How does weight loss affect your body? These are the effects of weight loss

Dietitians explain what happens when you pour these books.

Finally to see thatNumber on the budge scale is a serious accomplishment. With which comes many other moments of well-being, as your pants that suits you better and the ability to climb the stairs to work in record time. But while you can see that you progress in yourWeight loss objectivesYou may wonder what exactly happens in your body. Here's all that happens during the process - and the important lessons you can learn along the way, as explained by dietitians.

You will start by losing weight with water.

glass of water

Usually, the initial books you have paid into your weight loss course are not fat - they are fluid. And there are some reasons why the weight of the water is typically the first thing to do.

"During the beginning of weight loss, because you take less energy - your body will use some of the glycogen, a type of carbohydrate, stored in the body. The glycogen consists in part of water, and So when it's used, you "ll lose weight" weight of water, "saysAmy gorin, MS, RDN, ofAmy Gorin Nutrition in the New York area. "You can also change your eating habits and eat less sodium-rich food, for example. This could cause less swelling, which could also help you lose weight to the water."

The books will come off slowly.


When people make their mission of losing weight, they typically try a crazy ADF plan that promises to help them achieve this victory in the record. But as you could have guess, this approach is really bad for your health. If you lose weight, how you should be, it will bego out. And there is also a better chance of thisstayin this way.

"Weight loss safely does not lose more than 1 to 2 pounds a week," says Gorin. "Many ADF plans offer larger weight loss, but I warn you my clients to think about their end game. If you lose weight slowly and develop sustainable durable habits along the way, you have a lot more than Chances to keep the weight only if you had to lose it very quickly but do not adopt new healthy habits in the process. "

You will be a little more hunter than normal.

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A disadvantage of losing weight is that you might be happier than usual until you can understand the best ways to feed your body. According toCleveland ClinicIn order to lose weight, you usually need to eat fewer calories - and / or burning more calories, than you need. If you do not do that, the ideal way - like eating a healthy and well rounded diet, you will be left hungry, grumpy and dissatisfied. This is because "a decrease in food consumption is equal to the increased ghreine (a hormone hungry) and a decrease in leptin (a hormone that makes you feel full)", according to the registered dietitian based in Miami.Monica Austlander Moreno, MS, RD, LD / N, nutrition consultant forRSP Nutrition.

If you are on an unhealthy diet and try to lose weight too quickly, you could get back physically and mentally. "It causes a creeping hunger and therefore a food obsession, an anxiety around food, overtaking meals and foods, as well as guilt, anxiety and shame around the food," she says . That's why it's so important to lose weight in the right way.

You will probably lose muscle.

Older woman lifting weights at the gym
iStock / Kali9

Approval that fat and maintaining all your hard-earned muscle would be fine, but it's not the way the weight loss works. "You will lose fat but also a muscle mass," says Gorin. "This is completely normal and more and more a reason for which it is important to adopt a good exercise routine that includes weight exercises during your weight loss course." Create a gym routine so that you continue to gain muscle while you lose grease.

Your health will improve.

Healthy Couple Running Outside smart person habits

Losing weight is hard work, but it's worth it. Not only because you will feel better in your clothes, but also because it can also enjoy your health and your general well-being.

"Even when you lose weight to reach your goal, your health will benefit. So, if you lose five percent of your body weight, it's a valuable help to your health, "says Gorin. "By doing this, you have to weigh 220 pounds and you lose 11 pounds, you will reduce your risk of chronic illness, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and you can also improve your blood pressure and level of triglycerides . "

You will sleep like a baby.

Woman sleeping in bed

It's not just your health that can improve as you lose weight. It's the quality of sleep you get every night. "You can sleep better and even reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea, if you have the condition," says Gorin. With that say, you can not have tons of sleepallnight. It's because Gorin says your sex drive could also improve.

You can hit a tray.

black feet on a scale, changes over 40

At first, the books founded the week of the week. It was amazing, right? But now, you are left with an extra weight that still does not seem to move. If you meet a tray in your weight loss, do not let yourself fall on you-it's a common event.

"The trays often occur with weight loss and are perfectly normal. The trays can occur because of a decrease in the energy expenditure of your body (REE). It simply means that when you take less calories, your Ree decreases - As the need for your body is it necessary for energy, "says Gorin." A tray can mean that you do not need to lose more weight, otherwise a weight loss break for your body. Continue your healthy habits - eat well, exercise and have enough sleep at that time. "

Books may bring back.

belly fat

If you are not adjusting the healthy solution, be careful, it could come back to bite you later. "A restricted feeding style is actually associated with weight gain over time," says Moreno. This is because the decrease in your food consumption can lead to an increase in energy storage, a decrease in energy expenditure, a decrease in thyroid hormone and an increase in cortisol, it notes - all things that can negatively affect your weight loss goals. But when you create a healthy and balanced lifestyle that you like and you can stick in the long run, you will only knock at home. And to find out what weight loss methods to avoid, consult the40 truly weight loss tips for terrible advice.

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