30 best ways to strengthen your metabolism after 30

Keep your metabolism buzzing from dawn at dusk and beyond.

At the moment you reach 30, you finally get your house in order. At this point, you probably have a career path, disposable income, a comfortable home, an elegant wardrobe. It seems like you are up to your powers and things really break. Then suddenly suddenly, it happens.

You notice that winter weight does not come off as easily in the spring. Let your pants are a small snugger. Just a few drinks on a Friday night can ruin most of your Saturday. You say it's because you are busy with the work and you are released at the gym, drink a little too much and eat too often. All that might be true. But that corrects the fact that something else happens: your metabolism slows down. The good news is that, by making changes in the way you do things, you can learn how to strengthen your metabolism and finally the kick in high speed. You just need a little know-how. As these bestMetabolic boosters.

Refuse your thermostat

Digital thermostat boost Metabolism

On a list that includes several simple ways to boost yourmetabolismThis can be one of the easiest. Take the temperature in your bedroom on a notch. That's it! A new hot study published in the newspaperDiabetes Suggests that simply to turn on the CA can subtly transform the stores of a brunette fat person-"good" fat, stimulated by cold temperatures, which serves to keep us warm by burning through "bad" stores grease. The participants spent a few weeks sleep in bedrooms with a variety of temperatures: a neutral 75 degree, a cool 66 degrees and a balm to 81 degrees. After four weeks sleep at 66 degrees, men had almost doubled their volumes of brown fat.

Laugh at

Happy Couple Smiling boost Metabolism

This is not a joke:true laughter can result in an increase of 10 to 20% of basal energy expenditure and resting heart rate, according to a study published inThe International Journal of Obesity. This means that a 10 to 15 minute gig festival could burn from 40 to 170 calories. Who has the last laugh now? You do!

Make sure you eat enough

Couple Cooking boost Metabolism

If you want to weigh less, you have to eat less, right? Not exactly. See, if you take too few calories, it can cause your body to lose muscle mass, which will actually slow down your metabolism. What else,hege slows down the speed at which the body burns calories to maintain the fuel it has. "Sub-pest is as risky as too-productive," explainsCarolyn brown, a dietitian registered with Food Trainers in New York.

Drink green tea

White tea in cup and teapot boost Metabolism

The bread contains catechins, an antioxidant type that triggers the release of fat fat and can reverse the liver capacity to transform fat into energy. In a recent 12-week study conducted byDalhousie UniversityParticipants who drank 4 to 5 cups of green tea daily, then made a 25-minute workout, lost an average of two more books, and more belly fat, that the exercisers to drink from the tea.

Go to biology

Asparagus boost Metabolism

"Hormones dictate how our body uses the energy we give it, "says the nutritionistLisa Jubilee. "Between our hormones of reproductive, thyroid and growth, appetite, insulin and hormones of hunger-laptin and Ghrelin - our body must make a delicate balance to maintain lean reproductive beings, powered and viable. " These tasks have become much more difficult because of hormone residues that we consume via raised cage-raised foods. If you want to give your metabolism a leg, the Jubilee says, go to organic products, eggs and dairy products, thus avoiding these unpleasant hormones at the time of meals.


Man Running Outside boost Metabolism

With regard to the best workouts to lose weight and increase your metabolism, or weight or cardio can not completely move the needle. Interval training is the best way to lose books, increase your metabolism, improve your cholesterol profile and improve insulin sensitivity. At the gym, sign up for aHIIT class, or transform your favorite aerobic exercise (current, bike, even walk) in an interval workout by adding periods of intense speed (start with 30 to 60 seconds) followed by rest periods (normal speed) for the same time. Do not six to 10 times to complete a fat workout.

Drink more water

drinking water boost metabolism

Weight loss does not become easier than:Drink more water can increase the rate at which you burn calories, according to a study ofThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. After drinking about 17 ounces of water (about 2 large glasses), the metabolic rates of participants increased by 30%. The researchers believe that the increase in water supply of 1.5 liter per day (about 6 cups) burn 17,400 additional calories during the year - a weight loss of about five pounds!

