5 spring cleaning tips to prepare your lawn for guests

Experts say that these tips will pack your lawn and will be ready to have fun.

Winter is going out and the weather is heating up, you are probably thinking of spring cleaning and a new start for the coming season. This process is not only isolated inside your home - you must also Trend to your lawn , especially if it is under a snow blanket. Your herbs and flower beds must be prepared to manage the heat of summer, and if you have plans to accommodate the Easter, Passover or other spring festivities, you will want to make sure your court should impress. In this spirit, we talked to lawn care specialists and cultures scientists to find out how you can best prepare. Read the rest for five spring cleaning tips to prepare your lawn for guests.

Read this then: The first things that guests notice on your kitchen, according to experts .

Delete debris.

raking leaves on lawn
Bokeh Stock / Shutterstock

The first step in any spring lawn maintenance is to take debris, according to experts. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Start by missing the lawn to remove the dead leaves, twigs and debris," Diana Cox , founder of Gardening speech , recount Better life . "This process will allow air and nutrients to reach the ground, promoting new growth."

Jeremy Yamaguchi , CEO of Love of lawn , concedes that this process can be "tedious", but you will be happy that you have made an additional effort.

Well in the winter, so for many people, there are more leaves covering their lessons right now, "he explains.

It is not necessarily a difficult job, but it takes time, depending on the size of your court. "Start early and make a quantities of small averages at a time," recommends Yamaguchi. "It makes it much more manageable and is better for your back (and your mental health!). It is important to remove all these debris so that your lawn is able to obtain oxygen and sunlight that it must Be healthy and prosper in the spring. "

Ventilate your lawn.

digging pitchfork in to aerate lawn
Paul Maguire / Shutterstock

Another important step is to ventilate the ground. "This process is to make small holes in the ground to allow water and air to penetrate the surface," explains Cox. "Soil ventilation will help water, air and nutrients to penetrate the root system, promoting healthy growth."

Aeration will also decrease the thatch - a layer of dead grass and plant matter that accumulates on the ground. According to Cox, Thatch "prevents water and nutrients from reaching the root system, which can cause brown spots and dead plates".

Eric Deboer , PHD, agronomist with Simple lawn solutions , adds that around half-butt of thatch is actually good for your lawn, but more than it must be deleted.

"The excessive accumulation of thatched can host insects with pests and fungi and reduce the movement of oxygen, water and pesticides in the soil," he said.

Read this then: The first things that guests notice at your show, according to experts .

Fertilize, fertilize, fertilize.

destroying your garden
Shutterstock / Simon Kadula

Fertilization is essential for the growth of grass, according to experts.

"Some pictures of nitrogen fertilizers in the spring can really help with the green color and growth of your lawn," said Deboer. "In addition, consider a foliar application of a liquid iron product for a deep and lush green. If the company arrives in the spring, aim to make this application more than 72 hours before the arrival of customers. Iron iron. Iron will generally be rapid and potentially short -lived. "

Experts also recommend determining the exact type of grass you have before choosing the right fertilizer for your lawn.

Make a low mower.

mowing overgrown grass
Fotosparrow / Shutterstock

Deboer also recommends "a low mowing to relaunch the season". Think like a haircut - making the top layer is essential to promote new growth. According to Cox, this can be one of your last steps.

The way you get a mowing will depend if you have a fresh seasonal lawn or a hot seasonal lawn. Fresh seasonal herbs are green in mid-resource and remain active through the end of fall , according to High Country Gardens. The herbs of the hot season love the sun - they will not green until the end of spring and will become sleeping "early in mid -fire. A specialist in lawn care can help determine the type you have, if You are not sure.

"The owners of lawn in the hot season, whose lawns have become completely dormant during the winter, can drop their fairly low mower bridge and eliminate all the brown and deceased growth to open the canopy for a new growth," explains Deboer. "This will also allow more sun to hit the surface of the ground, which can speed up the spring green of the lawn by increasing the temperatures of the soil."

The lawn owners of the cool season do not have to be "as aggressive," he explains. "But a few lower than those that you generally tone in summer can help eliminate any humidity, an old growth in the canopy and prepare it for fresh greater growth."

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Add the final keys.

Young Woman in Orchard, Taking Care of Plants, Pruning Apple Trees in Sunset

If you have really taken care of your lawn, it probably looks very good. But there is always little improvements to make before you have guests.

Gene Caballero ,, Co-founder at Greenpal , recount Better life That you should advance your lawn for "a clean look".

"Use a border or spade to create a clean border between your lawn and all flower beds, alleys or other areas," he recommends. From there, you also have to cut and cut where you can.

"Spew all the dead or damaged branches of your trees and shrubs, and cut all the invaded hedges or bushes," explains Cabellero. "This will help promote healthy growth and give your garden a more maintained look."

Toby Schulz ,, CEO and co-founder de Lawn.com.au, also recommends using the beginning of spring to plant "rustic perennials" or shrubs.

Once you have finished all these steps, you will end up with a guaranteed lawn to impress the business when they head in front of your house.

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