Eat more of this food can add 5 years to your life, study says

The researchers have found people with many of them in their diet had a longer life.

It's not exactly a secret that eating good foods can help you stay healthy. Research has shown that the addition or removal of certain things from your diet can have majorBenefits for your heart Wherebrain health. Now, a new study discovered more evidence than what you eat can keep you alive longer, with a particular type of food can especially add five years to your life. Read it to see what you may want to start working in your meals.

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Eating more oily fish can add five years to your life.

variety of fish on table, salmon and shrimp
Olesia Shadrina / iStock

The latest research, recently published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutritionis the collaborative study study between the Medical Research Institute of the Del Mar Hospital (IMIM) in Spain and the Bold Acid Research Institute to determine whetherOmega-3 fatty acid levels In the blood could be used to predict the risk of death accurately. The team analyzed data of 2,240 people over 65 gathered in a long-term study calledCohort of Framingham's offspring, who monitored the health of residents in a city of Massachusetts since 1971. The average duration of surveillance was approximately 11 years per patient.

The results revealed that even an increase of one percent of omega-3 levels in tests greatlydecreased the risk of early death. "Have higher levels of these acids in the blood, as a result of the consumption of fatty fish in the diet, increases life expectancy of almost five years", "Aleix Sala-Vila, MD, the author of the study of the Risk and Cardiovascular Nutrition Research Group of the IMIM, said in a media release. In addition, he added, "Being a regular smoker takes 4.7 years of your life expectancy, the same thing you gain if you have high levels of omega-3 acids in your blood."

Researchers say it's "never late or too early" to make changes that can lengthen your life.

people eating outside, mediterranean food on table
Solstock / iStock

The results of the study were surprising in that he found four types of fatty acids in the blood were associated with a reduced death risk. This includes two saturated fatty acids, which are generally thought to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease at high levels. "It reaffirms what we have seen in recent times," Sala Vila said in the statement. "All saturated fatty acids are not necessarily bad."

The authors of the study finally concluded that the results could have a major impact on how we treat our health as they get older. "What we found is not insignificant. This reinforces the idea that small diet changes in the right direction can have a much more powerful effect than we think, and it's never too late or too early. To make these changes, "sala- vila said.

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The American Heart Association suggests two portions a week of fatty fish.

various kinds of fish in metal cans
Shutterstock / Ilia Nesolenyi

Researchers say they will make new research on Omega-3 oily oils by organizing a study on a greater part of the population. In the meantime, they cite the American Heart Association (AHA) diet, which recommendsTwo weekly portions of fatty fish Such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines and tuna tuna. The guidelines specify that each portion should be about 3.5 ounces cooked or about three quarters of a cup of evacuated fish.

Further studies have seen more fish can add years to your life and strengthen your health.

trout on plate

This is not the first study to connect omega-3 withMain advantages of health. For example, a study published inBmj In 2018, followed 2,622 adults of an average age of 74 years of 1992 and 2015 to determine whether they developed chronic diseases or other mental or physical illnesses.

After the investigators measured the level of certain Omega-3 oils in the blood samples of the participants, the results revealed that those in the first omega-3 high levels were 18% less likely to show signs. unhealthy aging,The New York Times reports. "In our study, we found that adults with higher blood levels of Omega-3 seafood were more likely toLiving a longer and healthier life. So it's a good idea to eat more fish "Heidi T.M. Lai, PhD, the main author of the study and another postdoctoral member of the University of Tufts, said.

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