Use extra virgin olive oil

olive oil boost Metabolism

Our bodies need food fat-The healthy transport oils - to lose weight and work properly. Good types of greases and oils help cancel hunger, maximize your metabolism and nutrient speed through your body. Monoinsaturated healthy greases such as olive oil can help the body burning calories.


Man Holding Dumbbell boost Metabolism

Even when you are at rest, your body is constantly burning calories. In fact, 75% of the calories you burn every day are used to keep you alive. "Metabolic rest" is much higher in people with more muscle because every muscle book uses about six calories a day just to support themselves. If you canPack on only five pounds of muscle And maintain it, you will burn the caloric equivalent of three fat pounds during a year.

Eat egg yolks

Eggs Benedict boost Metabolism

Although it is true that egg whites are low in calories, without fat and contain most of the protein found in an egg, eat all eggs is beneficial to strengthen your metabolism. Yellow contains many metabolistic nutrients, including vitamins soluble in fat, essential fatty acids and a choline significantly, a powerful compound that attacks the gene mechanism that triggers your body to store fat around your body.liver.

Just do it ... briefly

Friend date boost metabolism

Forget the slogging on the treadmill for hours, research printed in the newspaperPhysiological relationships I have shown that people who have made five bursts of 30 seconds of Max-Effort cycling, followed by four minutes of rest, have burned 200 additional calories that day. This represents only 2.5 minutes of work for a restable metabolism boost that lasts 24 to 48 hours.

Eat carbohydrates at night

Sliced Bread boost Metabolism

The theory makes sense: your body burns carbohydrates for energy, but if you eat them before going to bed, your body stores them as fat. But the pasta names of weight loss are not so simple. A study in theEuropean nutrition newspaper Put two groups of men on identical weight loss regimes. The only difference? Half of the group ate their carbohydrates throughout the day, while the second group reserved carbohydrates for the night. The result? The nocturnal carbohydrate group showed a significantly induced thermogenesis (which means they burned more calories digesting their food the next day). In addition, the Daytime-CARB group has increased blood glucose. Another study in the newspaperObesity seen similar results. Night carbohydrate eaters lost 27% of more body fat and felt 13.7% more complete than those of the standard plan.


broccoli boost Metabolism

Calcium and vitamin C Associate well to stimulate metabolism. Broccoli contains both nutrients, not to mention the type of fiber that has been demonstrated to increase the TEF (the thermal effect of foods or your metabolic rate after eating). In addition: Broccoli contains a compound that operates on a genetic level to "deactivate" cancer genes, leading to targeted death of cancer cells and slowing the progression of the disease. A study published by theJournal of the National Cancer InstituteFound men who have eaten three or more portions of broccoli per week had a decrease of 41% of the risk of prostate cancer compared to men who eat less than one serving a week.

Avoid dietary sodas

Sugar in Soda boost Metabolism

Yeah, yes, he has zero calories, butdrinking diet soda Can still play Havoc with your goal of having a flat stomach. Search published in the newspaperTrends in endocrinology and metabolism Shows that artificial sweet drinks can screw up the normal metabolic response of the sugar body, thus increasing the appetite. More and more, dietary drinks are related to weight gain, metabolic syndrome and a host of other ills. In short: Avoid dietary sodades if you intend to stimulate your metabolism.


higher energy person boost metabolism

Thiscold pill Are you invited to take from time to time? This can be a booster of metabolism. This is because stress can really bring the body to metabolize food more slowly, according to the search published in the newspaperOrganic psychiatry. To aggravate things, the food we aspire when we are stressed tend to be fat and full of sugar. Researchers say that the combination of high-level desires and a metabolic rate induced by stress-induced snails can result in significant weight gain. For your metabolism to work hard, fight stress with laughter. Research shows that smiling and laughing (see Pointe # 2) causes levels of stress hormones to decrease.

