diseases, diabetes or smokers) ", she highlights. In addition, the HPV vaccine (Human Papillomavirus) is now recommended for women under 45 years old. Consult your primary care provider to determine which vaccines you need a current health recall.


Fall behind smear dad

Vaginal Smear. Close up.

Cervical smears are the only way to detect cervical cancer (caused by HPV) in women early, says Dr. Skariah. This requires a vaginal examination and cotton-rod of the Cervix to detect precancerous or cancer cells under the microscope.

RX: Visit your health provider to get this test. For women over 30, simply do on average every 3-5 years.


Neglect to explore breast cancer screening

breast exam

It's a hot topic in medicine right now. There are many debate about the acceptable age for annual breast cancer screening, especially for women of the quarantine. "Mammography is not a perfect test but saved lives by early detection," says Dr. Skariah. "Health suppliers now assess individualized risks for breast cancer for patients based on many factors, including family history, the age of the first period and have been pregnant to decide the frequency of Mammography in the 1940s ".

RX: Make a discussion with your health care provider and see if the time has come for you and what modality to continue.


Do not take the right vitamins

woman taking vitamins

The vitamins you have taken in your early years do not help you to help you enter the next decade of life. "Women over 40 have specific vitamin needs that may not be respected by shelving vitamins", explainsArielle Levitan, MD, co-founder you vitamin LLC. For example, they can benefit from greater vitamin D, magnesium, iron and other vital nutrients. "Their vitamin needs often focus on the prevention of osteoporosis, heart disease and treatment of menopausal and perimenopaus symptoms," she continues.

RX: Take the right combination and doses of vitamins created by doctors to get the best advantages of your vitamins.


Embarrassed incontinence

A man holding his stomach.

Do not feel shame. "About 25% to 45% of women suffer from urinary incontinence, defined as leaks at least once in the last year," reports WebMD. "Urinary incontinence rates increase with the age of 20% to 30% of young women, 30% to 40% of middle-aged women, and up to 50% of elderly women suffer from urinary incontinence."

RX:If you are going to go more often, or not be able to hold it, visit a urologist to ensure that everything is OK.


Neglecting brain health

Doctor attentively examines the MRI scan of the patient.

Many women take care of their body, but forget their brain. "As we get older, our brain shrink in volume, especially the frontal cortex and the hippocampus, the areas involved in the cognitive functions more and the encoding of new memories. Myeline (a duct sheath around the nerves) is also thought to reduce with the age resulting in slow and reduced cognitive function, "Peterson Pierre, MD, Certified dermatologist, and founder of the Pierre skin care institute, explains.

RX: Dr Pierre points on studies show that regular physical exercise can reverse the signs of aging in the brain with the dance with the deepest effect. "It's also important to keep the spirit stimulated," he explains. "It does not matter your age or skill level, just a few minutes a day can help your stay in mind and can even help you improve in some areas you exercise your body regularly ,.! Do not neglect your brain "


Opt on bodybuilding

middle age woman in red shirt is standing in the gym near the rod

We all know that cardiovascular training is good for the heart and helps maintain weight. Weight training is just as important, perhaps even more depending on Dr. Pierre. "Weight formation has been shown that great cardiovascular benefits and can actually reverse age-related muscle loss," he explains. The plus muscle you have, the more your basic metabolic rate, which means that burning more calories at rest, a decisive advantage in weight control. It is also essential to strengthen your bones, which reduces your chances of fractures and osteoporosis. It burns fat, exert all your muscles, including your heart, lower blood pressure and improves blood flow to the brain.

RX: Do weight training some of your exercise habits. "With all these advantages and more, there is no reason not to make a regular part of your weekly schedule," says Dr. Pierre.


You allow to be overweight

Overweight woman checking the scale

So many women use their age as an excuse for packing on books. However, keep in mind that excess weight can be dangerous for your health. "It increases the risk of cancer, arterial hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease," saysAdrienne Simone, MD, Certified gynecologist and co-author ofThe new rules of pregnancy.

RX: Make an appointment with your doctor and determine what your ideal weight should be. If you need to lose weight to get to this goal, ask them for advice on how to do it.


