The only thing you have never noticed your favorite movie
If you know 15 of these Easter eggs, you are a real fan.

Famous directorALFRED HITCHCOCK was among the first authors to fill hismovies with Easter eggs. We do not want to say real eggs, of course. We are talking about these moments of blinking or all the moments, that the vast majority of hearings never live in sight.
Hitchcock has made camera appearances in 39 of his films, still in the background, just by the way, and visible enough not to be noticed. Unless you knew, for example, this old man who leaving a pet with two small dogs in thehorror classicThe birds Was really the suspense master himself, he would not justify a second look.
It was the beginning of a tradition that continued in movies to date. Many most beloved movies of our time have Easter eggs that are not immediately apparent to the occasional viewer. Some of them are intentional and some are accidents, but finding these moments of radar has become a hobby for cinema lovers everywhere. It's like discovering a secret that is just between you and the filmmaker, something so subtle to be almost subliminal, and it's part of a very exclusive club. Here are 25 of our moments of favorite Easter eggs movies that you might think that you already know inside and out.
1 Daniel Craig played a stormtrooper inStar Wars: The Force wakes up.

It was just good time and a lucky coincidence that led James Bond himself to put on stormtrooper helmet and join the dark side.Daniel Craig was in England pullingSpectrum, the 24th link, when he learned that the lastStars wars The film was produced by the same studio. As he explainedin an interview withStephen ColbertHe just asked the directorNot a word. Abrams, "Can I be in it?"
The answer, of course, was yes. And it's not just in a big stage - it's the stormtrooper that Rey (Daisy Ridley) Try to escape by using the Jedi Spirit Tour, if you remember, it also has lines, calling the future of Jedi Hero "Scavenger Scum".
2 There is a cup of coffee in every scene ofFighter club.

You may have noticed a lot ofcoffee maker ContinueDavid Fincher's 1999 masterpiece, but it turns out that there is a coffee cup - and more often, aStarbucks coffee cupevery scene. You may not always see the logo, but Java of the extremely popular coffee chain is always there. "I have nothing personal against Starbucks," Fincher explained during an interview with 1999 withEmpire magazine. "I think they try to do a good thing. They are justtoo much to success."
3 Alan Rickman is truly surprised to fall intoDie hard.

You probably thought that the expression shocked onAlan Rickman's Faced with the end ofDie, whenBruce Willis dropped him to his death, was acting everything. But his surprise at this moment is 100% authentic.
Thesanctuary Rickman loaded from 25 feet, where he would fall into an airbag, played a trick on him. Although they had promised to let Rickman go on the account of three, they let go instead. "It's the real terror you see in his face" Supervisor visual effectsRichard Edlund notedin an interview. "It's really afraid to fall back, because everyone would be, even if it was going to be a nice soft blue pillow filled with air below."
4 C-3PO and R2-D2 make a cameo inThe Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Therobot Besties ofStars wars do not do oneof them subtle cameo in the first adventure of Indiana Jones. First, in the scene where Jones (played byStars wars ordinaryHarrison Ford) Discover the Ark, the tiny hieroglyphs of C-3P0 and R2-D2 are visible on a pillar just behind him.
They are more obvious later in the movie, when Jones and Sallah (John Rhys-Davies) The ark (seen here) and the hieroglyphs of the background clearly describe the moment when Princess Leia downloads secret files to R2-D2 as C-3PO watches. It's not the only timeStars warsGets a cry in the Indiana Jones series; inCursed temple, the disco in the opening scene is called "Club Obi-Wan".
5 Captain America: the winter soldier Remember Samuel L. Jackson'sother iconic role.

Fans ofSamuel L. Jackson Can love its representation of Nick Fury in Marvel movies, but those of us who followed his career for a while know that there is a role that defines it more than any other. That's why it was such a pleasure to see the Easter egg hidden inTheWinter soldier. At the end of the film, when Fury is next to his (false) falls, we get a brief overview of the epitaph of the tombstone: "The path of the just: Ezekiel 25:17," that allpulp Fiction Fan will recognize.
6 Heath Ledger's daughter has half-appearance inThe black Knight.

You all want it engorged watching a Batman movie? To giveThe black Knight Another vision, but this wage time special attention to the name of the JOKER nurse's holding. He reads "Mathilde", which is just to be the first name ofHeath ledger of the girl. Also, try not to remember that Ledger is dead shortly after this movie. (We do not cry,you are beautiful tears.)
7 Steve Buscemi reveals the execution time inPrank call.

