17 surprising habits that increase your risk of cerebral stroke

Modify these behaviors to avoid making a more likely stroke than it must be.

Every year, around795,000 Americans Have a stroke, depending on the disease control and prevention centers (CDC). The good news is that many ways to reduce your risk of becoming one of them. In fact, the CDC even notes that some 80% of the features are preventable. Thehabits you will need Nix In order to reduce your risks, however, could surprise you. For example, did you know that drinking a single Soda diet a day could you make more than twice as much risk of suffering from a stroke? Or if you are sitting at a desk for too long could affect several times your muscles? Read more about these surprising habits that increase your risk of cerebral stroke.

Eat too much salt

bowl of pretzels habits that increase your risk of a stroke

Give yourself too much salted snacks canRaise your blood pressure Unhealthy levels and increase your risk of having a stroke. This is because arterial hypertension can damage and weaken the blood vessels of your brain, causing the rupture, break or leak. It can also cause blood clots in the arteries leading to the brain,who can block blood flow And potentially provoke a stroke, according to the Mayo Clinic.

In addition to notoriously high sodium foods, you will also want to avoid culprits of snowers such as canned soups and vegetables and bread. If in doubt, check the label. Try to stayLess than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day (and go to an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 milligrams), according to the American Heart Association.

Eat the wrong type of breakfast

cereal in a bowl

If a sweet cereal or a pile of pancakes is your choice breakfast, you could increase your chances of suffering from ischemic carrot, which is caused by a blood clot or a plate that blocks blood vessels in the brain .

A2017 study Published in the newspaperCerebral accident I found that people who regularly started their day with cold grain cold breakfast cereals or a total sound were significantly less likely to suffer from an ischemic stroke of their lives than those who do not have not done. And for ways to identify a stroke, pay attention to these7 signs of warning of a cerebral stroke of the view of the view.

Drink too much alcohol

people drinking wine at dinner habits that increase your risk of a stroke

Drinking alcohol can reduce your risk of adding a trait, but only to a point. A 2019 study published in theBritish medical newspaper,The lancet, found that men who reported have fewer than two drinks a day had a lower risk than non-drinkers (and more precisely, for ex-drinkers).

But after that, the risk of stroke has increased with alcohol. In reality,A 2015 study Published in the newspaperCerebral accident found that people who have more than two drinks a day have a34% Risk of higher cerebral accident Compared to those whose daily average has risen unless a drink.

Do not have enough vitamin C

Orange juice habits that increase your risk of a stroke

A study presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in 2014 found that 59% of those who had experienced hemorrhagic stroke (the type that occurs when a blood vessel breaks inside the brain)were deficient in vitamin C. Which was compared to a control group of people who had not had a stroke, which usually normally hadVitamin C levels.

However, we do not know why this link exists. Author of the studyStéphane Vannier, MD, from the University Hospital of Pontchaillou in Rennes, France, said that vitamin can help regulate blood pressure, although more research is needed to confirm this theory. In any case, it's probably not a bad idea to add more foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, papayas, peppers, broccoli and strawberries, to your diet.

Or enough vitamin D

Young multicultural couple sitting on floor talking in the sunshine

If you tend to stay inside during daylight hours, you might bevitamin D deficiency. And as it turns out, it could increase your risk of stroke. AMeta-analysis 2012 Published inCerebral accidentHe found that people who had lower levels of 25-hydroxyvitamines of pre-consumer produced in the liver by hydroxylation of vitamin D-had an increased risk of stroke relative to those with higher levels. In addition to soaking the sun (when it is careful to do it of course), you can also get your vitamin D while eating foods like tuna, salmon, beef liver and egg yolks.

Drink regularly diet soda

woman drinking soda habits that increase your risk of a stroke

You already know that the soda-diet or not is not good for your health. CornA long-term study Published inCerebral accident In 2017, it was found that the latter could increase your race risk specifically. Research has shown that those who have consumed an artificially sweet drink a day were about twice as likely to suffer from a stroke in the next decade than those that have reached less than that.

However, experts from Harvard Medical Schoolwho examined the studStated that the correlation could exist because some people who are already at risk of stroke (those who are overweight or who have diabetes) are more likely to choose governing soda compared to those regular in the regular. purpose of managing their health conditions. Anyway, it is probably preferable that your overall health opts for another drink instead.

Do not drinking enough water

woman drinking water habits that increase your risk of a stroke

Dehydration can causemany health problems-Clusion of an increased risk of cerebral stroke. A 2019 study published in the journalNeurology boundaries Evaluated 203 patients with ischemic or haemorrhagic stroke. The research revealed that dehydration was detected in nine percent of patients at the time they were admitted to the hospital or three days after their stroke.