Not undergoing prior examinations Recommended health

female doctor in surgical face mask meeting patient in medical office

Many of us are very busy, and can just forget to take care of our health. However, do not do recommended screening tests can cost you life. "For example, colonoscopy polyps reveals and eliminates, which can detect, turn into cancer," says Dr. Simone on.

RX: Stay at the top of all your recommended health exams. If you owe, call your doctor and schedule your appointments of the months in advance.


Screen at bedtime

African american woman at home with smartphone

You probably spend more time on your phone than your spouse, even in bed. Dr. Simone points out that the search has shown that the use of your phone in the bed can harm sleep. And, habits and habits can cause mental health problems and heart disease.

RX: Practical screen hygiene and put your phone for the night no later than 10 hours, it exhorts. "If you have trouble sticking to that, put your phone in another room and sleep without it next to you. »It's also a good idea to use a blue light filter on your phone or computer, which stops deleting melatonin at night



Portrait of smiling driver fastening her seatbelt before driving a car

The seat belts are not only for children, people! "Driving with a seat belt reduces the risk of fatal accidents of 45 percent," says Dr. Simone on.

RX: The solution is obvious-that you will pay a seat belt! Even if you are in car on the street.


Exaggery at the gym

Active Senior Woman Exercise At Outdoor Gym

Dr. Simone emphasizes that too much exercise increases the risk of orthopedic injuries and arthritis that can cause mobility problems and chronic pain.

RX: Get yourself when it comes to your workout. Do not think about your health goals like a sprint, but a marathon.


ignoring the pain

woman suffer back pain cramp

Many of us have a "smile and supporting" approaching pain. However, do not pay attention to pain that does not disappear can seriously complicate your health. "If you do not listen to your body, you may definitely damage something that, if they are caught earlier, could be fixed or diagnosed," says Dr. Simone.

RX:If you feel pain, call your doctor. It could not be nothing, but it's better to be safe than sorry!


Not meditation

Middle Aged Woman Meditating Outdoors.

Life can be complicated, busy and demanding, which can sin our mental health. Meditation is an incredibly easy practice that can help relieve the stress of life and improve our mental well-being, explains Dr. Simone. "It also promotes better sleep quality and encourages your breathing control, which is crucial when it comes to daily stressors," she adds. "Transcendental meditation can also reduce heart disease and calm the body's nervous system."

RX: If you do not meditate daily, start now! There are different applications available online to guide you throughout the meditation process. In addition, many classes are available, online and in the flesh. To find a near you, you can always contact your local yoga studio because most of them are hosting weekly or daily meditation sessions.


Drink too much alcohol

woman sitting on couch having raised glass with red wine in hand

In addition to the complications of mental health, the consumption of drinking too much is incredibly bad for your physical health. "It increases the risks associated with cancer, high blood pressure, liver damage, osteoporosis and reduce immunity," says Dr. Simone.

RX: Reduce your alcohol consumption. While an occasional drink can boast of health benefits, consumption of drinking too much can hurt your health more than helping it. If you have difficulty reducing or you think you have a drink problem, immediately contact a medical expert and discuss your options.


Do not take care of you

Overwhelmed exhausted woman feeling tired of cleaning in her messy house sitting on the floor with toys and laundry lying around her

So many women in their 40s end up being caregivers - whether to their children or their parents. Dr. Simone emphasizes that taking care of others instead of yourself can increase your risk of anxiety and depression of professional exhaustion.

RX: Do not care a part of your routine.


Bad hand hygiene

Woman Washing Hands In Kitchen Sink

When we are children, we have our parents and teachers continually reminding us of washing his hands. Remember that the same bacteria and harmful return viruses are always around, highlight Dr. Simone.

RX: Wash your hands! Especially after touching things, being around a sick person or in public. Or, transport antibacterial wipes and use them when needed.


Slide with SPF

woman with cream on her shoulder

How often do you use a sunscreen? Do not use good sun protection increases our risk of melanoma and other skin cancers and causes wrinkles, reminds Dr. Simone.