Eat enough protein daily

Burger boost Metabolism
Mitch Mandel and Thomas McDonald

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, no matter what you do. Hitting the gym helps you develop muscles to start, but eat protein the decomposition custody and slow down your metabolic rate.Protein requirements Different from a person, but usually consume 0.8 to a gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day should be sufficient enough to reduce weight loss, saysLeah Kaufman, Mrs., Rd, CDN, a dietitian based on the city of New York. For a 130-pound person (58 kilograms), which would be 46 and 58 grams of protein. Research published in theNutrition and Metabolism Journal found that because the protein is more difficult for the body to break down and digest that other nutrients, it can increase post-meal calorie consumption by 35%.

Go to bed

Couple Stretching by Bed Romance boost metabolism

AFinnish researcher I looked at identical twin sets and discovered that in every set of brothers and sisters, the twin that slept less visceral grease. If you do nothing else differently, you get an extra half an hour from Shuteye will make all the difference. If you are cheerful private, do not be surprised if you earn a few pounds without eating an extra morsel. "A lack of sleep can cause several metabolic problems," says Nutritionist Seth Santoro. "This can prevent you from burning less calories, fail to control the appetite and an increase in cortisol levels, which stores fat." Sufficient sleep - Which experts say that 7 to 9 hours per night for most people - also leads to an altered tolerance of glucose, a.k.a. The ability of your body to use sugar for fuel. "We all have less sleep nights than enough," says Jubilee Lisa Nutritionist. "But if it's a steady thing, you come betterlengthen sleep of your night What to work, if fat loss or weight maintenance is your goal. "

Take position at work

Man at Standing Desk boost Metabolism

Ideally, we sleep about eight hours for each 24. Most people spend seven to ten hours sitting at their desk. This means that most of us spend the overwhelming majority of our sedentary time. Our organizations were not designed for this level of inactivity - most of the evolving history of man involved to be active, looking for food and fuel. Nutritionist Lisa Jubilee says that a way to burn more calories daily is to stay more and sit less. It cites aBritish studyWhich found that standing at work burned 50 calories more per hour than the session. If it does not look like a lot, consider this: If you only represent three hours of your day, you spend more than 30,000 additional calories in a year, which represents about 8 lb of fat.

Grigning on chocolate

Dark Chocolate boost Metabolism

In a study bySwiss and German researchers, lucky participants eaten about 1.5 ounces ofdark chocolate every day for two weeks. In the end, these chocolate tints had lower stress-hormone levels and a more regulated metabolism than a control group. Scientists speculate that chemicals in cocoa, such as flavonoids, play a role in the regulation of metabolism by attenuating stress likely to cause engines to burn fat on the fritz. If you think this is a license to go to the wild, Take note: we are talking about small amounts of high quality dark chocolate. Researchers say that 1.5 ounces is enough.

Eat cheese

Woman Feeding Man Cheese boost Metabolism

Yes, you have heard that! We all know thatcheese is a satisfactory, portable and inexpensive food that is packed with calcium, vitamin D and protein. It is this last quality that makes it a relive with metabolism. "Calcium can also promote weight loss because it helps maintain muscle mass, which stimulates and helps maintain metabolism, helping you burn calories more efficiently throughout the day," said Tanya Zuckerbrot, RD, author ofThe Miracle Carb diet: Calorie and fats disappear - with fiber! This does not mean that you can help you with a saucepan soaked by cheese. Work cheese in fiber-rich snacks to make them more satisfied.

Eating full foods

Milk boost Metabolism

People who eat a lot of fat dairy products actually have the lowest impact ofDiabetes, according to a 2015 study of 26,930 people in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Those who ate a lot of low fat dairy products, on the other hand, had the highest incidence. Researchers assumed that while calcium, protein, vitamin D and other yogurt nutrients are indeed good for us, we need the grease accompanying them to get their protective effects - and so strengthen your metabolism.

