Experts warn "second wave of devastation"

"... attributable to the consequences of CVIV-19 mental health."

There was only eight months that the first cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the United States and the virus has already made significant damage in terms of mental health. And, according to a new research, the worst is yet to come. A new study published MondayJamaclaims that a "second wave" of mental health disorder and toxicity goes up, and it could be devastating for society, especially those most at risk. Read on and do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

"A second wave of devastation is imminent"

"A second wave of devastation is imminent, attributable to the consequences of CVIV-19 mental health," Dr. Naomi Simon, Dr. Glenn Saxe and Dr. Charles Marmar, two authors of the study of the Grossman Medicine School of the University of New York, wrote. "The magnitude of this second wave is likely to overwhelm the already frayed mental health system, resulting in access problems, especially for the most vulnerable people."

Researchers say that deaths of suicide and drug overdoses will increase, particularly among black and Hispanic people, seniors, health workers and lower socio-economic groups.

"This magnitude of death over a short period is an international tragedy on a historical scale. This interpersonal loss is aggravated by disturbances of society," continued the authors.

They point out that one of their greatest concerns is the "transformation of normal grief and prolonged grief and major depressive disorder and symptoms of post-traumatic health disorder." According to their conclusions, prolonged grief impacts 10% of people who lose a loved one. And, considering that the average death leads to the mourning of nine people, there is a projected of 2 million people bereaved in the United States and "thus, the effect of the death of Covid-19 on mental health will be deep."

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Renowned clinical therapist and counseling psychotherapistPaul Hokemeyer, Ph.D., author ofFragile power: why all this is never enoughtreated patients around the world throughout the pandemic and tellsEat this, not that! Health that these recent conclusions confirm what he saw in his clinical practice.

"Americans are drowning in the toxicity of Covid-19", he reveals. "As a clinician who deals with holistic patients, I see how the pandemic has had a pernicious impact on all aspects of a person's life."

"Intrapersonally, people live in fear and uncertainty about their most fundamental human needs of security and security. COVID-19, contrary to other threats to a person's health, presents an invisible and ambiguous threat . "

It explains that there is a variety of reasons for this, ranging from "confusion and denial of confidence on its causes and a short-term impact on the health of a person" and interpersonal relationships with Being dear to financial disturbances. There is also the political torment and the arrest surrounding the virus.

"In the chaos and uncertainty that is ensured from this erosion of US values, we broke in hostile and past tribes of utopia visions to an acute fear at an imminent dystopia. In short, we treat with a personal crisis In the context of national trauma, "he continues.

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The solution is multifaceted

The authors of the NYU study believe that the solution to the CVIVID's induced mental health crisis is multiple and must include in the influx of mental health financing, increase the screening of those higher, and more concentrations on the treatment of persons suffering from prolonged persons. Grievance, depression, traumatic stress and substance abuse.

"In crushing, I hope we can find ourselves and cure associated devastation Covid-19. To do this, we must find ourselves in personal and relational values ​​that promote the stability on chaos, the unit on the division. And hope rather than despair., "Add Dr. Hokemeyer.

From a clinical point of view, these values ​​are at the heart of what is called the therapeutic alliance that the patient has with the clinician. "In order to heal, a patient must be seen, heard and appreciated by a clinician who is worthy of their confidence. Once the patient is validated, they can then start internalizing the therapeutic techniques that allow them to manage their anxiety, their Depression and finding healthy ways to cope with stress and dangers in the world, "he says.

It is important to note that this relationship can occur outside the therapeutic framework in intimate relationships with other human-friends, parents, spouses, neighbors, teachers, religious leaders and many others have provided this repairer. For centuries. "It's time for us to re-engage with these relationships in a plan for dignity and respect, compassion and empathy, healing and hope," he says. "Once we have recovered these personal and relational values, we can start moving, our families and our country intentionally in a restorative direction." As for yourself, to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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