When Carl (played with brilliance bySteve Buscemi) Champie Vendor of cars Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy) In one of the final scenesPrank call, You probably did not think about checking your watch. But when he started screaming, "30 minutes, Jerry. Wrap us up, "he does not mean that their judicial system. Either by accident or the design (we are not sure yet), it makes this line heardexactly 30 minutes before the end of the film.
8 The real arrests Frank Abagnale himselfCatch Me If You Can.

You probably already knew that this thriller featuringLeonardo DiCaprio has been based on a true story. But only a few real aficionados of the crime recognized that it was trueFrank Abagna-Played by DiCaprio in the movie making a brief surprise appearance as a French policeman. Better yet, Abagnaale had the unique opportunity to stopitself, Recreating the scene that he lived in first hand several decades earlier (except at the time,he was at the end of the handcuffs).
9 The letterX prefigure death inThe deceased.

Violence inMartin Scorsese Crime drama can feel at random and arbitrary, but there are indexes not so subtle before each stage of death. When a character is about to be offed, aX Somewhere in the appears frame with them. (here Are some examples.) The only main character who has never been killed, Sgt. Dignam (Mark Wahlberg), Manages to avoid being in the presence ofXs entirely. Vanity is in fact a tribute to one of Scorsese's favorite movies, gangsters movie 1932Scarface, orXs predicting character of character are even more obvious.
10 Pac-Man appears inTron.

The originalTron 1982 may seem adorably outraged today byvideo game Standards, but it is always useful Rewatching, especially for some of the hidden gags of Easter. Our favorite is the unexpectedAppearance of Pac-Man in the corner of a screen. It's easy to miss, but if you listen carefully, you can even hear the sound effects unequivocal "Waka-Waka", as it munches on white points.
11 TheToy story series has several references toShiny.

The last reference of pop culture we were expecting to see in theToy story series has been a nod towardsStanley Kubrick's Very scary (and not at all Kid-friendly) horror movieShiny. But they are everywhere! In the original movie, the carpet in the Sid house is identical to the model used in Overlook Hotel, where the young Danny rolled his large wheel in the hallways and sometimes banged in ghosts.
InToy Story 3, The number "237" is mentioned several times, whichShiny The fans will remember is the number of the room of the most haunted part of the overlook. AsToy Story 3 directorLee Unkrich notedin an interview,Shiny was "the film that inspired me to become filmmaker myself. »
12 Kurt Russell has the same charge at the weapon like Marvin the Martian.

In the dystopic thrillerSoldier,Kurt Russell Play a military assassin that has been replaced by a new breed of genetically flawless soldiers. He can not sound like a riot laugh, but there are subtle jokes hidden throughout the film. When a list of weapons that Russell is competent with are displayed on a screen, one of them is the illludium PU36 ESM. "Seems familiar? You may know better than the illudium PU36 explosive modulator space, theLand-destruction Engine exercised by Marvin Le Martian inLooney Tunes cartoons.
13 Is among the dead WaldoApocalypto.

Mel Gibson ApocalyptoCertainly has certainly not been done to be funny to see because it is the fall of the Mayan civilization in the 16th century. But Gibson slipped a joke anyway. In a scene where Jaguar Paw (played byRudy Youngblood) Discover a serious massive, one of the bodies is instantly recognizable. It's Waldo! A sinWhere is Waldo! Books!The light moment Was supposed to relieve part of the tension, but everyone was not amused, and the sequence was cut later for the release of DVDs.
14 ORANGES prefiguring death in theGodfather movies.

With all the oranges being eaten in theGodfather Films, you think gangsters were particularly concerned about their levels of vitamin C. But it is actually more about symbolism than nutrition.
No different fromXs in the scorseseThe deceasedWhen a mafioso is seen with an orange, their remaining time is limited. This is the most remarkable in the originalGodfather: If Vito (Marlon Brando) Purchase of oranges (just before this assassination attempt) or peeling an orange to play with his grandson (just before he dies of a cardiac arrest), the oranges never make good news.
15 The shopping center changes names inBack to the future.

Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) Specially warned Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) That all he has done in the past during his adventures from time to have an impact on the future - and it was not only true when he arrived at the relationship of his parents. The favorite Marty shopping center in 1985 is called Twin Pines Mall, but when traveling to the past and hangs into a tree, it changes the future so that all the audiences of films are not noticed. Back in his present time, the mall is called Lone Pine Mall, since only one tree remained after the crash.
16 Tim Robbins spoils the big escape inShawshank Redemption.

A huge spoiler was revealed during one of the opening scenes ofShawshank Redemption And it went just on our collective heads. When Andy (Tim Robbins) Feeling particularly discourte, he says red (Morgan Freeman) About his dream to escape to Mexico and leave. Red rejects this idea as a "hose dream". Well, as you may remember, apipe That's exactly how Andy makes his disappearance later in the movie. So, in a way, the red was right after all.
17 Snakes in an airplane Teaches you to put snakes on a plate.