RX: Use dailyScreen daily and reapply, even on a cloudy or winter day. It's always a good idea to keep a bottle at your fingertips, whether in your car or your handbag, in case you forget it.


Have unprotected sex

Close up of couple's feet in their bed

You can always get STDs in your 40-year-old, reminds Dr. Simone. If you are sexually active with partners with an unknown state of health, you are likely to make all kinds of diseases and infections.

RX: Use protection and calls for your sexual partners to be tested for sexually transmitted infections - regardless of age!


Do not protect yourself from ticks

woman's legs being sprayed with insect repellent outdoors

Many women in their 40-year-old ass spend time outside. However, it is crucial to know ticks - especially if you are in a wooded area. "Gardening or outdoors and not attentive to ticks can expose you to Lyme disease and other tick-based diseases," says Dr. Simone.

RX: If you are in a known area to attract ticks, make sure you take the necessary precautions, usingChemical repulsionsAnd make sure you check yourself regularly.


Not moisturizing enough

Woman wearing denim shirt using laptop in the office and holding plastic bottle of water

Failure to drink enough water can lead to dehydration, which can complicate your health in many ways. Some of them include an increased risk of infections such as UTIC, overheating and injury during a vigorous exercise and an increased risk of blood clots.

RX: Stay hydrated, but do not drink your daily dose of water at a time. "Our bodies are not designed to treat huge amounts of water at the same time, so keep a drink near your desk, by your bed, in the kitchen - and take departments every time you transmit it", suggests it Dr. Simone.



unhappy woman crying outdoors

Isolate yourself can have a seriously negative impact on your health - both mental and physical. "Loneliness causes mental health problems such as depression and increases stress hormones, which can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes," says Dr. Simone.

RX: Regardless of your situation, do not look. Make sure you keep your friends and family nearby, join a new club or enter a community where you can forge new friendships. Life is too short to go alone.


Eat too much sugar

Female hand poured sugar into coffee, cappuccino

We all have love sugar, but the more we get older, the worst, it is for us. "The sugar increases the inflammation and leads to insulin resistance in the body, which can lead to chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, acne and depression,", explains Dr. Simone.

RX: Try to get your dose of sugar from natural sources such as fruits.

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Neglect Health Gum

Woman talks to dentist with smile

Going to the dentist is a brake, but dental health is essential in terms of physical health. "Poor Gums have an association with the heart of diabetes and kidney disease, Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis," says Dr. Simone. "The cause and effect of these diseases are still poorly known, but there is a correlation. »

RX: Stay up to date with your teeth cleaning and dental controls.



Painful neck ache after fender bender car crash

The main cause of death is not the disease, this cancer or the heartUnintentional injuries. And, one of the most common methods is motor vehicle accidents. "You are more likely to have a fatal or catastrophic accident (particularly trauma) when driving at high speeds," says Dr. Simone.

RX: It's simple: do not speed!


Steering wheel

Frustrated Hispanic female driver in a car

Even the best of us have had a moment of rage on the road. However, just a second of anger could lead to an important car accident. "Rage Route can be the cause of injury and death of either an accident or a driver who gives the weapon", Dr. Simone reveals.

RX:Do what you need to keep your cooling behind the steering wheel. If you are annoying, try to listen to soothing music or a meditation program. Road Rage is just not worth it!


Do not wear helmets

Cheerful female cyclist enjoying a bike ride

No, helmets are not just for children. "Cycling or ski without headphone can cause head injuries such as braincomions or worse (ie, TBI), and can be fatal," says Dr. Simone.

RX: Buy a helmet and wear it! He could save you life.


Stay in an abusive relationship

family husband wife argueing home problem man try to blame false to his wife home background

So many people remain in toxic relationships, which can be very dangerous to more than one title. "Staying in depression and anxiety increases abusive relationship, increases the risk of substance abuse, and increases the risk of domestic violence," explains Dr. Simone.

RX: If you think your relationship could be abusive, talk with a mental health specialist immediately.


Do not get the flu vaccine

A woman suffering from flu in bed

Many adults do not think that the influenza vaccine is so important that it could save your life. "People die from the flu every year, and we can infect involuntarily the vulnerable people around us, especially the elderly or children," says Dr. Simone.

