20 subtle signs of a thyroid problem are hiding at the sight of the view

Be careful not to miss these subtle but serious symptoms of a potential thyroid issue.

Yourthyroid Could be small, but it's also very powerful when it comes to your overall health. Thebutterfly shaped gland, located at the base of the neck, produces hormones that regulate almost all your body functions. So when your thyroid does not work properly, things tend to go to Haywire. If your body produces too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism), the two scenarios can cause problems, which affects all your sleep schedule to your skin. But these subtle signs of a thyroid problem can easily go unnoticed.

Although the thyroid disease is barely rare - it is estimated that 20 million Americans have a form of thyroid disease, according to theAmerican Association of Thyroid-Up at 60% are not aware of their condition. Continue reading to learn everything about the subtle signs of a thyroid problem and make sure you see an endocrinologist if you think your thyroid could be running guy.

Fragile nails

Closeup of chipped nails

Believe it or not, thyroid problems can manifestIn your nails. TheAmerican Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says that "thick, dry and fragile nails [nails] can be a sign of thyroid disease, such as curved nails and thickening the skin above the nails.

Dry skin

woman putting on lotion

Just like your nails, your skin can also become dryer as a result of your thyroid that does not work properly. "If your thyroid gland is underperforming, your metabolism is slowing down. This, in turn, can reduce the ability of the skin to sweat and secrete natural moisturizers, leading toDry and flaky skin, "Explains the family medicine doctor certified by the BoardKristamarie colman, MD.

Poor concentration

Man looking around distracted at work

"The decrease in concentration levels can indicate a problem with the thyroid gland," says Collman. More specifically, it is a symptom that occurs in patients with hypothyroidism and theBritish Foundation of Thyroid Note that it is often accompanied by increased memory problems and apathy.


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Feelings of fatigue or fatigue are normal to experiment daily, so it is easy to neglect them as potentialSymptoms of serious health conditions. However, it is also one of the signs of masters of hypothyroidism, with Colman stressing that "experiment with fatigue orLet's feel lethargic May indicate a problem with the thyroid gland. "

Difficulty sleeping

Woman having trouble sleeping at night with insomnia

Do you have problemsfall asleep the night? If so, you could have a hyperactive thyroid. According toNational Sleep Foundation, the excess thyroid hormone makes everything that accelerates inside your body, letting you feel wired when you want to fall asleep.

Digestive problems

EZ Load Toilet Paper Holder

A thyroid does not operate as if it should cause digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea, all depends on all or all hormonal thyroxin (T4). "Constipation is one of the first signs that the body can slow down because of hypothyroidism," explains the thyroid expertNicole German Morgan, RDN. During this time,CEDARS-Sinai Medical Center In California stresses that diarrhea or having more intestinal movements than usual are signs of hyperactive thyroid.

Heat intolerance

Young white man sweating through shirt

Morgan also cites heat intolerance as a sign of hyperthyroidism. Although this uncomfortable symptom can also be caused by everything, from the excess of caffeine consumption to menopause, your doctor should be checked your thyroid if you feel overheated more often than normal.

Cold intolerance

Woman shivering under a blanket because she is so cold

Although hyperthyroidism can prevent you from feeling excessively hot, hypothyroidism can have the opposite effect, which requires you to live abnormal sensitivity at cold temperatures. "Softened cells burn less energy, so that the body produces less heat", note the experts toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. "You can feel Chilly even when the others around you are comfortable."

Hair loss

man controls hair loss and unhappy gazing at you in the mirror

Although people experience hair loss for a variety of reasons, it is one of the signs of a potential thyroid disorder. "It can happen as a result of theNutritional deficienciesLike iron deficiency and vitamin B deficiency in all conditions of thyroid, "says Morgan.

According toBritish Foundation of Thyroid, hair loss caused by a thyroid disorder generally "involves all the scalp rather than discrete areas", although it tends to improve with treatment.

Heart palpitations

woman clutching her heart

When there is too much thyroid hormone in the body, it tends to operate in an overdrive. As such, "a hyperthyroid patient can develop a clearly high race heart rate and blood pressure that, if not processed, could cause serious complications such as heart attack, stroke and the cerebral accident. blindness, "explainsJason Cohen, MD, a surgical oncologist and a thyroid specialist atSurgery group of the.


Shot of a mature man looking thoughtful and sad outdoors

PsychiatristHeathman Jared, MD, because "hormones are required to be in balance so that our brain works optimally,clinical depression Maybe a symptom of hypothyroidism. "A 2018 meta-analysis published inJama Psychiatry estimates that about 45.5% of depressive disorders are associated with thyroid disease.


Shot of a senior woman suffering from stress at home

Heathman says that thyroid disorders can also present as anxiety. The same meta-analysis inJama Psychiatry found that approximately 29.8% of anxiety disorders are associated with a kind of thyroid problem.


Woman on a laptop looking stressed and angry

Since your thyroid can cause depression and anxiety when it does not work properly, it is probably not surprising that it can lead to othersmood changes, too much. TheAmerican Association of Thyroid Note that some of the emotional symptoms of hyperthyroidism include irritability and nervousness. So, if you feel angry all the time and you do not know why, consider checking your thyroid levels.

Irregular periods

Woman holding a tampon

"Thyroid hormone helps control other body hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle," says Morgan. So, have either too small or too much thyroid hormone can make your rules irregular, or even blow you up quite.


Woman getting weighed on a scale at the doctor's office

Thyroid hormones Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) both play critical roles inMetabolic function. As a result, people with hyperthyroidism - which produce too much T4 and T3-tend to undergo unhealthy and unplanned weight loss, as well as an increase in appetite.

Weight gain

Man trying to fasten his jeans that don't fit because of weight gain

And on the other end of the spectrum, people with hypothyroidism - when the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient amount of T4 and T3 hormones, often treats weight gain as a symptom of their condition.

Diminished libido

Divorce and separation. Black millennial couple in bed having problems and crisis, sitting back to back, empty space

Considering how much your thyroid gland affects how your body works and probably behave does not shock you from learning that it has an effect on yoursex drive also. "With the exception of sexual problems related to menopause, I see [sex issues related to hypothyroidism] more often than anything else with my patients", "nurse practitionerLynn Moyer RecountWebmd.

Carpal tunnel

Black man holding his wrist in pain because of carpal tunnel syndrome

One of the most amazing signs of a potential thyroid problem can becarpal tunnel syndrome. In a 2019 article for theMAYO Clinic, Specialist in Internal MedicineTodd B. Nippoldt, MD, explains that this is the fact that long-term hypothyroidism can damage the peripheral nerves, which help send information to and from the brain to the rest of the body.

Difficulty to swallow

older woman clutching throat, signs your cold is serious

In addition to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, some patients also develop thyroid cancer, which is more common than you think. In fact, it's themost common form of cancer in women aged 20 to 34, depending on theAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). The main symptom? Difficulty to swallow.

Sore throat

Doctor Examining a Patient's Mouth Tongue Health

According to ASCO, another symptom of thyroid cancer to be monitored is the pain of the throat accompanied by a persistent cough. However, thyroid cancer often has without symptoms. Make sure you see your doctor regularly, whether you live something to get out of the ordinary.

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