There is so much hilarity on topSnakes in an airplaneIt's easy to miss some of the smaller show gags. But this is one of our favorites: when a dash agent catches a snake and supports it in a microwave, it hits a "snake" preset button. The last time we looked, the snake cooking feature is not standard.
18 These are real skeletons in the pool inFighting spirit.

In this horror of the terrifying conclusion of Classic, Diane Freeling (Jobeth Williams) Is dragged into the pool of the family, where it is surrounded by muddy waters by skeletons. His terror seemed authentic in the film, but it could have been much worse. "In my innocence and my naivety, I assumed that they were not real skeletons," Williams explainedin an interview. "I assumed that they were plastic or rubber marker skeletons." She quickly learned that they were actuallyreal Skeletons, "Because it's far too expensive to make false rubber skeletons," she said.
19 Abraham Lincoln is murdered inCloudy with a chance of meatballs.

You do not expect a history lesson of an animated film for children. But that's what we hadCloudy with a chance of meatballs. While the food falls from the sky and makes a mess of the city below, the pie is slammed in the faces of each American president on Mount Rushmore - all but for Abraham Lincoln, who stands at the back of his head. You do not need to be a historian to remind me that it's exactlyHow Lincoln was murdered (except, uh, not with a pie).
20 Cereals at Hogwarts are very similar to cereals in the muggle world.

The magicians are like us! The most often exhibited breakfast food in the Great Hogwarts Hall was cereals. As you may have seen in many of theHarry Potter Films - If you had your eyes in the background, the children were just as likely to be gigging on assistant cereals, such as Cheeri owls and puffs of Pixie.
21 The responsibility for non-responsibility inFrozen Said: Do not eat your boogers!

If you have children or grandchildren, you saw the movieFrozenMore times you can not count on. In a memorable scene, which probably inspired laughter in your little ones, Kristoff reveals to Anna the disgusting details that all boys eat their own boogers. Well, in a smart reminder at that time, the closing credits offer this deadline for non-responsibility: "the views and opinions expressed by Kristoff in the film that all men eat their own boogers are alone the only ones And do not necessarily reflect the opinions or opinions of the Walt Disney Company or the filmmakers. Neither the Walt Disney Company nor the filmmakers constitute a representation of the accuracy of these opinions and opinions. "
22 This gignette shapedThe usual suspects was not a spoof.

The range of crooks and thieves inThe usual suspectsWas not meant to be anything else but mortally serious, and yet the characters burst out laughing for (apparently) no reason. What was happening? On the comments presented in the DVD exit of the special edition, actorBenicio del Toro revealed that the atmosphere was really waive for flatulence. "All I remember is that someone penetrated," he says, "and no one knew who was the Culpabin party."Kevin Pollak had a different memory of the culprit. "Del Toro farted like 12 takes a row," he insisted. We will never look again this scene in the same way.
23 Russell Kurt shirtBig problem in small China go back inProof of death.

Quentin Tarantino Love to fill out his films with details almost imperceptible that only the most observer supporters notice. Case case, its functionality of "grindouse" of 2007Proof of death, where Kurt Russell plays the murderous Stuntman Mike. Among the souvenirs hanging on the wall in Texas Chilli, just above the Jungle Julia table, there is a tank top with a samurai and a rising sun on which is easy to miss. Little did most hearings realized that it is the same shirt worn by Russell inJohn Carpenter B-movie Cult ClassicBig problem in small China.
24 Drew Barrymore returns to herAnd. childhoodThe Angels of Charlie.

By the time she featured as a Butt-kicking Infiltration In Restarting 2000 ofThe Angels of Charlie,Drew Barrymore Cherubic debutSteven Spielberg And. were long behind her. But she gave us a small reminder of her roots when her character broke out in the room of some teenagers. If it seemed vaguely familiar, it's because it's the same bedroom fromAnd. Look closely and you will see theAnd.Displays on the wall and the two boys eating Reese pieces, Barrymore's preferred candy.
25 There are literal Easter eggs in The rocky horror show .

All prepared for the production, distribution and crew of The rocky horror show Harja had fun with an Easter egg hunt. They were a little too beautiful to hide, however, like all colorful eggs have not been found before the roaster of the cameras. If you look closely, you can see one of the eggs under the throne of Frank N. Furter. And for more hijinks from the silver screen, do not miss these 40 hilariously little practical things that always happen in the movies .
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