The silent signs of your body revealed

Feel follicularly defied and I do not know why? Something unexpected may be to blame.

Tonight is the night: a good time, no work, no children. Your outfit is about. You feel good. Your pants are right right. But you notice ... your hair. Is there less than that one there was yesterday? Is there any more on your hair brush? Hmm, somethingTo summer clogging of the drain ....

Things can become hairy when hair loss, takes you by surprise.

What are the causes that this happens? In brief: a lot of things. Some are guilty of genes and other reasons are a mystery. While you can not do anything about your genetics, you can do something one of the reasons you could lose hair. Continue reading to know what.

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First of all, what is the probability am I to lose hair?

androgenic alopecia is the scientific term for common hair loss. If you have it, join the club (hair): it affects pretty muchhalf of all men and women. Caucasians are the most affected, followed by Asians and African Americans, and then other groups. And in a twisted version of the form function below, the incidence is close to age in white men, with50% affected by the age of 50. In women, the risk of experiencing hair loss increases after menopause.

A strand lasts about two to three years on the head, after which it falls and is replaced by a new, in a long cycle month. We have all the hair loses regularly, losing as much as100 hair strands a day-And in general, these hair is replaced over time. But when a hair falls and is not replaced or is replaced by a much thinner straw the mars of hair loss started. If it continues, we go bald.

The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary gramps-thank you! For years, the myth prevaled that genes for male baldness (which also affects women, although differently) are transmitted from the mother to his son on his X chromosome. Conventional wisdom found that men could look essentially. Haircuts (or the absence of it) on their side of the mother and get a pretty good indication of how they could end up. But doctors say now it's more correctBlame your parents for thinning hair.

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Here is the surprising reason why you can lose hair

Heredity, hormonal changes, drugs and various health conditions are often to blame. But there is another reason that could surprise you.

It's yourthyroid.

The butterfly shaped gland which is at the base of the throat is responsible for the release of the hormones thatcontrol metabolism-Governing how your body uses energy. The thyroid hormones regulate the vital functions of the body such as breathing, heart rate, body weight, body temperature, your nervous system, and much more. In other words: it is essential.

Here is a less known fact:Thyroid hormones are necessary for the development and maintenance of the follicle, which hair is why so many people withDysfunction of the thyroid Throw the hair. Sometimes the thyroid under or over-product this hormone that can cause ravages about your system and can affect hair development at the root, which affects hair growth. The result? Lightening or baldness, depending on how your condition of the thyroid goes untreated.

self-immune thyroid disorders likeTHYROIDITY OF HASHIMOTO andSeriousness can cause hair loss. To add an insult to insult, the hair on other parts of your body can also be affected, like the hair hairs, and yes, the eyebrows with a thyroid malfunction. This is known as diffuse hair loss and is sometimes the symptom presenting down orhypothyroidism.

Here are some spoon inside Dr. Joseph Feerstein, Director of Integrated Medicine in Stamford Hospital, and Associate Professor of Medicine at Columbia University:

"Most conventional doctors are not looking for hypothyroidism a real real condition that affects millions of people without a mistrust. With the intangible hypothyroidism, your thyroid is lazy, but your levels are still in a "normal" range. Your thyroid has trouble keeping, and you will start having symptoms like fatigue, constipation, taking and weight maybe hair loss. Untreated, it will become an entire hypothyroidism ".

Takeout is that you could have a thyroid malfunction that is not developed enough for your doctor to read unless they have a practice in order to integrate more nuanced be proactive and ask questions about the hypotyroidism; Especially if you experience hair loss!

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But there is good news!

Most cases of hair loss related to thyroid are temporary and treatable! The hair loss of thyroid dysfunction is generally reversed after your thyroid hormone levels stabilize. The less good news? This could take a little time - like in months, and this may be incomplete.

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Here's what you can do to prevent this from happening in the first place: to have a balance sheet every year and have checked your thyroid levels so that you can catch an irregularity quickly and remedy it. Ask your doctor to check TSH levels with thyroid hormone in case you have a subclinically weak thyroid that can develop later in a more complete hypothyroidism.

In the meantime, keep new hair losses at the bay by treating the hair you still have as much as possible. Avoid excessive brushing; Hard coloring products (we look at you with bleach); and hairstyles that pull closely as dorsal breads. If you feel aware of your thinning thinning or bald spots, a pretty silk scarf or an elegant wig could be something to consider while your hair breeds.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss:This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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