Get your vitamin D

Vitamins Metabolism

If there is a supplement that most Americans should take, it'sVitamin D. It is essential to preserve muscle metabolism tissue butResearchers outside India Estimate that a 12% of Americans takes enough time thanks to their diet. Although you can nail 90% of your recommended daily value (400 IU) in a 3.5 ounce salmon portion, a daily supplement has a lot of meaning. Other dietary sources: salmon, enriched milk and cereals and eggs.

Eat whole foods

Fruits and Vegetables boost Metabolism

The revolution of the Smoothie is here, and many people make the bushels of green hardwoods shudder. Believe it or not, there is a disadvantage of this ingenious delivery method. Much of the body's use food, so the body can absorb nutrients - has been subcontracted to our nutrillouts and vitaminix. This means that the body exceeds much less energy than if we eat cabbages, spinach and bananas in their solid form. Smoothies are perfect for weight loss, but priorizing meat, fish, fibrous vegetables and fruits, you drive to the TEF (thermal effect of food) and spending more calories on digestion.


Salmon boost Metabolism

There are many fish in the sea, but salmon can be the best for your metabolism. It's because most cases ofunderring thyroid are due to inflammation of the gland and salmon has important anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its rich content of omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, a study of theUniversity of IcelandThis examined the effects of weight loss and seafood consumption showed that salmon is most effective in reducing inflammation - better than cod, fish oil and a fish without fish. Pishy fatty acids can also report thyroid cells in the liver to burn more fat, a recent study published inThe Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry suggests.

An apple one day ...

Ripe Red Apples boost Metabolism

Eat an apple every day Can help prevent metabolic syndrome, a disorder associated with abdominal fat, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They will keep the doctor and your high muffins at the bay, because apples are a source of dense low calorie calorie fibers, whose studies have proven to integrate visceral grease. A recent study atWake Forest Baptist Medical Center Found that for each increase of 10 grams of the soluble fiber consumed per day, the visceral grease was reduced by 3.7% over five years.

Eating three square meals, no more

Steak Meal boost Metabolism

Bodybuilders have a long swindle by eating every few hours to keep their muscles powered, but do not expect theweightloss potential of three squares a day. A study in the newspaperHepatology Put two groups of men on weight gain regimes. A group has divided the calories among three small meals with snacks between the second group eating the same number of calories in three square meals. Although the two groups gained weight, researchers discovered that belly fat - the dangerous genre that increases the risk of heart disease has increased only in the high meal frequency group.

Drink less alcohol to burn more fat

Whiskey boost Metabolism

WhileDrink with moderation Each so often will not hurt your size, making it a habit can slow down your metabolic rate. Why? When your body has a cocktail failure, it takes precedence on any food you have already eaten waiting to be digested. This slows the whole metabolic process. On occasion, you decided to give you low calorie beverages.

Snack on yoghurt

Yogurt boost Metabolism

Probiotics In products such as yogurt and fermented foods such as pickles and sauerkraut help good bacteria in intestinal process foods more efficiently. Yogurt is not only an excellent source of protein and calcium, but studies have also shown that the consumption of a reduced calorie diet can increase the metabolism. And you can integrate it with dishes throughout the day.

Decrease the lights

Man Using Laptop and Phone boost Metabolism

You want to have a faster metabolism? Install applications likeflux Wheredusk on your devices. They reduce parts of the light spectrum as approaches to your bedtime. Studies have shown that LED lights in phones disrupt the production of sleep hormone melatonin. A purring metabolism is greatly helped by a good night's sleep. So, take your sex in the late evening on a neck or two ... at least in terms of brightness of the screen.

Eat the butter that grows on trees

Avocados boost Metabolism

But instead of cholesterol and fats trans and saturated in butter, the lawyer contains metabolism - stimulating monounsaturated fat. But that's not all. Each is also packed with fiber antioxidants and radical radicals. Free radicals are oxygen-destructive oxygen molecules - natural by-products of metabolism - which trigger various chain reactions in the body that destroy cells and DNA, causing all kinds of health problems.

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / diet / nutrition
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