RX: Get an influenza vaccine is cheap (sometimes free) and easy. Call your doctor or find a clinic without appointment or pharmacy that offers it.


Live in a city

Woman wearing surgical mask going through crosswalk in midtown manhattan.Concept of Coronavirus, COVID-19 and quarantine

Did you know that life in a city increases the risk of exposure to atmospheric pollution, which has been linked to a lung disease and perhaps a shorter life? "In addition, noise can disrupt sleep," says Dr. Simone.

RX: While moving out of the city can not be an option for you, try avoiding out when there are pure air warnings in place and according to the recommended procedures.


Drink and drive

Drinking and driving concept. Car key on a wooden table, pub background

According toDepartment of Transportation of the United States, Every day, 30 people in America lost their lives in a driving accident with impaired faculties. A blood concentration of alcohol (tray) more than 0.08 grams of alcohol by deciliter (G / DL) of blood, exponentially increases your risk of accident.

RX: No matter at what age, never drink and place behind the wheel of a car, reminds Dr. Simone. "The drinking alcohol can kill or mutilate yourself or others who cause mental health problems as well as physical damage such as paralysis," she says.


Have unnecessary procedures or surgery

Covid-19. Female nurse puts on protective gloves. Personal protective equipment in the fight against Coronavirus disease.

Sometimes surgery is needed and other elective times. "In addition to the risks of the surgery itself, the problems of recovery as well as chronic problems in the body related to surgery such as chronic pain," says Dr. Simone.

RX: If you do not need to go under the knife just not.

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Drink too much caffeine

A close-up of a woman standing by the window holding a cup of coffee.

According toMAYO ClinicUp to 400 milligrams of caffeine about four cups of coffee is the recommended amount for most adults. Consuming too much pick-up can have a negative impact on your health with migraines, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, agitation, frequent urination or incapacity to urine control, ills of Stomach, fast heartbeat or muscle tremors.

RX:Dr. Simone suggests reducing your caffeine consumption by a switcher with decaf, teas and foaming water.


Do not have enough sun

woman relaxing on beach, ocean view, Vacation Outdoors Seascape

Vitamin D iscrucial to our overall healthAnd one of the main ways to absorb is via the sun. Dr. Simone argues that many people do not show up enough - which can have a negative impact on their mood and even have a negative impact on their physical health.

RX: Before being light, encourages Dr. Bourke. Ways to do this are to take your training sessions Al Fresco, lunch outdoors, or even opening your sunroof by driving. Do not forget to stir to the SPF before going out.



Smiling young woman having an unhealthy snack, she is taking a delicious pastry out of the fridge

Children must consume a lot of carbohydrates to power their bodies. However, as we get older, carbohydrates - especially the treated type - tend to accumulate around our turn.

RX: Dr Bourke suggests replacing carbohydrates with more protein ", which helps lean muscle and improves metabolism."

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Do not have enough sleep

Middle aged woman lying awake in her bed at night, worrying because of an uncomfortable pressure in her chest and an irregular heartbeat

According toNational health institutesSleep plays a vital role in the good health and well-being in different ways, including your mental health, physical health, quality of life and safety. And in sufficient, it is equally important in your forties that in your younger years, recallsSean Bourke, MD, Co-founder of Jumpstart® and chief doctor.

RX: If you have trouble sleeping enough, you have to make changes. In addition to improving sleep hygiene and keeping devices out of the room, Dr. Bourke suggests being evaluated for hormonal changes.

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Although this is obvious, Dr. Simone points out that smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your health, regardless of your age. "Smoking increases the risk of heart disease and pulmonary like COPD," she explains.

RX: Do not start smoking in your 40s! If you are already smoking, there is no better time than the present.



Disposable vape pen with refill pod on hand

While the impact on long-term vaping health are always sought after, Dr. Simone emphasizes that this could cause lung disease and raise your blood pressure and cardiac frequency.

RX: Being on the safe side, you just check back.As for yourself: pass through the healthiest life, do not miss:This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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