USPS gets rid of this service, from January
The agency will no longer offer this to customers of the new year.

We all depend on the American postal service (USPS) forDaily mail delivery, but the agency offers much more than that. Passport requests to collection checks, the USPS provides a variety ofNon -postal products and services To customers in certain places, according to the U.S.GEVERNAL CHEVIEUTIBILITY Office (GAO). But an offer will soon be. The agency has just confirmed that it gets rid of one of its services for customers next year. Read the rest to discover what the postal service abandons, from January.
Read this then:USPS brings these major changes to your deliveries, from January 22.
USPS has abandoned several services in the past year.

The postal service has made many changes in 2022, including what abandons certain services for customers. Back in January this year, theThe agency stopped permanently Sell your priority prepaid mail stamped envelopes after confirming that it would eliminate this shipping option the previous year. Then in July, the USPS announced thatHe had filed plans To get rid of its distinctions on the ground at retail and select the floor by combining the two options for ground expeditions up to 70 pounds in only its first class package service (FCPS).
More recently, the postal service alerted customers that from early September, it would no longer do free simultaneous tests for households at the moment. And the programis always interrupted To November 28. But now a different service provided to USPS customers is on the cutting block.
The agency now plans to end another service soon.

Among the many services that the USPS currently offers, there is the corporate account, otherwise known as USPSCA. This service allows customersTo load and follow Priority Mail Express Express Shipping on a single account, according to the agency. Any customer can request a USPSCA and configure it so that the shipments are pre -funded from "a credit card or using an automated compensation house (ACH)", explains the postal service.
These corporate accounts are generally "Designed for companies who ship large volumes of mail "and can help customers" save money on port rates and distribution services ", according to the abolition of solutions. For example, the USPS offers a reduced price of 5 % on all prices on all international Priority Mail Express shipments for all USPSCAS, whatever the volume. But soon, consumers will no longer be able to count on their corporate accounts and their subsequent discounts.
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The postal service will start to stop USPSCAS in January.

The USPS confirmed in an article of November 21 on its site new daily employees that itWill stop Its USPSCA service next year. According to the announcement, the agency will start closing in January 2023 by closing all inactive accounts. The remaining accounts will be closed permanently on July 1. "The postal service abandons the USPSCA because the use of the service has decreased over the years, while the costs have continued to increase," said the agency.
You will need to pay the balance of your account.

Since corporate accounts are preferred, you must pay your balance before the end of the service. According to the postal service, you can send an email to the agency's broadcast and shipping center (MSSC) to request a refund if you have a balance remaining on your USPSCA.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"The request must include the authorization signed on header paper, the USPSCA number and the name and location of the company," said the USPS. If you have a negative balance on your account, you will also need to contact the MSSC. Customers can send an email to the center to organize payments, but all accounts with a negative balance after July 1 will be sent for collection.
"Customers who use USPSCA as a payment method are encouraged to switch to a payment alternative, such as Click-N-Nhip, electronic verification system, fog, post-port or counter," also added the agency . "Customers must contact their sales account representative, the representative of the commercial service network or their local post office to obtain aid to change their accounts."

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