Patients who have been dehydrated at one or the other time had more slow down recoveries, including women and elderly patients. IN BRIEF: Stay hydrated to reduce your risk of cerebral strokeand Increase your chances of a prompt recovery if you want to have one.

Turn off using the toilet


After examining 727 cases of ischemic stroke,A 2018 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association found that 30% of patients had an infection within 90 days preceding the cerebral accident. One of the most common of urinary tract infection or UTI.

And because utis can be the result of urine holding and not drinking enough water, according to theMAYO ClinicYou will want to avoid these habits to reduce your risk of stroke.

Do not have enough sex

black man and woman lying on their backs in bed touching hands
Shutterstock / Lightfield Studios

Studies have found that sexual relations on a regular basis can help reduce blood pressure, which can in turn reduce your risk of cerebral stroke. According toA 2010 Studpublished in theAmerican Journal of Cardiology, men who had sex at least twice a week were less likely to develop cardiovascular disease compared to men who had sex once a month.

Being intimate also has advantages for women. "Orgasm in women stimulates the release of hormonal oxytocin, which has a direct effect on the reduction of blood pressure"E. Dean Nukta, MD, Medical Director of Interventional Cardiology at Fairview Hospital, Cleveland Clinical Hospital,Said daily health.

Fails to maintain close relationships

Rear view of woman at home staring through the window

If you are used to growing people away from people who oppose to invite new people in your life, you may be an increased risk of stroke. A 2016Review of 23 Research Documents Published in the newspaperHeart By British cardiovascular society found that solitude and social isolation resulted in a 32% increase in the risk of stroke. Researchers noted that single and isolated people are more likely to smoke and be physically inactive, that both can increase your risk of stroke. And for more harmful effects of being isolated, check20 subtle signs Your loneliness hurts your health.

Ignore stress

MS symptoms

More than ever, researchers learn that the inability ofto manage stress Can lead to a plethora of health problems, including a stroke. A 2001 study by theUniversity of Michigan have found that men who were more physiologically reactive stress were 72% more likely to suffer from a stroke of their lives. So, in order to avoid putting yourself in danger, it could pay to finally try this meditation class or find other points of sale to create a feeling of calm in your life.

Do not handle your current health conditions

Man at the Doctor's Office {Small Resolutions}

According to the Mayo Clinic, people with common conditions such as arterial hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease,should work to manage their afflictionswhere they can also prepare for a stroke.

Relying heavily on the NSAIDs to relieve pain

warfarin blood thinners habits that increase your risk of a stroke

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, from time to time it is good. But if you register heavily on them to treat the pain, it could be a problem. According to2016 data From the collaboration of COXIB and traditional NSAID, ibuprofen has increased the risk of a heart attack, a stroke and a non-lethal vascular death of 44%. And in 2015 the administration of the federal drug itselfreinforced an existing warning on the risks of taking NSAIDs.

Sitting for too long

Woman experiencing back pain while sitting on a couch on her laptop

You can put your overall health at risk bysitting for hours at a time, according to2014 ResearchLeaded by the Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School. In this 12-year-old menopausal women, researchers found that women who sat for 10 hours or more per day were 18 percentmore likely to suffer from a heart attack or cerebral stroke than those that assume for five hours or less.

Eat too much red meat

steak habits that increase your risk of a stroke

According toa 2012 study Published inCerebral accident, Men who eat more than two portions of red meat a day have a higher risk of 28 percent of strokes in relation to those who eat only one third of this amount per day. Fortunately, the researchers also noted that simply by replacing a portion of red meat a day with chicken, turkey, and other alternatives, the study participants were able toDecrease the risk of stroke.

Consume too little dairy

cheese plate habits that increase your risk of a stroke

If you really want to reduce your risk of stroke, you may want to break the cheese tray.According to a 2013 study published in theInternational Journal of Preventive MedicineThe participants who had had a stroke consumed less dairy products, including various types of cheese, yogurts, milk and chocolate milk, than those who did not. As a result, the researchers concluded that the consumption of higher dairy products is associated with a lower risk of cerebral accident.

Excluding probiotics from your diet

Fermented foods with probiotics

To keep your overall health on the right track and decrease your chances of having a strokeLisa Richards, an authorized nutritionist and a creator of theCandida Diet, Suggests maintaining optimal intestinal health.

"A simple habit of reducing the risk of severe strokes is to add some probiotic foods to your diet," says Richards. "Good examples are Kimchi, yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut. They are easy to digest, nutritious and contain probiotic bacteria that can help rebalance your intestinal flora. »

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