Eating this 3 times a day can increase your cardiac health, a new study says

This daily food article can help maintain lower blood pressure.

Although everyone can need a different plan of attack when it comes to maintaining their heart health, there is at least one universal truth: everyone should keep an eye on their risk of cardiovascular disease . After all, aboutOne in four deaths in the United States is caused by heart disease, according to data from disease control and prevention centers (CDC). But in addition to getting a lot of exercise andremain activeThere may be other diet tips that can help you maintain a healthy ticker. And according to a new study, eating a type of feeding three times a day can give a serious boost to your heart health, especially as you get older. Read it to see what you should add to your meals.

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Eating three servings of whole grains a day can reduce your risk of heart disease.

Whole grains
Stephen Cook Photography / Shuolerstock

In terms of management of your cardiac health, you may want to go with the grain. A study published inThe Journal of Nutrition July 13 followed 3,100 participants in fifty 18 years old. Every four years, a checkup will have been conducted to measure certain health panels such as size size, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose, as well as eating habits.

The results of the study revealed that people who have eatenThree portions of whole grains Every day was better able to handle hypertension, with an average lower increase in systolic blood pressure over time than those who consumed less than half a service. As the authors of the study emphasize, theDietary Directives for Americans 2020-2025 Recommends this amount, citing examples of portion sizes as a slice of whole grain bread, a half-cup of rolled oat cereals, or a half-cup of brown rice.

Consume more whole grains has also decreased blood glucose, bad cholesterol and weight gain.

whole grains bread

But the health benefits of eating more whole grains were not simply limited to the benefits of cardiac health. The study also found that those who took three daily portions also saw aaverage increase in size size size half an inch, compared to an inch seen in those who have eaten fewer portions. And the results have also shown that those who have consumed more whole grains have seen a greater decline in bad cholesterol and an increase in the lower average of blood glucose.

"Our conclusions suggest that the consumption of whole grain foods as part of a healthy diet provides health benefits beyond helping us lose or maintain weight as we get older"Nicola McKeown, MD, the main author of the study, said in a press release. "In fact, these data suggest that people who eat more whole grains are better able to maintain their blood sugar and blood pressure over time. Management of these risk factors as we get older can help protect against Cardiac diseases. "

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The entire grain envelope rich in vitamins is lost during the refinement process.

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The research team explained thatWhole grains contain more vital nutrients May the refined grains commonly found in diets, such as pasta, bagels and white bread. Indeed, the refining process eliminates the vitamin-rich envelope, leaving only remaining starches.

"There are many reasons that whole grains can work to help people maintain size size and reduce increases in other risk factors,"Caleigh SawickiOne of the authors of the study and a postdoctoral research fellow in Brigham and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Harvard, explained in a statement. "The presence of dietary fiber in whole cereals can have a satisfaction effect, and magnesium, potassium and antioxidants can help reduce blood pressure. Soluble fibers, in particular, can have a beneficial effect on peaks of Post-meal blood glucose. "

The authors of the study recommend replacing refined grains with whole grains in your diet.

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The researchers point out that the average American "consumes about five portions of refined grains daily", which exceeds the recommended amount of less than three years. To strengthen your long-term health, they recommend finding ways to replace items with whole grains as far as possible.

"For example, you can consider a bowl of whole grain cereals instead of a white flour bagel with breakfast and replacing snacks, refined grain dishes, accompanying dishes with whole grain options ", suggests McKeown. "Small incremental changes in your diet to increase the intake of entire manufacturing grain will make a difference over time"

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Categories: Health
Tags: food / Heart Health / News
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