Dr. Faisci warns that you can catch Covid this way

Tiffany Haddish questioned the best infectious doctor of the nation of all things Covid.

Aimed at reaching the general public possible,Dr. Anthony FauciThe top expert on infectious diseases of the nation spoke to journalists, medical groups and even the actors to spread the floor on how to prevent coronaviruses. This week he spoke withTrip andThe last OG StarTiffany HaddishAnd the results were entertaining and informative. Read what he said and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You can catch and broadcast the virus simply by talking and singing!

Male And Female Students Singing In Choir At Performing Arts School

"It's a respiratory virus," said Fauci. "So, it is transmitted from one person to another, by very microscopic respiratory secretions. And this is important that I think people certainly do not understand that it could certainly be coughing or sneezing - but that could even be talking because what we are seeing now and sing even more than talking. And that's why you've seen all those people from the church, in the choir that has been infected. So you Prevent what we continue to speak is a mask and physical distancing. Because if you stay at a certain distance and avoid crowds, yes. "


Dr. Fauci says how to keep your immune system in good health

Man doing bridging exercise, lying on his back on black mat in empty office interior. Viewed from floor level from his head

"You know, to be honest with you, Tiffany, the things called" stimulate the immune system ", when you do very good clinical studies, it does not really send much unless you have some kind of deficiency. As if you are deficient vitamin D, you do not work hard all the time, you do not go out. Then take vitamin D is good. If you want an antioxidant, vitamin C, but many of these Herbs claim to stimulate your immune system in so many respects, without doing anything, either if you take too many of them, they hurt you. The best way to keep your immune system good is to lead a healthy life, well Sleeping, exercising. These are the things that are so better than a bunch of herbs that have never been shown. "


Dr. Fauci said we had to protect the vulnerable

A mature man following the social distancing mandate issued due to COVID19 by not entering the home of his high risk elderly mother that he wants to check on.

"We really need to assure you vaccines and even with a therapy that we protect vulnerable people," he said. "It's a virus that is very confusing because of all the viruses I have ever known in the last 40 years, I have never seen viruses that has such a range of 40% of people do not do not even know that they are infected. They are completely without symptoms. Some have minor symptoms. They do not even miss work, but they should go home to protect others. Others get symptoms that They go home for a few days, others are in bed for weeks and it takes some time to recover, some go to the hospital, some are intensive care, some need fans and others die. So it's incredible. How are you going to have the same virus does nothing to many people, usually young people, but can kill other people? "

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Mr. Fauci said you could infect someone and "they could die"

woman wearing face mask in clinic ward recovering from coronavirus disease.

"The reason it's important is that it creates a kind of schizophrenia. When people where they say, wait a minute, why am I worried about a virus? If I'm 25 years old? And if I'm infected, the probability is that I will not even get symptoms. I want to go to a bar and I want to do that. And I want to do that. It's a real problem, Tiffany. And that's a problem because that even if you may not get any symptoms, the probability is that even without symptoms, you could transmit it to someone else who could then pass it on to someone else who will then make anyone , mother, grandmother, woman, who has chemotherapy for the chest cancer, a child deficient immune, someone who has obeyed, they will become very sick and they could die. We must impress the people you have no only the responsibility of yourself because some young people really, really become very sick of that. But the most important thing is that you have social responsibility it does not propagate to spread the epidemic to be part of the solution, not the problem. "


On how Afro-American and Latinx communities are touched on the toughest

Woman being sick having flu lying on sofa looking at temperature on thermometer.

"One of the things as important as, as usual with health, minorities, especially African Americans, Latinx and others, not only do they have a greater chance to be infected because They are not usually dangerous to generalize - but people know they usually have jobs that do not allow them to talk to a computer that they came out in the front lines, doing the manual work requiring an interaction with Persons. So they have the first risk. Then when you look at the African-American population and Latinx, they have decades of social determinants of health, who work against them, they have a much greater probability of having The underlying conditions. The African Americans are therefore affected by a double Whammy, including Latinx. Not only are they more likely to be infected, but they become more likely of a serious result. And it's the r Aison for which I said before, we want to make sure we get them in vaccine tests to prove that the vaccine worked and Tha is safe in them. "


Dr. Fauci says Tiffany is "not completely protected"

Positive test result by using rapid test device for COVID-19, novel coronavirus 2019

Haddish stated that it has been positive tested for coronaviruses, but was not judged with antibodies. "Your antibodies are gone because they probably had a very short half-life," said Fuci. "But what I can say almost for sure, Tiffany, is that you have residual immunity, probably T cells able to protect you. But the only thing that said, and please do that - That we do not know yet. You still do not have to suppose Tiffany that you are completely protected. So you have arrived when you go out ... at six feet from everyone. But if you go in the crowd, you know, no crowds, do not wear your mask, you know, six feet away, wash your hands as frequently as you can. On the outside, it's always better than from the inside. Because We know when this virus with these small microparticles, when you come out, while they are blowns and they are diluting when you are inside, they are recirculated. And that's what you have to fear. "


How to avoid Covid-19

woman putting on a medical disposable mask.

It does not matter where you live, do as a fauci says: wear afacial mask, the social distance, washing hands frequently, avoid crowds and pass through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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