The surprising thing making coronavirus up to 10 times more infectious

A new mutation with COVID-19 patients could spread even faster than its previous form.

There is no denying how contagious coronavirus is in the United States,2,085,769 people have been infected, according to the disease control centers and prevention (CDC). And although it's already established that coronavirus can betransmitted from person to person through infected respiratory droplets orContaminated surfaces, the new research suggests thatA recently identified mutation of the virus can make it even more infectious.

According to a pre-imprint of a June 2020 study of the search for Scripps, the new mutationconsiderably increases the number of functional tips On the virus that allows it to fix human cells and give the virus to the appearance of the crown type from which its name is derived. In the new mutation, DUBED D614G, the coronavirus has four to five times more functional tips, considerably increasing its chances of infecting a potential host. The mutation adds not only spikes to the virus, but also increases the flexibility of the tips, allowing the viral particles to remain uninterrupted during the transmission. This canMake the virus up to 10 times more infectious that its current form, the researchers of the study concluded.

medical researcher in coronavirus lab looking into microscope
Shutterstock / pressmaster

As the virus continues to spread, researchers discover the D614G mutation in more and more people infected. According to the researchers of the Scripps study, the Genbank database - which collects DNA sequences, including those of coronavirus patients - had no report on the transfer of D614G in February. The following month, a sample out of four had; In May, 70% of Genbank samples were D614G-positive.

However, while the Scripps study indicates that the mutation can make the virus spread faster, there is no search to suggest that it will necessarily bemake more serious symptoms or make the most mature virus among infected people.

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DoctorLeann Poston, MD, ofMedical vibifier, also note that, if the Scripps study indicates an increase in the number of viral particles or the viral load, among people with the d614g mutation, two additional mutations are associated with D614G- on NSP3 and RDRP proteins - which would have could be affected these numbers, too. Poston also notes that the results of the study may not translate outside the laboratory. "A mutation in the Ebola virus has shownIncreased infectivity in the laboratoryBut no change in infectivity when studied in animals, "she says.

Thus, although these results can be frightening, Poston says that additional research is needed before any new behavioral recommendation based on the mutation of the virus. So custodywash one's hands, carrying your mask when you can not maintain six feet apart from you and anyone that you do not live, and try not to worry too much - for the moment, at least. And if you want to be prepared when you head outside, make sure you have theseThree articles The CDC says you should have on hand when you leave the house.

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