The only sweet food to eat during a longer life

This is probably your favorite oat filling!

Eating healthy and working is not only designed to lose weight. In fact, these are important aspects of keeping your body healthy and happy for longer life and who would not want to add a few years to their lives? While a generic nutrient diet and a training plan will contribute to the addition of these years, there are some foods you can focus on that will actually helpIncrease your chances of living a longer life. One of the most popular - and one of the sweetest foods you can eat includedbays!Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are full of antioxidants that have anti-aging properties that have been scientifically proven to give you a few more years.

Here's why you should add bays regularly to your meal plan during a longer life, and for even healthier tips, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.

Why eating bays will lead a longer life

First, let's look at whyantioxidants are important. According to a study published by theActs of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,Antioxidants help protect your cells from free radicals, wherein the development of chronic diseases can develop such as cancer or cardiac disease. Generally, these free radicals result in oxidative constraints in your body, which can damage these important cells and cause some of these diseases, as well as asthma, asthma, hypertension, arthritis and more. ComprisingFoods rich in antioxidants In your diet is an important way to continue to neutralize these free radicals and reduce your risks. Fruits and vegetables are certainly on the list, as well as other black chocolates, mushrooms and walnuts.

Does this mean that one of these foods rich in antioxidants can lead to longer life? They certainly help! However, in a study published by theAgricultural Chemistry and Food Journal,Berries and grenades have been specifically chosen on 25 foods rich in antioxidants as one of the best sources of antioxidant intake for your body. Bays are an easy source of antioxidants to enter your meal plan, especially because they are tasty fittings in some of your oat food, yogurts or smoothies like preferred foods.

Is there a type of bay that is considered the best?

If you need to compare the antioxidant levels of berries, you would be shocked that blueberries would be considered the best eating bays in terms of antioxidant levels and longevity. A study published by theNutrition log showed how blueberries could decrease"Bad" LDL cholesterol levels For obese people by 27% in a period of 8 weeks! This is due to polyphenols in blueberries that are particularlyUseful for cardiovascular health. These polyphenols have also been proven in the newspaperNutrients Limit the effects of the aging of your cells.

Regardless of the type of berries you like to eat,The bays comprise a large amount of fiber compared to other fruits and provide a large source of vitamin C for your day. Eating a cup of mixed berries is a great way to make sure your body gets the vitamins and nutrients it needs to live a longer life.

More longevity stories to eat this, not that!

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