These states "know an epidemic" COVID variant BA.2

An old head of the FDA says that the actual number of cases is also likely to be under-counted.

Although it has been more than two years since the beginning of the pandemic, it was only a little bit of time, when the number of cases has reached their highest points during the Omicron thrust. However, the lasting decline in cases at national level hasstarted reversing the course Another version of the virus continues to spread. And according to an expert, some states "already experience an epidemic" in the hands of the variant COVID BA.2. Read it to see which areas see infections increase the most at this time.

RELATED:The next wave of Covid will first hit these American states first, experts warn.

States located in the Northeast, the Middle of the Atlantic and Florida "are experiencing an epidemic" subcapture BA.2.

cityscape photo of buildings in downtown Jersey City, New Jersey

During an appearance of April 10th on CBS 'Face the nation,Scott Gottlieb, MD, former Commissioner at the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), was questioned about the current state of the pandemic. He pointed out that, while the national number of cases dropped significantly to nine cases per 100,000 people a day, some areas saw aHuge number of infections because of the last subcondition.

"There is no doubt that we meet an epidemic here in the Northeast, also in the midst of the Atlantic, the regions of Florida as well, which tends to follow the northeast. It is mainly driven by BA .2, "he says, citing this case had increased by 58% in New York, 65% in New Jersey and 89% in Washington, D.C. in the last two weeks.

Managers are probably cases of sub-denunciation as people test at home or jump them completely.

Woman Holding Covid Rapid Test And Waiting For Results At Home

However, Gottlieb suggested that there may be more overvoltage in some states than numbers would mainly indicate for home test increases across the United States. "We probably only pick up one on seven or seven or one on eight infections. Thus, when we say that there are 30,000 infections a day, there is probably closer to a quarter of a million infections. a day. And they are concentrated in the northeast right now. "

Public servants found a significant drop in the number of COVID tests. After reaching a height of 2 million tests a day during the height of the Omicron thrust in January, the national average of seven days hadfell to nearly 586,000 daily tests As of April 7, based on data from US centers for disease control and prevention (CDC).

Some experts believe that it may have to do with theDifferent nature of the last subclasque. "The sweetest symptoms become, less people less likely to test or appear in official counts"David Dowdy, MD, PhD, an epidemiologist of the School of Hopkins Bloomberg Bloomberg, told NBC News.

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Experts believe that there may not be a wave of national case in the coming weeks.

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Despite the tip of infections, Gottlieb remained carefully optimistic about the overall perspective of the future. "The rest of the country looks pretty good right now. And I think the net trajectory is that we are likely to go through this wave Ba.2," he predicted. "It does not matter whether it is regionalized. I do not think it becomes a nationalized epidemic of BA.2. And as we arrive later in the spring, we are likely to see these cases go down, even here in the northeast . "

Other expertsEvaluation of GottLieb echo. During an appearance on the NBCToday View 11 April, White House Response Coordinator Covid-19Ashish jha, MD, also addressed the recent spike in business, saying, "I'm not too worried right now. Case figures increase-Ba.2 - We expected that because we saw that in Europe he A few weeks ago. "

"But the good news is that we take out numbers of infection still very weak," he continued. "Hospitalizations are the lowest they have been throughout the pandemic. So we have to look very carefully, I never like to see rising infections. I think we have to pay attention, but I do not think it's is a moment when we need to be excessively concerned. "

Some senior health officials predict the next major case will happen only in the fall.

Girl with protective mask on face against COVID-19
Zigres / Shutterstock

But even if the United States can avoid a short-term national case picture, a senior official is warned that it may not be a matter of time. In a conversation of April 6 for BloombergBALANCE OF POWERS Podcast, Head of the White House CovidAnthony Fauci, MD, spoke with the hostDavid Westin on theFuture of the pandemicCaution than the fall in cooler temperatures could cause a thrust in cases of COVID.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Experts can examine the history of cold and influenza infections to make informed decisions and predict What to expect in future seasons . But with COVID, which has been part of our lives for more than two years, civil servants always browse "unexplored waters", "said Fauci on the podcast.

"I would think we should expect that we would see an increase in the increase in cases when you arrive in cold weather in the fall," he said. "That's why the [Food and Drug Administration] and their advisory committee meet now to plan a strategy and organize studies on the [National Institutes of Health] to determine what the best boost would be" .

RELATED: Dr. Faisci has just warned all the Americans "must be prepared" for that .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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