CDC Surveillance New Covid "mutant" strain of South Africa
It is similar to that recently discovered in the R.U.

During the last week alarm rang on a new variant of Covid-19 propagates quickly through the R.U. in an interview granted toCBS News yesterday,Dr. Anthony Fauci, A high specialist in infectious diseases and the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, explained that VUI-202012/01 (the first variant under investigation in December 2020), is not the first nor the last time the The will of the virus of the nation suffer a mutation. In fact, there is another mutant strain of Covid propagation around South Africa that the CDC is currently being followed. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
The CDC is "followed by the implications for the United States"
According toCDC, The new variant, baptized 501y.v2, was discovered on weekends and is not connected to the RU mutation. "On December 18, 2020, the South African government announced that it had also seen the Emergence of a new strain in a scenario similar to that of the UK, "they wrote on their website. "The South African variant also has the N501Y mutation and several other mutations, but has emerged completely independently of the R.U strain. And is not bound. " According toThe daily mail, The CDC is currently "followed by the involvement for the United States"
"Putting our data as well as in the United Kingdom, this [South African] variant is a little more effective in the spread of person to anyone and is not good. This means that we must be a little better to stop it, "Dr. Richard Lesels, one of the best research specialists on the new variant in South Africa, saidThe Guardian.
"Nôtre raises some more concerns for a vaccine [than variant R.U] ... Another concern is reinfection. We are currently focusing, methodical laboratory work to answer all the questions we have and it takes time. »
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Dr. Fauci would not be surprised if the mutation was already here
Dr. Fauci also recognized the new mutation during an interview with PBS, noting that it was likely in America too. "When you see something that is pretty widespread in a place like the United Kingdom - there are also mutations we see in South Africa - and considering the trip around the world, I would not be surprised if it is already there, "he pointed out.
South Africa has recently experienced an increase in cases, that experts estimate is due to the new strain. The Country Minister of Health, Zweli Mkhize, says the new variant seems to be related to higher rates of serious illness among young people.
The South African variant has also been identified in England, according to the British Secretary of Health Matt Hancock and asks anyone who visited the country in the last two weeks in quarantine. "This new variant is very worrying because it is even more communicable and it seems to have mutated further than the new variant that has been discovered in the R.," he said.
RELATED: Dr. Faisci just said when we were back to "normal"
How to survive this pandemic
As for you, follow the wealthy fundamentals and put an end to this wave, no matter where you live wearing a facial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.